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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Ah, I see. So the compelling reason to hide it in the taskbar is so that you can keep it running all the time, but not have it get in the way. That makes sense...thanks.
  2. Sure, I'm one of those "latest and greatest" addicts. It does bite me from time to time, though, certainly.
  3. Thanks much, p.; there is not a hotkey for the new search bar, but I'll add that to my to dos. Unfortunately for the moment there's no good way to batch import DOS games. I do have it on my list to implement, but it is most definitely a challenge. Haven't ever heard of M.E.A.G.R.E. before; I thought I'd seen them all. Anyways, if you can get them in D-Fend, that's probably your best (and only) option for a mass import. I can imagine, though, there will probably be a few issues in translation.
  4. Microsoft made a lot of API improvements regarding GDI+ with the release of Windows Vista, so I suspect that is the reason. But Windows is three versions ahead of XP now; it's almost surprising that it works at all, to be honest. Are you forever sticking to XP or just haven't gotten around to upgrading yet?
  5. Well that's interesting...LaunchBox does not, in fact, look poor like that first image on the machines I use. What version of Windows are you running?
  6. Ah, certainly, yeah. I agree, that is a good idea; it takes the guesswork out of it. I need to add it to the options menu as well and allow for finer control.
  7. Hi hani, #18 has been a popular request so I'll likely be adding that soon. Per #19, I remember trying to make that happen during development for something like 2 hours, and finally giving up on it. Just had too many issues trying to refresh the parent window while the modal dialog box was open. But yeah, I agree, I need to go back to that.
  8. That's actually been a popular request, so I'll likely be adding it soon.
  9. Thanks, shinra; all noted. Can you try something for me? Know how to ping? Can you ping www.launchbox-app.com and tell me the IP address that you get? Also, where do you live? The site is fine for almost everyone but there are still a few people who are having troubles, apparently. I think it's due to DNS propagation issues with certain ISPs/networks, but I'm not positive.
  10. Hi jh0nny, I do have plans to add extended music support for the premium version (full soundtracks, etc.). And scrapers for the music and manuals, etc. are planned as well. I see where you're going with editing the sidebar, but at some point it does get too complicated, and I've always wanted to focus on simplicity and ease of use. That said, I do still plan on adding an option to hide the (Exists) and (None) items.
  11. Hi JL, I'll add it to my list. Just out of curiosity, though, what is so imperative about minimizing to the system tray?
  12. Hmm, okay. Good find, though. Sounds like I need to alter the logic surrounding hiding and showing the scroll bar. I'll look into it. Thanks.
  13. Hmm, strange. I do get the scrollbar myself, with all of the items. What version of Windows are you running? Do you get the scrollbar at all if you resize the window? Do you have the same issue with any of the other sidebar filter types?
  14. Interesting; email me your LaunchBox.xml file if you can. I'll see if I can reproduce.
  15. Hi Arcade, there is a scrollbar; it should work fine. No, it shouldn't be limited to 33 entries. I have many more than that in my collection, and it's working fine for me. Can you give me any more details as to what you're seeing?
  16. If you put your ROM files somewhere inside your LaunchBox folder, then you can move the entire thing anywhere you want and you won't have to change any paths. That's basically what I meant by portable paths. The import ROM feature does not work to update paths (though that would be a good thing to add).
  17. If you use portable paths (put LaunchBox on the same drive as your files and move LaunchBox with it), then you shouldn't ever have that problem. If you have LaunchBox on a different drive than your ROMs, though, unfortunately that's not possible.
  18. Muny, there's really no good way to handle this yet inside of LaunchBox. However, because it is all stored in a simple XML file, you could use a text editor with search and replace to fix the paths. If you do that, be sure to make a backup and be careful, as it would be easy to mess up the file.
  19. Hi Arcade, I don't fully understand your question, but I would guess that you're asking if you would lose your games when you upgrade to the premium version? The premium version just gives you a License.xml file to stick in your LaunchBox folder, so your current collection, games, and settings, all stay in place.
  20. Hi jh0nny, the (Exists) and (None) filters do have a purpose (they were added by request). (Exists) shows all items that have a value for the selected property (such as developer, publisher, etc.), while (None) shows all items that do not have a value for the selected property. However, I can see an option to disable them. I'll add that to my to do list.
  21. I went ahead and released yesterday (if anyone didn't notice). Looks like there are a few bugs to fix that have been reported already, mostly with configuration. There is already a new beta posted that gets around some localization issues: http://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox-nightlies
  22. Thanks, haniobaid. All good input. I'll review it in more detail later; some of these are already implemented though in 4.0.
  23. Just wanted to note that LaunchBox 4.0, including the premium version, has been released!
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