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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. The CHD files need to be in their own folders, and those folders should be in with the roms. That said, if you've named the platform Arcade during import, there is a button with the rest of the check boxes to force using MAME / Arcade importing. Try checking that box, then the page after that should be the Arcade import.
  2. No problem about the language differences, thank you for taking the time. For re-creations, we're not against them but we want to try and have the real thing as much as possible, but this is why we have a Recreation section for Box Art (Or we will have it if it isn't there yet). Thank you for bringing a few of these to my attention. I knew of The Cover Project, and had no clue GBATemp had a thread like that. I appreciate it. So we would love these images in our Box Art Recreated sections for everyone to use.
  3. So yea, as long as your modifications are MIT too, you're fine.
  4. You can always keep a master backup on the server that updates to your systems and only keeping to new changes.
  5. That can be done too, but if 145mb is having trouble load than Disc images may also have some issues loading as well so keep that in mind. Now your LaunchBox XML and License XML needs to be with the LB exe you are launching. But the images, video and anything else can reside on the Network. You can change where LaunchBox looks for images, video or media when you edit platforms in Tools -> Manage Platforms.
  6. What is the Add-on's License like? I know most Kodi addon's are Open, but not all of them are. As long as the license is being followed everything should be fine.
  7. Wel generally most Collectors Editions / Re-releases do upgrade content. However, it's really hard to tell which would be which. My thoughts are it's really hard to know, so accept them all. However, I do agree that games that actually added to the game should be the ones to get their own ID. If the Collectors Edition has the same front and back art, same Description, same release date as the original game then I would consider it a duplicate. If the information actually changes, then I would consider it unique. This is just me though.
  8. Gizmo, you had asked this question in a different location already. Creating more threads, repeating the questions won't help. I was about to respond to you at the other location. Now it could just be that there is no media for the games. The Database is certainly not complete unfortunetly so there will be games with missing data. That said, the images name match the game name in LaunchBox? Is LaunchBox looking in the right location? Go to Tools -> Edit Platform and open up your Arcade platform. At the top click the folders tab and check to see if the image folders are pointing in the right location. Otherwise I am unsure what to say, LaunchBox should download and attach any media in the proper folder with the proper name on it's own. How many MAME games did you import? For me, even with 1500 games in my library there are quite a few missing their media, and the LaunchBox Games Database is using a more recently updated image pack and even that doesn't have all of the images sadly.
  9. An alternative if they are on the same network would also be to take Jason's instructions but replace DropBox with a Windows Homegroup or something similar. This does only work if your PC's are on the same network though. The DropBox solution is great for machines over the internet.
  10. You can change where LaunchBox looks for images or add new images for your consoles. Use the Tools -> Edit Platform feature in LaunchBox. There is the image box like when you edit a game and the folders tab. Once you have the images where you would like them, like @CriticalCid said, all you need to do is make sure the names match your games.
  11. I tried your steps @Bedwyr, and the video seemed to have worked for me, but have you tried deleting and re-downloading the video?
  12. Oh I missed that, sorry. I am trying your list of steps though.
  13. SNES or DOS so I can test it. Edit: Or Amiga. :P
  14. They wont download metadata properly unless you add them as Arcade then Bulk Edit their system name though, which you can easily just do within LaunchBox. You don't need the software.
  15. Or, if you have a folder full of shortcuts you can drag and drop them in to LB, add them as MS-DOS, then use the Bulk Edit function to remove the need for DOS. Should also work. We have Shortcut importing planned actually so workarounds wont be needed for ever.
  16. More than likely not, but everything is always on the table. Microsoft doesn't want those shortcuts to be accessed by anyone but them, so we're unsure if we could reliably import them. We've been wanting to do this our selves for several months now though.
  17. Yea Jason let me know that that is something that he needs to fix. Without extra info those were my questions. :P
  18. Edit a game in LaunchBox, go to the emulation tab and use the Default Command line parameters there. It will load the config for just that game.
  19. Ah @wallmachine that is a new one actually. I don't think I've ever seen that. Jason will take a look at it when he's available. As far as a video showing up after 7 seconds, when you click a game (even when LB is caching) it shouldn't take that long. Not to mention, we don't cache the video or the cache files would be more insane for larger libraries. Where do you have them stored? Are they on a USB2 external? Over a network? How old is the drive? I wonder if that has something more to do with the location of the video than anything. Is the video with the LaunchBox install? That could explain some of the slowness you've been having. Caching should only activate when you download new images for a platform, refresh those images in the options, clear the cache files in the LB folder, or use the clear cache option in BigBox.
  20. There are video settings in the Options, you can display or hide them with options under View and Auto Play options under View. That might have just been 1 exception, it happens a lot and I think it has something to do with their API. If you find what game it was you can just download that single video when you edit a game and download metadata for it. Or you can Click a game, Ctrl + A to highlight everything, then Tools -> Download Images and Metadata. Check all of the boxes you want but click the 3rd option when it asks you which is to only download Metadata and Media for games with missing sections. So this will only fill in the games that don't have certain sections, essentially re-downloading any video that may give you an error. If you want to update metadata, choose the first option and uncheck all of the EmuMovies boxes as we don't get metadata from them, only some pitures, video and music, so if you have those you probably don't need them again.
  21. Install 8.1 instead, it's actually better for weaker systems than 7 is. I don't know if 10 has the same lower requirements. That said, I think you might have a very hard time running LaunchBox or BigBox I think. At a certain point there is just a cut off that we can't go below and Windows XP era machines are one of them. As for items in BigBox, you can't edit or add or remove games from BigBox, it all has to be done via LaunchBox. BigBox only displays what is in your library with the appropriate settings needed.
  22. Yea sounds like something is off on your PC. Dot Net should mostly install via Windows Updates like Derek pointed out.
  23. Sharpless512 said Hey, I see you had a problem with gamesdb website. Im actually one of the co-founders of IGDB.com We also have a free api. https://www.igdb.com/api We are actually currently developing a v2, that allows you to get the same info with fewer requests. If you got feedback on it, I would love to hear it :) We have our own Database now actually after GamesDB went down almost permenetly. So while we appreciate the offer, at this current time we don't have the need to include another Gaming Database.
  24. I think he also means when they open up in small boxes in the corner of the screen.
  25. It would all be in Japanese though and still have the same limitations that we currently have. Manually searching and having LaunchBox search Wikipedia are totally different beasts unfortunetly. It doesn't translate well because their scope is not refined enough through the API.
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