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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hmm, I'd be curious to know what changed. Did you upgrade LaunchBox or Stella? I'm glad it's working though.
  2. Hey guys, this is on my list, but unfortunately it's not super high up there (have more pressing things like batch updating and collection management stuff that needs done). I'll do my best to work it in within the next couple of months, but unfortunately I can't make that a promise.
  3. Hey Toast, I'm more concerned about making sure that the current version of LaunchBox doesn't use too many resources than restricting old versions. Still, I'm confused because my testing shows only ~120 MB of RAM tops. How much RAM are you seeing? I understand that not distributing old versions is an oddity. I just want to make sure that you're not running into a bug with the latest version that I can fix. I'm weirded out because rarely has anything gotten slower during LaunchBox development.
  4. Hi Arcade, I do have plans to add screenshots to the game details sidebar. How's that?
  5. Hello everyone; I just put out the official 4.3 release to resolve a number of minor bugs in 4.2. But also, we were getting lots of false positives by various anti-virus tools. I did some testing and it turns out that LaunchBox itself comes up clean, but my WinRAR setups were tripping the scanners. I realized that I had updated to the latest version of WinRAR before I put out 4.2, which stupidly was causing the problems. So I downgraded my WinRAR back to what it was. Those of you who run anti-virus tools like Avast, Avira, AVG, etc., can you test the update process and make sure you don't run into any issues? Thanks, Jason
  6. Alright, 4.3 official is out. Gotcha, can you test the update process to make sure it isn't tripped by Avast?
  7. This is pretty crazy. I'm testing for virus false positives; the issue has nothing to do with any changes we've made in LaunchBox. It has everything to do with the fact that I updated my version of WinRAR, which builds the setups. For some crazy reason, the latest version of WinRAR builds setups that trip that false positive. So, easy solution, downgrade WinRAR. I'm putting out a new version today that should hopefully no longer have that issue.
  8. Hi Arcade, I found the issue. Thanks for helping me work through it; sorry for the trouble. I just put out a new beta version to fix it; if you would, enable beta downloads under Tools > Options > General > Updates and check the box to update to beta versions. Then you should be able to test this. I'm hoping to put out an official release later today to fix it. The issue was when you edited the games. So any game that you didn't edit shouldn't be affected, but unfortunately you'll need to fix any games you edited.
  9. Great; thanks martini. I'll look to improve performance of it more yet.
  10. Hi Toast, in general, I am trying to avoid distribution of old versions, because LaunchBox has been developed so quickly and there have been plenty of versions out that have had so many issues. Really, though, the latest versions of LaunchBox should actually be faster and use less RAM if configured properly. Have you tried using the latest and turning off the RAM cache under Tools > Options > RAM Cache? Also, using default Windows styles might help some too. Per the "not officially supported" thing, I believe the only stuff that doesn't work on XP are the wizards, as they use Vista+ controls. So I would still very much recommend using the latest release, and just turning off the RAM cache. If you still have performance issues and feel like it was faster and used less RAM with the 2.x releases, then something isn't right. The 2.x releases were pretty wasteful with resources, especially RAM.
  11. This should have nothing to do with premium, but could be a glitch with 4.2. Hmm, maybe because Amiga is an emulated platform it's clearing it out to use an emulator instead? Does it work to use an emulator with 4.2?
  12. Martini, I just put out a beta release that should at least help the issue. If you would, please go to Tools > Options > General > Updates and check the box to enable updates to beta releases. Then you should be prompted to update on restart. Can you test it for me and let me know how well it works for you now? Thanks, Jason
  13. Hi Martini, good to know. I'll see if there's anything I can do to speed it up.
  14. Not necessarily...those images wouldn't be that big (could distribute platform images with LaunchBox). We'd most likely allow the user to customize them too.
  15. Very nice, arcade. At some point I would like to add icons to the platforms.
  16. Thanks, Duck. Wish there was something I could do to get past that, but alas, it's a hopeless battle. Anti-virus software is a virus in itself. I would recommend using Microsoft Security Essentials (free I believe with Windows), though I haven't used it in a long while.
  17. Thanks, gotcha. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about these false positives. Anti-virus software is known for being a virus in itself and crippling legitimate applications for little to no reason. I might recommend using Microsoft Security Essentials instead; though I haven't used it in a while, it is known for not being as much of a problem.
  18. Hi martini, not as of yet. Though this feature is planned and is priority for the moment. I hope to add it very soon (batch downloading images and data).
  19. Hi Franz, you're right. Ideally the size of height of the artwork would auto-adjust. Part of the issue is that you don't always view one platform at a time (sometimes games are mixed together), so it's a bit of a challenge to implement. That said I think I could do better than what we have. I'll add it to my to-do list. Thanks, Jason
  20. Hi Franz, welcome, and thank you very much for the purchase. Per the window sizing issue, I think Brad is probably right; it has to do with an improper shutdown. I'll look to see if there's anything I can do to fix that. Per your license name, that is good to know. It's possible that there's an issue in communicating the name via PayPal. If you would, tell me your real name, and I'll send you a proper license. Thanks, Jason
  21. Hi SuperPat, that is a good idea. I'll add that to my to-do list. Thanks, Jason
  22. Hi HMKeele, if you populate the Application Path field for the game, DOSBox does, in fact, ignore anything in the autoexec section. However, the solution is to simply leave the Application Path field blank, and then manually start the game in the autoexec, after you run your other custom commands. The dosbox.conf file is used properly, but if a game is specified the autoexec section is specifically ignored. Hope that helps.
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