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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Thanks, corinthian. I do have an item on my list to batch download info, but unfortunately that's not built quite yet.
  2. Sure, you can use File > Exit as well. But also, in 3.6 the close and minimize buttons are there in full screen if you move your mouse to the top of the screen.
  3. True, it would be really awesome if it could auto-download games like that. Sadly though we're a very long ways off from that. Glad to have you here; we're always looking for more people to provide feedback and help test. Check out the beta testing thread here if you want to help beta test: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/launchbox-beta-testing/page-14 There's not much there for the moment since we just released 3.6, but I'll have more betas for 3.7 up there soon. If you subscribe to the post you'll get notified when I put up a new beta.
  4. Hi treskatae, It looks to me like higan might have some issues with command line parameters. I don't see any official documentation on it at all, but I found this thread: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14203-resolved-higan-bsnes-command-line-anyone/ Perhaps RetroArch might be a better option? Thanks, Jason
  5. Yeah, time played is tricky, especially since sometimes people will leave games paused for several hours. I know Steam's solution for it is flaky at best. I have an item in my list for the completion badges as well here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issue/97/add-completed-banners-to-games-see-forum I'll make a note to track date completed as well. Thanks, Jason
  6. Hi Innomen, AutoHotKey integration does sound like a good idea. It would probably solve a lot of various odd requests. You might be able to do it manually via additional applications on the games, as is (it will currently run a program before or after a game runs). That might just do it for you, actually. But still, great idea for AHK. I'll see what it would take to integrate it. Thanks, Jason
  7. Hi Wolfereign, we have discussed media scrapers in the past and I do plan on adding them eventually. Good to know about EmuMovies too...I'll look to see what it would take to add that into the search. Thanks, Jason
  8. Hi Joe, welcome. I will indeed be adding it shortly, but it will be a premium feature for release in the premium version, hopefully coming in December. The charge for the premium version will only be $10, so hopefully that's not a deal breaker for you. Thanks, Jason
  9. Thank you scree! Good to know, will fix.
  10. Alright folks, 3.6 is out. I rush fixed a bunch of crashes I was seeing reported before I made the official release, so do update your builds to the official 3.6. Let's hope I didn't break anything in the process.
  11. Good finds, scree! Thanks much; great to hear that it's stable for you as well. I will fix these issues before I release.
  12. I believe I'm going to go ahead with the full release this evening. I haven't gotten a whole lot of feedback as of yet but my own testing has gone well, and I know there are some key issues that I get emails about every day that will be fixed with this version, so I need to push it out. If anyone can jump on and test or give any feedback in the next 10 hours, that'd be a great help. Otherwise, we shall release. Thanks everyone.
  13. Hi altrewin, yes, it will include those that have donated less than $10 out of appreciation for the donation.
  14. Hi guys, I do really need to get these sorts of issues resolved, obviously. They're my main focus at this point. I would really appreciate if you guys could test the latest beta to see if you're still getting any of these sorts of issues. Per the CPU usage, typically what causes it is when LaunchBox needs to regenerate the box art images. Though this shouldn't be happening unless something triggers it, such as resizing the box art or force refreshing the cache, etc. It does do this in the background and it can take a long time if you have a very large collection, so it may appear to be never ending (but it shouldn't really be). Please let me know if you're still getting these issues with the latest beta. Also, I'd be curious to know if you get any CPU usage issues while the cache is turned off. Thanks, Jason
  15. Hi tomo, If you set LaunchBox to be full screen, it should remain that way the next time you start it up. Thanks, Jason
  16. Hi all, yes, this is planned before the 4.0 release (hopefully next month).
  17. Thanks tomo, right now that doesn't really exist, but I'll add it to my requests list.
  18. Thanks yankz, good idea. I'll add it to my list. Glad you got it solved anyways though.
  19. No worries Atlantico, instructions are buried in this super long thread; I need to find a better way to do this I guess. You can just copy the beta exe to your LaunchBox folder. You can leave your existing 3.5 LaunchBox.exe file there and copy the beta one next to it. They shouldn't get in the way of each other (and it should let you share your library). It might be wise to make a backup of your LaunchBox folder first, however, just in case.
  20. Hey guys! More than a month later, but I finally have a new version here for testing. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox-nightlies We're getting much closer to the final release, but there's still plenty more to do. I'm particularly interested in any crashes you might run into. Also, bd, I'll look into that filters issue.
  21. Hey ps4, glad you got this resolved. I'm pretty sure it was probably due to a faulty image (half-downloaded image) either in the cache or directly in the images folder. Sorry I got to this so late. I'm putting in better error handling here for future versions. Thanks for your help on the forums so far; we certainly could use another regular to help people out. It's much appreciated.
  22. Hi ss2, sorry for the delayed response. Can you fill me in as to why you want to use the working directory of the game?
  23. Wow, very cool ps4. I thought I'd heard of all the consoles before, but this is one I didn't even know existed. Was fun to watch some videos on it though. Good memories from when you were a kid?
  24. Not a bad idea, ps4, I'll add it to my list to add an option to show counts next to the items in the sidebar. It may end up being a premium feature though. Thanks, Jason
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