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Everything posted by Mainiack

    Thanks alot for making this @JoeViking245! I just stumbled across this while glancing over the forum activity and I've been wanting to see the history xml accessible for along time. When I first found Mame about 2003 the history info was very interesting and helpful to me so I'm enjoying have access to it again easily thru launchbox. I appreciate your knowledge,ability and service to the community.
  1. Thank you @skizzosjt and @C-Beats it turns out 1 of the Gameplay images from LB DB shows a blank image.
  2. When i click on Mario Golf Super Rush In Nintendo Switch Platform to show game details Launchbox keeps crashing. i'm on version 12.7 premium. It happened everytime this game was selected. I reinstalled 12.7 hoping that would fix it but continue to get the same error. If anyone has a solution i would be grateful. Thanks
  3. Thanks @JoeViking245 I appreciate your help. I tried it but it didnt work unfortunately. i found mention in searching across the web that if i use gpuDX11 instead of "old gpuDX11" video plugin that the mouse cursor would hide automatically in fullscreen. It hides the cursor a few seconds after the game loads so I deleted nomousy.
  4. I have 2 scripts that i'm trying to use for demul hikaru. the 1st 1 works fine to go full screen but the 2nd 1 should hide the mouse curser and i cant get it to work. Using NoMousy.exe. I want to hide the curser when i start a game and and have it reappear when the game is closed. Thanks for looking Sleep, 9500 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send !{Enter} Return Run, E:\Testing\LaunchBoxTester (Current Version)\Emulators\Hikaru Demul w Roms\nomousy.exe /hide $Esc:: { Run, E:\Testing\LaunchBoxTester (Current Version)\Emulators\Hikaru Demul w Roms\nomousy.exe Process, Close, demul.exe }
  5. I'm currently using Launchbox 12.7 with an expired regular license, meaning no more updates. I do use the premium features of LB/BB such as Pause Themes and Bigbox etc. The issue I experienced began when I imported Laika: Aged Through Blood to the windows platform successfully but was unable to scrape media for it. It is listed on the LB Database but LB would crash repeatedly when searching for Metadata even using copy/paste the game name from the database listing saying, "Object reference not set to an instance." I searched the forum and found similar issues and the common solution that always worked was to Force Update Games Metadata Database, which i did, sometimes it wouldn't crash, sometimes it would just say game couldn't be found. Since i knew the game was in the Database and on the platform i persisted. i deleted the game, closed launchbox. Restored data backup reinstalled game .. made no difference. so i went to updates folder and reinstalled my 12.7 version think maybe it was corrupt and Imported game again but still got same error and when it didnt error it showed game not found. I then download free version 13.11 and imported the game and it immediately scraped and found the ID#. So i removed my premium license from my 12.7 folder and installed free 13.11 overtop of 12.7. Imported the game and it scraped perfectly. So I reinstalled my 12.7 from Update folder and put my license back in the folder to get my premium features back. I solved my problem but i wonder if maybe the Launchbox Team should know about this because i don't know if its an issue on version 12.7 or if its an issue with the database.
  6. Here is his newer version. i'm currently using it. I can't offer anything on this older version your using as i never tried it.https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/3926-sega-model-2-emulator-everything-pre-configured-inc-controls-for-pc-controller-mouse-light-guns-test-menus-configured-analogue-inputs-calibrated-free-play-all-games-in-english-2-player-mouse-support-no-screen-flash/
  7. Here are my settings for Yuzu EA, I don't have any troubles like your talking about. Might try matching what i have.
    This is fantastic! i'm gonna use all your setups Warped Polygon. I wonder if you left out Virtua Golf/Dynamic Golf by design or if it was a slip? I was hoping you had done your magic with it as well.
  8. There is no such guide to find. The dolphin bar is for the gamecube & wii emulator Dolphin.
  9. Thanks for sharing this. I prefer the quality & consistency too.
  10. Sega Model 2 Emulator is working for me...here are my settings, maybe it can help.
  11. when you delete the games from launchbox it will ask if you want to keep the additional files ..you can say yes or no> yes it will delete them and you can download them again after importing the cue files or no and it will keep them and assign them to the new imports.
  12. The easy way is to select a psx game in launchbox, hit ctrl+a to select all then right click and choose delete. Then import the cue files to launchbox as the bin fles are for the emulators use. Should take no more than a few minutes at the most.
  13. didn't intend to offend just sharing info in case others are looking for that Game Manual Function
  14. ok moved it to lb themes folder in views and got the color change and file and region shift but no option on manual after notes or anywhere else on 12.7
  15. i dropped your xaml file into the data folder since thats where ive seen other xaml fles..is that correct?
  16. Realized im on 12.7 version, forgot it expired, maybe this works on newer versions.
  17. i have manuals for the games. available by right clicking game >media> show manual ?
  18. the game manual is not showing instead i get wiki links and youtube links but no local manual option
  19. I have failed to do my homework and went straight to work with this plugin and It worked just as stated and completed my sega cd set of 136 games in about 3 hours with a somewhat elderly and low end when new 2013 cpu (amd fx-6350) but i failed to check chd compatibility with either emulator i use ( kega fusion or retroarch with genesis plus gx core) so i i have screwed up. The question for the moment is, Is there away to return the game application path back to the original cue files or should i just delete from launchbox and reimport? NEXT TIME, i will look both ways before crossing the street lol btw 63.5GB down to 31.1GB edit...I had no bios setup for retroarch genesis plus gx core ..this core is compatible with chd. my error.
  20. This is a great plugin idea, in fact it is such a great idea that it has reminded me that i still need to convert the bin and cues for 3 more platforms. This plugin will make that process much easier!
  21. Dolphin doesn't do zip files even if you check extract first. You will need to unzip them and then import the iso's.
  22. I have no idea what a 1510 super gpu is (mistyped perhaps?) but with a 5600xt and ryzen 3600 you can emulate all the consoles that are currently emulated. As far as hdd size that all depends on exactly which consoles you choose to emulate and if you want to have every game for each console including japanese and european and other regions. i have a 4TB hdd which is larger than i need but others have way larger hdds and many more of them. Start setting it up you can always add more storage later if you need it.
  23. I could use a solution to an issue regarding resizing the Tools>Options window. I have windows 10 custom scaling set so that im able to see and read the screen from my recliner but i am unable to drag to resize the window that Tools>Options brings up. The OK and Cancel buttons are just out of reach at the bottom of the screen. The resize arrows show when i go to the corners of that window but they are not functional. Current solution is to go to windows settings>System>Display>Scale and layout>Advance Scaling> lower to 100%>Apply>Sign out>Sign in to make necessary changes. Then do it all again to enlarge scaling to continue normal use. Thanks
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