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Posts posted by Maddoc1007

  1. @BakerMan Thanks but i only did them as a stopgap until you the mystro gets around to doing them.  Still cannot find the polygame master one though its not showing up under the downloads in LaunchBox whats showing up is arcade classics,  see screenshots 


  2. CineMaddoc

    View File

    Here are theme Videos for the Crystal System, Gaelco System, PGM, Psikyo, Sega System 16 and Sega System 32.

    I created these as a stop gap as there weren't any i could find for these systems, these were created by me with Gimp and OBS Studio , i hope you like them.

    pS: Rename to the naming convention of your platform.







    • Like 3
  3. Neon Redux

    View File


    Zipped with 7Zip.

    Unzip and place in Theme folder.

    5 Platform Views. 
    11 Game Views. 

    Platform Views.

    1.    Platform Wheel 1
        Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Platform Video, Platform Description, Recent and Favourites.

    2.    Platform Wheel 2
        Video Background, Large Platform Video, Vertical Wheel, Specifications & Details.

    3.    Platform Wheel 3
        Video Background, Vertical Wheel, Banner, Specifications & Details, Recent and Favourites.

    4.    Platform wheel 4
        Video Background, Horizontal Wheel, Banner, Medium Platform Video, Specifications & Details.

    5.    Platform Text List With Details
        Fanart Background, Text List, Banner, Background Video, Specifications & Details, Recent and Favourites.

    Game Views

    1.    Fullscreen Coverflow
        Colored Background, Game Title, Platform Logo, Large Boxes, Ratings Icons.

    2.    Coverflow With Details
        Background Video, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Medium Boxes, Game Title, Rating Icons, Platform Logo.

    3.    Horizontal Boxes With Details
        Background Video, Details & Description, Medium Game Video, Medium Boxes, Rating Icons.

    4.    Text List With Details
        Background Video, Games Text List, Banner, Platform Logo, Small Game Video, Medium Box, Rating Icons.

    5.    Vertical wheel 1
        Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Large Game Video.

    6.    Vertical Wheel 2
        Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Game Title, Large Game Video, Rating Icons, Year, Producer.

    7.    Vertical Wheel 3
        Background Video, Vertical Wheel, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Rating Icons, Box Front.

    8.    Vertical wheel 4
        Fanart Background, Vertical Wheel, Details & Description, Small Game Video, Rating Icons.

    9.    Horizontal Wheel 1
        Background Video, Details & Description, Large Game Video, Horizontal Wheel, Ratings Icons.

    10.    Horizontal Wheel 2
        Background Video, Game Title, Medium Game Video, Box Front Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.

    11.    Horizontal Wheel 3
        Background Fanart, Game Title, Medium Game Video, 3D Box Front Coverflow, Ratings Icons, Platform Logo.


    A Massive Thank You to @ea4492 for his wonderful Platform Logo's which can be downloaded from the download section.

    Thank You to @SNAK3ATER who came up with the name for the Theme



    • Like 2
  4. Here is another new Theme i have created untitled as of yet whoever comes up with the best name gets to name it LOL.

    Sorry for the poor quality gif's but should give you an idea what it is like there are 5 Platform Views and 11 Game Views done it also uses background video, just some small tidying up to do should be uploading this and my other theme that is almost finished HT for PC in the next few days

    Platform Views gif


    Game Views gif


    • Like 1
  5. @shro2016 Yes i figured it out 

    These lines need to be changed




    Here is the revised Coverflow for you also read the readme




  6. Theme is coming along nicely added 2 more views 5 Platform Views and 7 Game Views, just a few more tweaks to do see below gifs of Platform Views and Game Views

    Platform View Gif

    Platforms HT for PC.gifGame View GifGameviews HT for PC.gif

  7. just used what i've used in other themes site pack of origin and replaced the black background with it make sure whatever image you put in the root of the image folder is called Merlin.jpg the logo merlin arcades you have on the jpg though isn't centred see screenshots it should be directly above the wheel its more to the right easily fixed in an art program

  8. yes but the images are hard coded in the backend by jason this is the line for the background fanart video

    <transitions:TransitionPresenter TransitionSelector="{Binding BackgroundTransitionSelector}" Content="{Binding BackgroundView}" Height="{Binding ElementName=Canvas, Path=ActualHeight}" Width="{Binding ElementName=Canvas, Path=ActualWidth}" IsContentVideo="true" />

    and there is no way to code it to use a single image for all games or all platforms you would need to create a bitbucket ticket for that and then have enough people to vote for it to make it a priority


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