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Posts posted by Maddoc1007

  1. @MerlinArcade Its banners not logos, the logos are in the wheel, You set your image priorities in LaunchBox for the backgrounds you dont need to use logos you need to play around with the priorities, its the background priorities under images you need to familiarise yourself with these and its also hard for me to sort placement out when i don't have the image you are using. As for the stretching of the background image you are using, you are better of using fanart images for each game for the backgrounds as what you are proposing cannot be achieved through xaml 

  2. @Flintz to set up controllers you must do it in game, make sure your controller is connected, open up emulator.exe then go emulator tab and load rom see screenshotUntitled.pngonce game has launched press the escape button this will minimise Capcom Play System 3 Emulator now click on game tab and then Controller config which will open up this windowUntitled1.png

    now click on each entry and press corresponding key on controller, remember controller must be connected otherwise emulator exe is liable to freeze.

    @DOS76 Thanks for easier way to launch roms  I've always being using the bat method for this emulator now i finally can get rid of using them, added bonus now it will close using the esc key instead of having to alt+f4. still learning new things LOL.

  3. and just to make sure it works i put my emulator and bats in a different directory and just changed the address of where the emulator was like i showed you in the bat and clicked on the new bat and it worked perfectly

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  4. @Flintz when you open the emulator itself by clicking on its exe, then click on Emulator and then load rom you'll see that what the roms should be named which is exactly the same as what i had the bats named see screenshot and the bats should be inside a folder called after the GAME NAME as i stated earlier and showed in a screenshotUntitled.png

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  5. @Flintz This is what the ini file should look like make sure to just change the screen resolution to the same as yours nothing else in the ini needs to be changed

    ;Configuration file for the Capcom System 3 emulator
    ;All text to the right of ; is ignored (use as comments)

    ;Add your rom directories here (max 10)
    ;ROMS subdirectory in the same folder than the exe is always scanned when searching for roms
    ;(remove the ; form Dir1)

    ForceSync=0            ;Force directx to lock to vsync refresh
    ForceManaged=0            ;Forces the DX driver to use Managed textures instead of Dynamic. Use it if the emulator
                    ;crashes after loading or doesn't show anything
    FilterTilemaps=1        ;Perform bilinear filtering when stretching in fullscreen

    ;These options are configured from menus so don't touch


    • Like 1
  6. @Flintz have you set the paths as i stated earlier put the roms and the bats inside the emulator folder in a folder called roms (lower case) and make sure you change the paths properly in the bat useing notepad pointing to the emulator see the underlined bits

    cd /d "C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\cps3emulator"
    start "Emulator" "C:\Users\PC\Documents\LaunchBox\Emulators\cps3emulator\emulator.exe" %~n0

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  7. @Flintz Well if its working outside LaunchBox it should work fine, open one of the bat folders and click on it the bat file does it launch the game answer quick or i wont be able to reply as it extremely early in the morning here and i need some sleep

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  8. @Flintz I bet it is because you are missing the roms corresponding  .chd files for each game which should be in a folder inside the emulator called CHD the chd's needed are 3ga000.chd,  33s000.chd,  cap-33s-2.chd, cap-jjk-160.chd,  jjk000.chd,  jjm000.chd,  sf3000.chd,  wzd000.chd.

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  9. @Flintz look at the screenshot,the zips you see are the Roms and the Folders you see are the bats, they must all be in the same folder and if you look at the address bar at the top of the screenshot it shows what the address of where they are documents folder inside that launchbox folder inside that folder emulators folder etc

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