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Integrum Retro

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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Incredible collection that still stands today! Any possibility of adding a Vertical Games and Twinstick game theme videos?
  2. Just wanted to share a tutorial video on how I imported 16,500+ comics into Launchbox and used Wallview to make them all look beautiful. I am archiving all my custom wheel art which I'll share once I clean up the archive file for download.
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  3. @DOS76 Do you have any recommended BB themes to display multiple covers like you get in LB? Also, thanks for sharing your XML, I manually imported 16,000 comics, created platform categories and play lists for every major title. Took 2 months. I can certainly appreciate your dedication to this as well. ? (But, did you go so far as to convert every single one to .webp format so you could save on drive space? Yeah.. half way done with that myself)
  4. I imported 16,000+ comics in LB, but I put the major characters "Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four... ect" into platform categories and the various series into playlists all under a category of comics. This way I can filter BigBox by categories and comics comes up once and doesn't compete with other arcade categories. Curious though, do you have any intro videos for the major titles? My BigBox theme just has blank videos when I scroll by. Also, I saw you had some wheel art for some titles is that something you could share? (I've already extracted all the covers) Final question, do you know any good BigBox themes for displaying and quickly sorting through hundreds of titles while displaying the covers?
  5. This is perfect! So follow up to this, how would I assign multiple keys? Now that I have 'ESC' for the keyboard, how about say Button11 on my controller as well?
  6. When I hit "esc" while running a Sega Model 2 game from LB, it shrinks the game to window'd mode, but I'd like it to "exit" the emulator like all other emulators launched from LB. Anyone have any tricks on how they can one-button quit a Sega Model 2 game once launched from LB or BigBox?
  7. So in testing if LB can launch mame_libretro.dll for No-Intro files, you have to specify the system and sometimes the "-cart" command which you can do with the emulators "additional parameters" but with mame_libretro.dll it doesn't quite work. LB can send an emulator a rom file directory path in full quotes (which is great for file names or directories with spaces), but is there a way I can get it to 'escape' the quotes so I can do this? Ex. Will NOT load (this is what LB would send retroarch) retroarch.exe -L .\cores\mame_libretro.dll intv -cart "d:\arcade\Mattel_Intellivision\roms\Astrosmash (World).zip" This DOES load retroarch.exe -L .\cores\mame_libretro.dll "intv -cart \"d:\arcade\Mattel_Intellivision\roms\Astrosmash (World).zip\"" I tried doing the following (and many other combinations) to no avail: Instead of using LB extra emulator parameters, I can just put the parameters and rom directory/name in a file and have LB launch that. C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Retroarch>type test.cmd intv -cart "d:\arcade\Mattel_Intellivision\roms\Astrosmash (World).zip" And it boots up fine, but if I'd like to find an elegant way to pass the parameters to LB (which in this case seems to be escaping %romfile% if it's output in quotes. C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Retroarch>retroarch -L .\cores\mame_libretro.dll test.cmd C:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Retroarch>Error opening translation file English Adding monitor screen0 (640 x 480) a:1.333333 Invalid video value opengl; reverting to software resize-it 1.333333 resize-it 1.333333 RETRO DEINIT retro_finish begin Average speed: 100.12% (1 seconds) retro exit machine retro_finish end
  8. Well that's not very intuitive is it (scrolling past the alphabetical list of options to click on a field to add whereas the rest of the interface has interactive buttons to add fields)? ? However, TYVM for pointing that out! I certainly won't forget now and my games are launching as expected! You are a huge time saver, thanks for taking the time to help me out, it's greatly appreciated!
  9. It doesn't appear there is any option to "add a platform" under the Edit Emulator Screen. There is only that option on the "Manage Platforms" screen, and the issue is, it's already there. So how does one add a platform association when the option to add one isn't available on the Edit Emulator screen?
  10. TL;DR How can I manually add a platform association for NEC Turbografx-CD to Launchbox? Hi, I have a fully imported set of games for NEC Turbografx-CD with Retroarch as the default emulator. I can load these games via retroarch.exe directly, but nothing happens with Launchbox (I'm testing on a Adams Family.CHD I made since Retroarch only compresses the first file in a .7zip file, so I know that problem is fixed) What I've narrowed it down to is possibly Launchbox isn't calling the right core because there is no platform association for NEC Turbografx-CD in the Platform Association settings? As you can see from the attached image, Launchbox isn't associating the NEC Turbografx-CD with my chosen emulator, Retroarch. (I've confirmed it hasn't been associated with any other configured emulator as well).
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