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Everything posted by jackotz91

  1. Thank you so much I will try
  2. Hello Guys, I'm using "CriticalZone v2 - BlueBox" theme for BigBox how can I remove the Descriptions/Details box and text from the screen? the ones here in the pictures. Hope you can help me thank you very very much in advance :). Fabri
  3. hello guys , do you know how can I close the app Xpadder when Bigbox/Launchbox close? I know how to run it at the startup but not when they close. Do I need a batch file or a specific command parameter? Hope you can help me, Thank you so much
  4. Hi guys, may I ask you how to change the Screenshot- Game Title to Screenshot - Gameplay? The theme always prefers the Game Title to the Gameplay images. Can you help me please?
  5. Thanks Retro808 this bat helped me so so much closing x360ce with windows games.
  6. Hello guys, couple days ago I found this amazing unreleased game for Atomiswave that runs on Demul and not with Flycast yet. With Demul it only launch through Load Decrypted Rom since the game is in .bin format and is not in the Demul-Atomiswave games list. Do you know How Can I launch it with LB/BigBox. I've tried so many ways with ahk or batch files. Is there a command I can give to Demul for Decrypted Roms? Thank you so so much, for the grace of classic preservation.
  7. Yes if you select the game and click Ctrl+E on it, on the left in the list of the game editing you will find "Emulation" and on it the emulator the game is associated to.
  8. Hi guys, do you know why when I go in Sleep Mode with Pc, also with BigBox opened, and I open the Pc again, my Controllers get disconnected ? I always have to remove and plug them again in the Usb Port. I have been able to fix that for the turn-off and turn-on of the PC. Did it in the System Configuration with the "normal start-up (load all device drivers and services)". But really don't know how to for the Sleep Mode. Hope you can help me thank you so much.
  9. Hello guys, do you know if it is possible to make different Controller configurations for each games in Project64 like in Dolphin, so that if launch one of them on BigBox, automatically recognize its controller profile/config like ? I have some games like "GoldenEye007" and "007 The World Is Not Enough" that require differents config also from "SuperMario64 or DonkeyKong64", otherwise would be a little unplayable. Thank you so much, hope you can help me.
  10. Thank you for the suggestion guys, for me worked in the project64.cfg file: [Support Project64] Experiment Version=2 Run Count=0 ver. 3.0.1
  11. found it, thank you so so much
  12. Ook thank you so much, do I have to subscribe to download the file? Like the subscription with payment?
  13. Hello guys may I ask you why when I try to download it, I click download this file -> Agree and Download - and then it download only a patreon.txt file and not the program ? Thank you so much
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