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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. The only time LaunchBox refuses to import a game entry is if you already have that game entry in LaunchBox (generally based on the file name and the locations), so do you have duplicates in LaunchBox of the game you are trying to add? You can also use the Add button in the bottom right hand corner, but this is a 1 by 1 process.
  2. With these quick updates we're kind of taking the Philosophy from Kodi. Any release that ends in .0 is a feature release with some bug fixes, a .1, .2 or .3 release are bug fix releases almost entirely. It's kind of comforting that, even with Kodi as big as they are, no matter how many Beta's or RC's they do most bugs still get found after the official release, so in that sense are kind of adopting it so that these releases make it to everyone. It's surprising and understandable why most users don't update to Beta's. Also Cid! LOL I love that image. Yea Derek, a good bad thing. xD
  3. We want to let everyone know that we are currently expierencing extremely high traffic on our server. We've maxed out our concurrent connection and we'll need to upgrade this ASAP after the weekend. If you are expierencing slow page loading, slow media downloading and slow LaunchBox updates this could be why. Everyone wants to get in to LaunchBox and we couldn't be more happy for the reasons why, but this will be something that we need to address.
  4. So it is both of them. I wrote Windows Import originally but saw all of the games in there for me were Steam, so I thought I got this wrong.
  5. Yea right now the only way to do this is to download new Media for all of your games, and obviously that is less than ideal. There is a BitBucket ticket and is planned to be able to update only the items that have changed since your last scrape so you only download the differences and not the entire collection all over again. Jason said he should be working on the Database intergration more this week. I am unsure if this is something that will happen this coming week exactly, but you never know.
  6. That's ok @Zeromod, thank you for the apology at the very least. Some would never go that far. In terms of us turning in to Hyperspin, Jason nor myself have any interest in creating Hyperspin 2, or New Hyperspin or anything like that. I would go so far as to say that our wheel looks better to be quite honest, so much flash can get in the way sometimes so I think we're a good middle ground. A wheel only in Name! As for the expierence here of dealing with everyone, I hope you have a better time than anywhere else. I can't speak to the quality of their forums but we have heard from users that it has gotten pretty bad over there recently and we certainly strive to at least stay positive and fun. Jason and I are real people too, we just happen to be the owner, the developer ( both Jason), operators, and maintainers of the site. We just want everyone to enjoy their games.
  7. You can get them from the Image thread here on the site, EmuMovies, the Hyperspin site has a pack and of course just regular Google with a search like "nintendo logo png" or something similar. The link to our thread: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/contributions/the-image-thread-platform-images-clearlogos-box-templates-and-more
  8. This is the only one we've Sponsred so far besides Retropalooza (and the occasional ad run on websites) which is a convention Jason and I will be at in October. Actually, Jason was hesitant to sponsor them for an ad spot, but I pressured him in to actually! He seems to be happy, and we're getting traffic from it so it's working!
  9. Oh yea certainly. It would totally be better for this to be worked in, but as a workaround and for other programs Display Fusion is great! There is a free version, and it details what the free version does on it's site. If you want to pay for Pro though you get more features. I forget if the window manipulation is in the free version though. https://www.displayfusion.com/Compare/ I had this one cracked myself, but I realized that I used it every single day (it autoboots with Windows and takes very little resources and does A LOT of stuff) so I gladly paid the $35 not on sale. It does go on sale frequently too. This is just a workaround though, and this feature in LaunchBox / BigBox is probably a better idea because who wants to spend an extra $35 for one program? The trick here though is if you think you'd use it for everything else. xD
  10. No you won't lose anything, all of that info is stored in the LaunchBox.xml. Those XML's hold metadata and that is where all of the text is downloaded from first before anywhere else.
  11. Nevermind, also found the location of them. ..\LaunchBox\Images\Platforms\..\ After the Platforms folder is a list of all the platforms you have added, with the sub folders like it is set up for the systems.
  12. No problem! If you have more questions feel free to ask!
  13. What do you mean? Where can you find them online or where can you find them inside the LaunchBox folder? I am not sure if they are located inside a folder actually so I asked Jason about that one, but you can edit the Clear Logo's of a platform if you go to Tools -> Edit Platform and you can change information in here. Like when you edit a game, on the right when you edit a platform you can see and change the images, including the clear logo.
  14. I personally use a program called Display Fusion Pro, which is for multiple monitor setups, and it does a lot of cool things. One of them though is opening windows on certain screens and modifing their behavior. I have RetroArch center on my main screen each time it opens for example because it always opens up partially off the screen.
  15. The Steam import Jason. I can confirm this has happened to me more recently, but I forgot about it. I had said Windows (I just woke up xD) And check the category, it's all my steam games (with no artwork either...).
  16. Yes and in order to rip your Wii Discs you need a modded Wii console.
  17. In the tutorials on our YouTube channel, I teach in a lot of them about the configs in RetroArch and how you can create one for each core. You essentially load the core, and you press the "save new config" button on the first screen, and it will save a new config in your config folder with the name of the core based on the config you had previously loaded. Load the new config and make your changes, including overlay's and shaders, and "save config". In the associated platforms list when you edit RetroArch in LaunchBox, add -c "config\[name of the config].cfg" after the entire -L command and it will load the core then the config when you launch a game. You can even do this per game too if a game needs special settings.
  18. Yea like Derek said, it sounds like the emulator check boxes got unchecked and it's not trying to use one anymore.
  19. Ah ok, thanks Cid! I didn't realize it was updated to do so.
  20. You need to mod your Wii properly (can potentially break it) and your rip your discs to the SD card with the Homebrew applications if you want to rip your discs manually.
  21. Yea, I'd make a tutorial about it to go with the other tutorials. RetroArch is the easy part, MESS is the mess, but it does work.
  22. Yea I might need to grit and bear MESS for a few systems, but I will probably do it through RetroArch.
  23. SentaiBrad


    I am sorry but I don't quite understand you. I see more than 3 games on that system, let alone the other systems. So I don't quite understand your question. Could you rephrase it?
  24. My friend sent me this article and Jason even liked it. Pretty much all you need to know how funny this is: "It all began with an annoying text message sent to an Ars reader. Accompanied by a Microsoft Office logo, the message came from a Yahoo e-mail address and read, "Hi, Do u want Microsoft Office 2010. I Can Remotely Install in a Computer."" It was certainly entertaining. http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/05/the-spammer-who-logged-into-my-pc-and-installed-microsoft-office/
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