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Everything posted by Camaxide

  1. This happens for me as well with multiple games. It is a rare thing to happen, but does so now and then.. I believe I solved it once by renaming and reimporting the rom going as a different app, but I'd really like to know what is causing it since I'd prefer to keep the original rom name
  2. hm.. though that makes no sense from a Doom/wad perspective.. saves are handled natively within gzdoom/doom so it should not be a problem. I think it's the command line that is the key to make it work well, it needs to simply to -wad 'megawad' or any wad for that matter - but I haven't tried it myself yet. I'll likely look at it once I get the retro games done Because it seem very nice to be able to list my Doom wads with info and art in a simple to use manner rather than using ZDL like I do today - which is all text gui
  3. What was the solution?
    I absolutely love this Theme. It looks very good and arcady. It is beautiful and minimalistic in a way. Not much clutter, but the right amount of info neatly put together. It also feels different from the majority of Themes. Very well done
  4. Not sure what I do wrong, I've tried renaming all system back to default naming and even reset my bigbox settings file - but on the platform view it still shows all black background - no graphics loads.. On the right hand side is the correct but original graphics - but nothing else. I did not manually copy the theme into default though - I swap between the themes within BigBox with the 'change theme' function.
  5. Sorry for asking a likely silly question, how do I install the Fanart pack..? It contains a lot of zipped files which I have no idea where to extract to.
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