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Everything posted by thewhite

  1. @zealvix It's a good idea, i was not sure to be able to do this, but it's done in the new version. If you set "disc" in the search box and there is 2 or less different character for the first line compared to the second line, it will be considered as the same game and add it in the m3u file.
  2. I agree for disc reconstruction, it will be the best. I ask this because fanart disc for me, it's not a picture of a original disc (custom image) and this case i use the same image on the disc. For me, it's better to get a template for all image (it look nicer in launchbox). I can respect the color, so if original disc is white, i will adjust the template. Other vote for fanart or replace original?
  3. Hi, After done thousand of disc image, cart for DS, PS3, Xbox... I'm working on Atari ST. What do you think to replace all disc image with a template, it could be like this; Left = original, right = template Or i'm better to upload like a fanart disc?
  4. I'm done with the french translation. French.zip
  5. I'm not sure if is the right place, but how we disable the rounded corner (front box) on the default theme 13.6? There is a option in launchbox or we need to edit a file?
  6. I'm almost done with the French translation but I have these terms that can have multiple meanings and/or I'm not sure which term to use. Can you tell me where these texts are to put the right term? LabelFlags -> is it like "report" or flag of a country? LabelSpine -> i know it's the side of box, but i don't know which term to use. Is it ok to translate as "side"? IndicatorPaddleSupport -> what is this device? LabelUseBlownUpBoxArt -> where is it? LabelCustomEmulatorRomPathKey -> where is it? LabelPlain -> like "simple" or "normal"? LabelClear -> like "empty" or "transparent" If there is other french people, how you translate these; Boxes Grid View Settings Overdump Storefront Choose this option if you want LaunchBox to automatically get you up and running playing your games.
  7. Hi, I want to translate some new text added in the last version of launchbox for french. I downloaded the file from first message, but in the "Strings.fr-FR.resx" we don't have the new label like "LabelRelatedGames", but it's in the english file "Strings.resx". Do we need to add new tag for the missing one? There is a way to compare or something like that to know which text are not translated in french? UPDATE I found the way to compare missing text from english to french by using visual studio and ResXmanager tool.
  8. 13.6 i get a error "Width and Height must be non-negative." every time i exit the edit menu of a game (save or cancel). I try 2 platform switch from french to english, run the setup again in the same folder, reboot... The send report window freeze and close after few seconds. *********** UPDATE *********** It crash only if "game details" (ctrl+T) are hidden. So i suppose it's not only me can have this problem. error.txt
  9. I tries the recommended option and the first one (replace all existing)... I still have the issue. All ps2 games have this problem, i have selected 600 games and nothing were downloaded. I done more test; I've tries same things with xbox and it works. On ps2, downloading multiple games image from launchbox database works. Downloading multiple games image on emumovies other than disc, works (i tries clear logo). So i only have a problem to download multiple images from emumovies only for ps2 disc. 🤪 *********** update ********* I installed a new launchbox with only my xml platform for PS2, and i am able to download all disc. Maybe i can overwrite image from this setup to my current...
  10. Hi, When i use the Audit Game to download media for few game, the search for emumovie don't find/download ps2 disc. I selected "cart - front", "compact disc" and "floppy Disk". If i edit only one game, it found "floppy disc" and download it. I'm using launchbox 13.3.
  11. I don't have the NAS, maybe i can share file from my pc and test the speed on the other pc, it should be similar as a NAS.
  12. Hi, Do you think it's a good idea to put all games on a NAS (4 bay) without raid instead of local drive as my computer is pretty full (i have more drive than bay)? I'm thinking about the speed, does it will be fast enough for ps3, x360 or switch games? All my computer are connected with a cat6 network cable and also the NAS. I will have a backup on offline hard drive. I think it will be the same things as a local hard drive, don't really go over 100MB/s.
  13. Currently, i upload a lot of DS cart that are missing or that have a bad quality with this template.
  14. Personally, i use the shader "presets\scalefx+rAA+aa-fast" for all system with low resolution and or with core that can't upscale to 1080p. Original vs Scalefx for snes. Original vs Scalefx for dreamcast, the line are slightly better but good luck to see the difference (upscale to 1080p). Original vs Scalefx for 3do.
  15. The difference is so small that i understand why it has been deleted. This is not a game like "spot the difference". If someone has this game, who care to have pictures 1 and 2. Personnally, i prefer the second for less dark. It's my opinion, i don't do moderation, but i send a lot of image.
  16. For the filename; Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The Graphic Adventure_Disk9 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - The Graphic Adventure_Disk10 It doesn't work because the length are not the same. "Disk9" should be "Disk09" to work.
  17. No, it will take too much time to rewrite the code in batch file as i don't know well this code.
  18. I don't see what can go wrong, my code compare line 1 with 2, then 2 with 3... Maybe the filename are not correct in the file 1list.txt. Can you try with only one game that have more than ten files, put them in a folder, does it works? If not, can you give me the filename, so i can test on my side?
  19. Ok, i fixed the code, if the maximum are incorrectly calculated for the progress bar, i set to 0. I don't know why i didn't get this error in during my test. I updated the file, does it works now for you? I have done a small test with games in games folder, it works in my test.
  20. Does it work by selecting only one platform? Do you have special character in source or target? Does your game are the in launchbox folder (i do not try this as my game are in another drive)?
  21. A simple banner for VR game.
  22. Thanks, this work well, it also fix a bug with my coverflow line, sometimes the back box was not loaded.
  23. Ok, i finally found how to get a bigger image by adding a negative margin; <coverFlow:FlowModel Grid.Row="1" Margin="-250,100,-250,0" DataContext="{Binding ActiveGame}" RotationAxis="0.2,1,0" RotationAngle="0" CanManuallyRotate="True"> </coverFlow:FlowModel> As my theme is lock on full hd resolution, it's ok. I still not able to see how to only allow rotation on left/right? Is it possible?
  24. After few tries i was able to add the 3d box by replacing this; <Image Grid.Row="1" Margin="0" Source="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.FrontImagePath}" VerticalAlignment="Top" /> by <coverFlow:FlowModel Grid.Row="1" Margin="0" DataContext="{Binding ActiveGame}" RotationAxis="0.2,1,0" RotationAngle="25" CanManuallyRotate="True"> </coverFlow:FlowModel> But how can i get a bigger 3d box and how to only allow rotation on left/right?
  25. Hi, There is a simple way to add the new function of v13 (rotating box) to my old custom theme? I want to change the front box for the 3d model that we can rotate. I thought that i only need to change this line; "<Image Grid.Row="1" Margin="0" Source="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.FrontImagePath}" VerticalAlignment="Top" />" for something else, but it's more complicated. I'm not a expert, so i don't understand where to put the coverFlow:FlowModel... I have done a lot of back box upload for missing games, i want to see it in action in bigbox with my theme TextGamesView.xaml
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