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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hey Arcade, see this thread here: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/emulation/command-line-parameters-arguments It contains configuration settings for most emulators.
  2. Yes, though you might want to turn off "Draw Game Image Borders" under the View menu. But it should work great.
  3. Not entirely understanding you, but LaunchBox should automatically make all paths relative when you browse to files. So for the most part, you shouldn't have to worry about it, so long as you keep LaunchBox and your games all in one place.
  4. No problem, Arcade. Yes, LaunchBox is entirely portable. All the installer does is extract the necessary files to run LaunchBox. There is zero installation required. In fact, the LaunchBox "setup" is only a WinRAR self-extracting EXE.
  5. Ah, yes; basically, Microsoft best-practice says that if you're opening a folder (not a file), you should use the folder browser dialog. If you're opening a file, you should use the (better) file dialog. The problem here is the MS's folder browser dialog sucks. I know what you mean though, many applications hack the file browser dialog to work for folders to get around the limitations of the crappy folder browser dialog. I'll see if I can make that happen.
  6. Good find Wolfereign; I actually noticed that yesterday and fixed it too (the CPU usage). It was endlessly generating images unnecessarily (whoops). Glad to hear everything else is working great for you; I do think we have a stable release here. Unless anyone else chimes in, I plan to move the release date forward a bit. I have pretty much everything ready, so I'm looking to release tomorrow night.
  7. Hi scree, Yes, I have more of a details list view planned, but you're right, it'll be a significant job, so it might not be soon. The date thing has bugged me since the beginning too. Problem is I haven't found a good date editor that supports both years and full dates. I might end up having to build one myself, which of course turns into more of a significant undertaking as well. That said, it bugs me too, so it'd probably be worth it. Thanks, Jason
  8. muny21 said Another thing I would love is the ability to edit the plaforms/emulator without having to import roms. Although I have found a work around, a direct edit button would be nice. As it stands, you can just select the platform you want to edit and select import roms but do no select any rooms. Then you select the emulator in that window pane and edit it that way. Sure, I do need to add an easier way to get to emulators. For what it's worth, you can get to it from the single game Edit dialog as well, but yes, I do need an easier way to edit emulators; that is on my list.
  9. muny21 said Besides that I would love it if you could use a different "Browse for Files Dialog" box. I loathe the one you're using. It's such a pain in the ass to use. You have to scroll through your whole computer every time you need to import anything. The better dialog box is the one that has the left folder view pane, or whatever it's called, with shortcuts to folders on your computer. That way you can just click on a folder with your emulators/roms instead of navigating your whole PC. Hi muny, thanks for the feedback. On the above, I assume you must be talking about the places where I use the Windows folder browser dialog instead of the file browser? I do already use the one you screenshotted above anywhere you have to select a file instead of a folder. Is it the folder browser dialog that's the problem (that would make sense, I know it can be a pain)? Where are you seeing the problem dialog?
  10. I have custom keyboard shortcuts like this planned for the premium version (but won't be implemented for the 4.0 release). When I do those, I'll make sure to add shortcuts to do something like this.
  11. Hi dvds, Great idea; I'll add it to my list. Page Up and Page Down should be easy enough; I'm not sure about the scroll bar thing. Thanks, Jason
  12. Alright! The 4.0 beta is here! http://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox-nightlies I hope to put out the official release in a week or so. Please test anything you can, especially those of you who've donated and are able to test the premium features. Thanks guys!
  13. bd000 said Ooohhh, please share. Well, they're mostly untested but you can try these: /sort [sort type] /play [game title] I added these during HTSpeak development for integration with HTSpeak, but I haven't been back to it in a million years. You can take a look at that on the YouTube channel if you're curious what it is. Also, I did add the /f for fullscreen; that will be in 4.0.
  14. I just sent out licenses to everyone who's donated in the past (there was 11 people). If you've donated any amount but have not received a license, please check your spam folder. I'll be putting out the beta of LaunchBox 4.0 (with the premium features) within the next day two, so you can test those shiny new licenses.
  15. Thanks for this, Bigby. I reset the profile tabs per the instructions and it appears to be fixed.
  16. Wolfereign said It just keep looking better and better! The purple looks great and the custom filters will be nice for playing through game series like Zelda or Megaman. Is there any chance of the LaunchBox.exe to support Command line switches such as -f to launch LaunchBox in full screen mode. Thanks Wolfereign. Command line switches are actually pretty easy to add in; I do have a few in there already (though they're undocumented). I'll see if I can't get -f in there soon.
  17. Hi kandjar, it should certainly be possible. I've added it to my list of things to implement.
  18. Kyaero, unfortunately right now it is a game-specific setting (but any way you look at it you'll have to specify specific CD/ISO files, so it wouldn't really work in batch anyways). Here's my configuration for Quake II: Application Path: DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe (should be the relative or full path to your Daemon Tools EXE) Application Command-Line Parameters: -mount dt, 0, "..\Games\Windows\Quake II\Quake2.cue" (change the path in the quotes to be the path to your CD image file) Then check "Automatically Run Before Main Application" and you should be good to go.
  19. Hi haniobaid, good point. Not sure how I missed that one. I should have it added in the next version.
  20. Btw guys, anyone having trouble with LaunchBox Forums emails going into their spam folder? I noticed that mine were recently and I'm not sure why they are now but weren't before. Anyways, development on the premium version is going well; I have the new saved custom filters mostly completed and I've started on the theming customizations. I'll be handing out license keys to everyone who's donated for access to the premium beta shortly.
  21. Hi Bigby; yes, that is the current default sort order, though I understand that in some situations it's not ideal. I believe it sorts that way because I wanted something like "Game: Subtitle" to come before "Game 2: Subtitle". It's hard to make everything order well by default. I have plans to allow for much more control in the sorting algorithms in the premium version, eventually. I added it to my list.
  22. Kyaero, you can use additional applications to automatically mount a disc with Daemon Tools before running a game. Just add an additional application to the game and check the box to run it before starting the game. I have the command line parameters and such at home, but I'm not home right now so I can't check them.
  23. This is a great idea guys, I'll look to create this for the premium version. Thanks!
  24. Hi Kyaero, sorry for the delay here. I was under the impression that sorting attributes by "none" was already working properly. Can you give me an example of where it isn't? Finding missing ROMs should work properly via the ROM import, if you leave the box checked to ignore existing ROMs. Alphabet sections was previously working but was conflicting with some other keyboard shortcuts, so I removed it temporarily until I can fix the issues. I am interested in your approach for auto-mounts, if you wouldn't mind. I have something set up for Daemon Tools, currently, but it would be nice to know if there was a more streamlined approach. The rest of these I've either noted or just noted them. Thanks! Jason
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