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Everything posted by viajante

  1. Thank you ! Had same issue with LB placing rompath by default. I removed it and now it can run all my chd games.
  2. Looking for clear logos by controller type. Can't find for "ROTARY STICK", "TWIN STICK" and "TWIN STICK + FIRE BUTTON". Appreciate any help on it.
  3. Running the latest version 13.15 and facing the same issue exactly as described. Never had this issue on past versions. Will try the solution above. Hope it fix the problem.
    Great job !
  4. Sharing to all in the forum how to configure rotary sticks in Launchbox using GpWiz40 board from Groovygamegear and its 3rd App Roto-X The image attached shows how was configured. With rotary joysticks and Roto-X app installed and functioning use the following in Launchbox: - In additional app > define Roto-X path - Add the following Command line parameters /ON 10 /OFF 3 /R1 x where x is: 1 > regular 2 way rotary mode ( Ikary Warriors, Cal.50, SNK games, etc) 2 > alternate 4 way rotary mode (Front Line, Tin Star, Sheriff) - Enable > Automatically run before Main Application Do it per game basis. That is all. Now I can run all my favorite rotary games. Launchbox automatically run the App with the correct parameters according to game. I was looking for years for a user friendly Front End that could handle 3rd Apps and its command line w/o need to add manually scripts of any kind. Thank you so much for Launchbox creators and GroovyGameGear.
  5. I have exactly same issue and same screen here. Where can I place my arcade videos to run on Launchbox ? Just a printscreen from folders structure where it is located I think is enough.
  6. When I go to option above only shows me the images options. None of Video options is shown on my screen. I have BigBox full licence. What else I need to enable Metadata video options for download ?
  7. It worked for me on MAME 0.253. The same solution didnt work on MAME0.250. Maybe there is some bug as well. I tricked MAME too. Let it thinks screen 0 is Display 2 and screen1 as Display 1 # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen auto screen0 \\.\DISPLAY2 screen1 \\.\DISPLAY1 The rest of instructions in between thpse above I keept as auto
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