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16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

16-Bit Artificial Intelligence (4/7)



  1. Dude! Novel idea but how do I set it up. I have the lbtheme selected Switch game startup on Will this only run on older versions of LB ? Cheers in advance
  2. Enjoy it
  3. Not sure why you keep calling them Gimp files. They're just png's Your using Gimp
  4. meecob


    Hey dude. Did you find a fix ?
  5. I got it working once by changing dx11 video plugin to old. Looks bad though
  6. I did this and now MAME GUI is not working. Dies on game selection screen. (Leaves a stuck mouse cursor on screen) Please help I've changed video mode to auto and d3d and still the same. Games run fine though when launched thru LB. mame not working.txt
  7. G'day, I've set this up in Retroarch also but when I load hdi's it quits (after the initial dos screen) Am I doing something wrong ?
  8. That's what I'm wondering too. I have CD's booting no problem. There's 70 gigs worth of CD's available. They need to be bin/cue files in there own folder.
  9. meecob

    send Alt F4

    I just typed a really long winded message and it didn't submit my reply. I doesn't work for me. It just takes me back to windowed mode. Control Q does work fine but I wish to use Escape. The bit where I said "I've tried everything, I literally mean everything" I meant it. Thanks for trying.
  10. meecob

    send Alt F4

    This doesn't work for Yuzu. I've tried everything, I literally mean everything. Hitting escape just goes to windowed mode and then I have to press ctrl+q. Alt f4 does work but I'd like to use escape like all my other platforms. Can't I map ctrl + f4 to escape or ctrl + q ? Cheers my friend
  11. Thanks for the tip
  12. cheers
  13. I got it to work. I skipped using Rom selector and changed the script to: Sleep, 2500 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send !{F12} Return Thanks again.
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