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Everything posted by superrob3000

  1. CustomField elements get added to Data/Platforms/<platform_name>.xml
  2. From what I saw when writing the plugin, LB treats multiple images in rom name format the same as multiple images in game name format for the most part. For example, any mix of <game_name>-[0-9]+ and <rom_name>-[0-9]+ works fine.
  3. As far as I know it just makes searches for files slower. It's not something I'm concerned about on my arcade and the search index service was definitely what was causing the issue for me when trying to launch BigBox as soon as the OS booted.
  4. Try disabling the Windows Search Indexer. That worked for me when I recently started seeing this issue. It hasn't happened since.
  5. @5thWolf Another good option is Borderless Gaming. It works well for this type of case where there's no command line option to go full screen. Install and open it, Select Options->Run At Startup. Launch the game. Then in Borderless Gaming select the game from the list of open applications and hit the right arrow to move it to your favorites. From then on the game should launch in full screen mode. https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases/download/9.5.6/BorderlessGaming9.5.6_admin_setup.exe
  6. Are you referring to what the ThirdScreen settings menu lists as the resolution for the monitors? It's just reporting what Windows tells it, and I think the numbers might be different depending on what dpi settings you have. As long as it's actually working correctly I wouldn't worry about it. So are the game and marquee(s) all ok while playing the game, but then BigBox jumps to a different screen when you exit?
  7. @derekpacoAlt I'm glad it's working for you and thanks for sharing those details. I've updated the instructions with the missing Run command. Also, if you are using the Stream Deck Advanced Launcher and want to remove the AHK step altogether, you could point the Stream Deck shortcut to CLI_Launcher.exe and pass in the correct arguments.
  8. The ThirdScreen plugin has a fix for your marquee shifting when opening certain games. If you want to try it out just search for "ThirdScreen".
  9. I think you already found this (and hopefully it worked for you), but for anyone else looking for the answer you can launch games or navigate to platforms/playlists from Stream Deck using the CLI Launcher plugin:
  10. Hi @drady. Yeah, I'm aware that ThirdScreen is not working with Game Discovery Center. It would take an update from the LaunchBox devs to make it fully compatible with plugins. @C-Beats SelectionChanged system events are not firing when in the Game Discovery Center. This breaks a few plugins.
  11. Any chance we can get SelectionChanged system events to fire when in the Game Discovery Center (for plugin devs)?
  12. Sure, no problem. Let's work through it and then I'll update the instructions to be more clear. First off, you have to have both AutoHotKey and the Stream Deck App installed, but it sounds like you've done that already. Then create a one-line text file with extension ahk using the command you want from the instructions (replace anything in brackets with the correct value). Now close the script file, right click it, and choose "compile script". That should give you an executable file. Open the Stream Deck app and in the GUI drag the "open" action (the rocket ship icon) onto the button you want to use. Now on the App/File line, click the "Select a file" button. Select the executable file that you created above. At that point you should be able to press the Stream Deck button to run the command.
  13. There have been a few posts about crashes or running out of memory when running for a long time, but not everyone has those issues and I guess it's a hard thing to recreate and track down. In any case, after setting up this plugin on my own arcade I've been able to run it 24/7 for the last year without any issues. Prior to that I could only go a couple of days at most. The plugin closes BigBox and tells Windows to do the reboot. Windows handles gracefully shutting down any other open applications.
  14. You can grab the latest version (3.0.2). It no longer requires the include with platforms setting for a playlist to show up in the platform/playlist video marquee management tool.
  15. @Qcthakidd In LaunchBox, right click on the playlist, choose edit, then in the lower left corner make sure "Include this Playlist with Platforms" is checked.
  16. @artiss You can do this now using the CLI Launcher plugin. The AHK script to launch the game through LB/BB would just be a single line: Run, "LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "<platform_name>" "<game_name>"
  17. CLI Launcher - LaunchBox Command Line Interface for launching games directly from Stream Deck View File This plugin adds a command line interface to LaunchBox/BigBox for launching games via Stream Deck or having platform and playlist shortcuts. Marquee(s)* and LEDBlinky get updated automatically. Launching games on a remote PC is also supported. *All Marquees will be updated when using either LaunchBox or BigBox if you are using the ThirdScreen Plugin. If you're using the default BigBox marquee handling, then your single marquee will be updated when using BigBox only. Installation: *** Before installing, if you are using the ThirdScreen plugin please make sure you are using the latest version. Download CLI_Launcher.zip to your PC. Right click on the zip file and extract all files. Close LaunchBox/BigBox and copy the Plugins and ThirdParty folders to your LaunchBox directory. Usage (simple game shortcuts): Right click on a game in LaunchBox and choose "CLI Launcher->Create Windows Shortcut". A dialogue will open to allow you to choose the name and location of the game shortcut. When ready, click "Save" to create the shortcut. To create windows shortcuts for a batch of games at once: Select multiple games, right-click and choose "CLI Launcher->Create Windows Shortcuts". Usage (advanced shortcuts and Stream Deck): The currently supported commands are listed below. These can be run from a Stream Deck, from AHK scripts, or directly from the command line. To run a command from a Stream Deck, open the Stream Deck app and drag the Open action onto one of your buttons. Then on the App/File line, enter the commands as shown below including any required parameters. For example: Game Shortcuts (launch command): (works with both LaunchBox and BigBox) "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "<platform_name>" "<game_name>" For example, to launch Street Fighter Alpha 2 from the Arcade platform: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "arcade" "Street Fighter Alpha 2" New in v7.0.0 (launch_by_id command): To launch a game using its game id instead of platform name/game title you can use the launch_by_id command. For example: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch_by_id "1e48ac15-55e2-47f7-a33e-486451a16def" New in v7.0.3 (launch_by_db_id command): To launch a game using its database id instead of platform name/game title you can use the launch_by_db_id command. For example: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch_by_db_id "2532" New in v8.0.1: The option "-t=num_minutes" can be passed to the launch commands. The game will be launched and then automatically closed after the specified number of minutes. By default it will attempt to use the ESC key to exit the game, but for games where that won't work (e.g Windows games) then you can also pass "-altf4" to tell it to use Alt-F4 to exit instead. Platform Shortcuts (platform command): (added in v2.0.0 - only works with BigBox) "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" platform "<platform_name>" For example, to navigate to the Arcade platform in BigBox: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" platform "arcade" New in v8.0.1: The option "-all" can be passed to the platform command instead of a specific platform. This will take you to the platform/playlist root menu. Playlist Shortcuts (playlist command): (added in v2.0.0 - only works with BigBox) Run, "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" playlist "<playlist_name>" For example, to navigate to the favorites playlist in BigBox: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" playlist "favorites" Open Manual for Currently Selected Game (manual command): (added in v8.0.2 - works with BigBox and LaunchBox) Run, "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" manual For example, to open the manual for the currently selected game: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" manual Remote commands: To run a command on a different PC that has the plugin installed and is running LaunchBox or BigBox just add "remote_ip=<ip_of_remote_pc>". For example, to launch a game on a different PC with IP "CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "arcade" "Street Fighter Alpha 2" "remote_ip=" FAQs: Q. What if neither LaunchBox nor BigBox are open when the script runs? A. The command will get ignored if LaunchBox or BigBox is not open. As of version 8.0.0 you'll also get an error message when trying to run shortcuts without LaunchBox or BigBox being open. Q. What if a game is already open when the script runs? A. The command will just get ignored if a game is already open. Q. Why not just launch the emulator and/or game directly from the Stream Deck or script? A. Using CLI Launcher is much simpler and leverages all the work you've already done in setting up LaunchBox to properly launch the game. Also, if you were to run the emulator and/or game directly from a script, your Marquee(s) and LEDBlinky would not get updated for the game. Q. Instead of manually entering the command for a Stream Deck button, can I use the "Create Windows Shortcut" game menu item and then just point Stream Deck to that shortcut? A. Yes, but... Elgato's Stream Deck app has a quirk where if you use the file selector button to select a shortcut, it will jump straight to the executable that the shortcut points to and it will ignore any parameters that the shortcut was passing in. So to get it to work with a shortcut you have to just type out the full path to the shortcut (including the .lnk extension) on the App/File line instead of using the file selector button. Q. If I want to use remote commands, which port do I need to ensure is open? A. If you are having trouble with remote commands, ensure port 0xb0b0 is open in Windows Firewall on the remote PC. Q. Why would anyone want to launch a game on a remote PC? A. Dunno... but you can now. Submitter superrob3000 Submitted 12/05/2023 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  18. Version 9.0.0


    This plugin adds a command line interface to LaunchBox/BigBox for launching games via Stream Deck or having platform and playlist shortcuts. Marquee(s)* and LEDBlinky get updated automatically. Launching games on a remote PC is also supported. *All Marquees will be updated when using either LaunchBox or BigBox if you are using the ThirdScreen Plugin. If you're using the default BigBox marquee handling, then your single marquee will be updated when using BigBox only. Installation: *** Before installing, if you are using the ThirdScreen plugin please make sure you are using the latest version. Download CLI_Launcher.zip to your PC. Right click on the zip file and extract all files. Close LaunchBox/BigBox and copy the Plugins and ThirdParty folders to your LaunchBox directory. Usage (simple game shortcuts): Right click on a game in LaunchBox and choose "CLI Launcher->Create Windows Shortcut". A dialogue will open to allow you to choose the name and location of the game shortcut. When ready, click "Save" to create the shortcut. To create windows shortcuts for a batch of games at once: Select multiple games, right-click and choose "CLI Launcher->Create Windows Shortcuts". Usage (advanced shortcuts and Stream Deck): The currently supported commands are listed below. These can be run from a Stream Deck, from AHK scripts, or directly from the command line. To run a command from a Stream Deck, open the Stream Deck app and drag the Open action onto one of your buttons. Then on the App/File line, enter the commands as shown below including any required parameters. For example: Game Shortcuts (launch command): (works with both LaunchBox and BigBox) "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "<platform_name>" "<game_name>" For example, to launch Street Fighter Alpha 2 from the Arcade platform: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "arcade" "Street Fighter Alpha 2" New in v7.0.0 (launch_by_id command): To launch a game using its game id instead of platform name/game title you can use the launch_by_id command. For example: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch_by_id "1e48ac15-55e2-47f7-a33e-486451a16def" New in v7.0.3 (launch_by_db_id command): To launch a game using its database id instead of platform name/game title you can use the launch_by_db_id command. For example: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" launch_by_db_id "2532" New in v8.0.1: The option "-t=num_minutes" can be passed to the launch commands. The game will be launched and then automatically closed after the specified number of minutes. By default it will attempt to use the ESC key to exit the game, but for games where that won't work (e.g Windows games) then you can also pass "-altf4" to tell it to use Alt-F4 to exit instead. Platform Shortcuts (platform command): (added in v2.0.0 - only works with BigBox) "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" platform "<platform_name>" For example, to navigate to the Arcade platform in BigBox: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" platform "arcade" New in v8.0.1: The option "-all" can be passed to the platform command instead of a specific platform. This will take you to the platform/playlist root menu. Playlist Shortcuts (playlist command): (added in v2.0.0 - only works with BigBox) Run, "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" playlist "<playlist_name>" For example, to navigate to the favorites playlist in BigBox: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" playlist "favorites" Open Manual for Currently Selected Game (manual command): (added in v8.0.2 - works with BigBox and LaunchBox) Run, "<path_to_launchbox>\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" manual For example, to open the manual for the currently selected game: "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\CLI_Launcher\CLI_Launcher.exe" manual Remote commands: To run a command on a different PC that has the plugin installed and is running LaunchBox or BigBox just add "remote_ip=<ip_of_remote_pc>". For example, to launch a game on a different PC with IP "CLI_Launcher.exe" launch "arcade" "Street Fighter Alpha 2" "remote_ip=" FAQs: Q. What if neither LaunchBox nor BigBox are open when the script runs? A. The command will get ignored if LaunchBox or BigBox is not open. As of version 8.0.0 you'll also get an error message when trying to run shortcuts without LaunchBox or BigBox being open. Q. What if a game is already open when the script runs? A. The command will just get ignored if a game is already open. Q. Why not just launch the emulator and/or game directly from the Stream Deck or script? A. Using CLI Launcher is much simpler and leverages all the work you've already done in setting up LaunchBox to properly launch the game. Also, if you were to run the emulator and/or game directly from a script, your Marquee(s) and LEDBlinky would not get updated for the game. Q. Instead of manually entering the command for a Stream Deck button, can I use the "Create Windows Shortcut" game menu item and then just point Stream Deck to that shortcut? A. Yes, but... Elgato's Stream Deck app has a quirk where if you use the file selector button to select a shortcut, it will jump straight to the executable that the shortcut points to and it will ignore any parameters that the shortcut was passing in. So to get it to work with a shortcut you have to just type out the full path to the shortcut (including the .lnk extension) on the App/File line instead of using the file selector button. Q. If I want to use remote commands, which port do I need to ensure is open? A. If you are having trouble with remote commands, ensure port 0xb0b0 is open in Windows Firewall on the remote PC. Q. Why would anyone want to launch a game on a remote PC? A. Dunno... but you can now.
  19. My guess is that it should work fine on windows 7 but I've never tested it. However it will most likely crash at startup if you try to use it with Launchbox 9.7. It relies on some things (like rotating 3d box models for example) that weren't available in Launchbox back then.
  20. v3.0.0 is now available. @izzishor if you click the gear icon in the upper right, there is now an option to disable the check for a BigBox main screen conflict which was causing you trouble.
  21. Ah, I see. That won't be possible with thirdscreen. It will only work if you launch the game from launchbox or bigbox. (Edit 12/17/2023: You can now use my "CLI Launcher" plugin to add stream deck shortcuts that launch games directly through LaunchBox/BigBox instead of RocketLauncher. ThirdScreen marquees and LED Blinky will get updated automatically.)
  22. No scripts needed. Just follow the directions on the file description page. There is a GUI to add your additional screens and choose which art you want to display on each one.
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