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Everything posted by linux

  1. Thanks for this write up! I never could get this work before I got your post. This worked well for me for the few windows-based titles that I had issues with!! This is the best solution without using keyboard bindings etc. Thanks again!
  2. JayJay, I only have one PC game that causes this issue for me in my collection. I have tried focus scripts you prepared and unable to get focus without a mouse click upon game closure. I even tried a different approach by using windows task scheduler to run your script when that program terminates. When running the script manually, it works fine. Same with with windows task manually. I can't seem to figure out why the trigger I setup isn't working. That said, it would be nice if any of the scripts you wrote would just launch at the close of this game alone. I tried using the latest download you have here which have options to right click and add paths etc.. That felt more promising but I am still facing this issue in BigBox upon closing this one game every time. Not to revive such an old thread, but if you have any guidance I would appreciate it.
  3. Hello, Sorry to revive a 1.5 year old thread I had a similar issue but haven't been able to resolve it on my own using the suggestions above. For me Big Box and RetroArch have identified the monitor index of my displays incorrectly whenever I attach monitors with different resolutions and the problems get worse from there. Nothing I changed worked while my 1080p monitor was connected along with the three other 4k monitors I have. Ultimately what solved the black screen, only audio problem along with BB window not being in full screen for me was found in the windows registry.. I've shared a link below to help others incase they stumble on this thread as this was closest to what problem I was having and lead me to the solution. Though the solution mentions Nvidia shield below, I don't own it and it worked for me for all my streaming devices as they all had the same problem. (iPhone, iPad, TV's, fire tv cube, fire tv stick, apple TV) Fix: NVidia Shield (Moonlight) selecting the wrong Monitor – Lighthouse (thecloudiest.com)
  4. Good to know, just a random image I found online when searching for all time favorite PS3 characters. 🥱
  5. Nintendo Switch HD Platform Video View File Hi all, Sharing a remixed HD Nintendo switch platform video I made today to replace the free one I found available with BB. Enjoy! Submitter linux Submitted 12/05/2023 Category Platform Theme Videos  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Hi all, Sharing a remixed HD Nintendo switch platform video I made today to replace the free one I found available with BB. Enjoy!
  7. PS3 HD Platform Video View File This is an HD PS3 platform video I made today to replace the default. Enjoy! Submitter linux Submitted 12/05/2023 Category Platform Theme Videos  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is an HD PS3 platform video I made today to replace the default. Enjoy!
  9. Switch BigBox_V1 View File Hi all, Sharing a remixed HD Nintendo switch platform video to replace the free one I found available with BB. Enjoy! Submitter linux Submitted 12/05/2023 Category Startup Videos  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Hi all, Sharing a remixed HD Nintendo switch platform video to replace the free one I found available with BB. Enjoy!
  11. This took me way too long to find so I hope posting this here helps another lost soul. --fullscreen --no-gui
  12. This solution works well, thanks for posting it. While it works, I do notice that the Yuzu main windows (which has all the games listed) opens momentarily before the full screen game actually loads. Is there any way to hide that for a cleaner load? I tried the options like hide all windows, agressively... , etc within Launchbox but they didn't seem to do the trick. For RPCS3, I don't face this issue with the default command line paraments --no-gui Is there something like that for Yuzu? Additionally, I'd request some help on launching RPCS3 games in full screen mode. I'll dig into the emulator settings some more in the mean time as its probably something I may have missed. So far the games launch maximized in a window and I need to press alt + enter to actually enter full screen mode. Thank you for your help.
  13. @Suhrvivor, simple enough, thanks for the feedback! Shared the new file and it turned out to be about half the size. I just use after effects, would handbrake further reduce the size without sacrificing quality?
  14. Windows Platform Theme 4k View File Attached is another platform theme video for Windows games to compliment the earlier video I made for N64. Link to the earlier video below: The format is also for widescreen 4k. Hope someone else likes or uses it. Some screenshots below also. Submitter linux Submitted 07/27/2023 Category Platform Theme Videos  
  15. Version 1.0.1


    Attached is another platform theme video for Windows games to compliment the earlier video I made for N64. Link to the earlier video below: The format is also for widescreen 4k. Hope someone else likes or uses it. Some screenshots below also.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Attached my first platform theme video for Nintendo 64. I really like the theme videos that came with BigBox except for N64, Arcade and Windows platforms so I made this one as a start. The controller icons to the left of the demo videos(center) represent the number of controllers/players. I am thinking of making a few more so all the platforms have the same theme apart from the original company logo that I want to play first.. The format is for widescreen 4k since that is the norm these days. Hope someone else likes or uses it.
  17. N64 Platform Video - 4K View File Attached my first platform theme video for Nintendo 64. I really like the theme videos that came with BigBox except for N64, Arcade and Windows platforms so I made this one as a start. The controller icons to the left of the demo videos(center) represent the number of controllers/players. I am thinking of making a few more so all the platforms have the same theme apart from the original company logo that I want to play first.. The format is for widescreen 4k since that is the norm these days. Hope someone else likes or uses it. Submitter linux Submitted 07/25/2023 Category Platform Theme Videos  
  18. Can't believe I didn't check that, thank you!!
  19. The RetroFresh themse seems to be the exact same thing for the platform screen anyways, and removes the information I didn't want....incase anyone else wanted to know.
  20. Ok, thank you for your reply. Let me see if I can find the developer and ask for help. Looks silly duplicating the information since a giant logo representing the system is there already.
  21. Hello, I've searched through the general and theme specific options but was unable to find a way to remove the following information from the platform selection screen. I am using the CoverBox theme in BigBox also.
  22. How do I remove this rom titles from popping up just before a game launches? The screen I am talking about is as follows: 20230725_183139684_iOS.heic
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