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Posts posted by Maddoc1007

  1. @Jason Carr Just quick tested the latest beta Wheel are a lot smoother and all wheel logos show straight away, and the video transitions as well when set to fade are a lot smoother no popping, still quickly shows the device when set to none no biggie but i just leave on fade now as better smoother experience overall.  KUDOS on another good quick fast update.

  2. While im not disputing Vlc is good or bad i used to use it extensively but it had many playback problems when i used it, that is why i went to daum potplayer and have never looked back it is more lightweight does not need installed codecs as it comes with its own and also as an added benefit windows media player plays all as well without having to install codecs as well (i do not have any codec packs of any description installed apart from potplayer 20mb and it also uses x input)

  3. @Britxcdn Oddly enough i just followed what you just posted and seen a speed increase in BigBox by turning off all music options except navigation sounds and yet i hadn't background music turned on maybe @Jason Carr should find an engine specifically for the music that doesn't rely on the vlc engine which seems to be at the bottom of this maybe too many instances of vlc running?  maybe something like this which is an open source player http://www.jaangle.com/ it hasnt been worked on since 2012 and maybe some of the code could help source code https://sourceforge.net/projects/jaangle/ public licence gplv3

  4. @Britxcdn I had that problem with clicking forward and backward by any chance are you using a usb gamepad, the reason i ask is that i was and am and it was the usb port on my computer it had become loose (possible by pulling in and out the controller and usb devices i had to replace the female usb on the front of my computer because of severe wear once i replaced it the clicking became fine again, i'm just putting it out there as a possibility 

  5. @Jason Carr Did some further testing noticed that it doesn't happen if you have platform video transitions set to fade and only happens when you have platform video transitions set to none.  ps did some further testing only does it with the vlc engine doesn't happen with the wmp engine.

  6. @Jason Carr Degradation is minimal i think it may have to do with the fact that device images are momentarily flashing onscreen before the video pops in, in the platform and the game views but its so quick i couldn't get a screenshot of it, I've only noticed this on beta 19 and the newest one now.  also KUDOS 30 second download of the beta in IRELAND when it normally takes a few minutes.

  7. @ckp To get the volume buttons to work in BigBox i had to Setup up in Controller automation in LaunchBox a Hold Button then map the volume up button to a key and the volume down to another key, Then in BigBox i had to assign the same keys to volume up and volume down.  Now to use it in BigBox you use the hold key and then press the key for volume up to raise volume and you use the hold button and press the volume down button to lower the volume see screenshots.



  8. @ALIE They are the aspect ratios i did them on same theme different aspect ratios.  5.4 for 5.4 and hopefully works well on 4.3 monitors and the 16.10 is for 16.10 monitors and @DOS76 said it also works well on 16.9 monitors

    • Like 1
  9. @DOS76 Thanks for the great compliment i worked really hard on this and long hours ps my daughter loves and wants it for her cab which i had to put off  making for the time being and wanted something completely different non hyperspinny hopefully when i redo that view for you you will just have to scroll down to get to play.

  10. @DOS76 It is the higher font setting you have, I will have a look at that later on i might be able to set it that it only shows one line at a time when i have it done it will be a few hours im afraid, i will mail you the new game text list view to replace that view later for you htpc.

  11. @DOS76 Yes i have skinned the Game Marquee to show box front box back and and a marquee underneath set the priorities for the box front and box back in LaunchBox the game marquees go into Arcade - Marquee folder inyou images folder for arcade and the other platforms etc.  if you would rather the default game marquee copy it from your default theme folder and overwrite the one in my theme.

  12. @DOS76 This is something @Jason Carr i think will have to look at its looks like its locked at default settings for some strange reasons i tested the theme over the last 2 days to make sure it was working ok and had no problems hopefully it an easy fix sorry im not much help.  ps i checked it both with the controller and through changing with the options and was ok.

  13. SciDoc 5.4

    View File

    Hi All

    Here is my New Theme Scidoc.  

    LaunchBox Beta 7.16 up needed.


    Inside the zip SciDoc 5.4 is a folder called SciDoc this is the folder you must cut out and place in your theme folder!

    I have only tested and compiled this on a 15.4 Monitor hopefully it should also work fine on 4.3 Monitors as i do not have one to test it on.

    Unzip and Copy or Cut the Folder Scidoc and place inside your Theme Folder in LaunchBox.

    All the views are done it is almost fully skinned from top to bottom including the BigBox page and the Options page as well as the Music Popup.
    A total of 5 Platform Views and 11 Game Views.

    In the Images folder for PlatformWheel3FiltersView there is an Overlay3NOSCANLINES.png Just remane it to Overlay3.png for No Scanlines in that platform view.

    In the Coverflow with Details views just overwrite and Save in Notepad++
                    <ImageBrush ImageSource="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/SciDoc/Images/CoverDetailsOverlay.png"  RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" />
                    <SolidColorBrush Color="Black" Opacity="{Binding BackgroundFade}" />
    If you do not like the Overlay with the theme.

    To use this theme fully turn off Platform Video Backgrounds and Game Video Backgrounds.

    Platform videos for this theme should be in 16.9 aspect ratio .  There should hopefully be no problems with the 640x480 Game videos in the game views.

    Inside the Platform Folder you will find a folder called Clear Logo, inside this folder you will find 59 Blue Platform Logo's, as well as one Blank Logo. For platform logo's you are missing resize and paste a clear logo in any art program onto this blank logo and rename to the desired platform name.  Always keep the Blank Logo as a Template.

    All Videos supplied with the theme are recorded from the visualizer milkdrop by me and are free under the BSD licence as far as my checking could ascertain.

    With many thanks Maddoc1007.

    Platform View Features:

    Platform Wheel 1:                          Scrolling Data and Notes.  Large Video.  Horizontal Platform wheel.  Recent and Favourites.  
                                                            Platform Banner.

    Platform Wheel 2:                          A New Type look for Platforms A more 3d Look in Appearance.
                                                            Vertical Platform wheel.  Large Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.

    Platform Wheel 3:                          Singular Item Logo Wheel per platform.  Largest Video View.  Can be skinned either With or Without Scanlines.                                                                         Scrolling Notes.  Recent and Favourites.

    Platform Wheel 4:                          Another 3d Looking View (I call it the HoloDeck).  Scrolling Data and Notes.  Small Video.  
                                                            Platform Banner.  Recent and Favorites. Horizontal wheel.

    Platform Text List With Details:    Scrolling Data and Notes.  Large Background Artwork (Non Video).  Platform Banner.
                                                             Recent and Favourites.    

    Game View Features:

    FullscreenCoverflow:                    Background Video.  Large Coverflow Box's.  Game Title.  Platform Name Logo.  Gif.

    CoverFlow with Details:                Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Small Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.

    Horizontal Box's with Details:       Fanart Background.  Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.

    Horizontal Wheel 1:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Medium Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Cart Art.  Screenshot.  Small Box's CoverFlow.

    Horizontal wheel 2:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Large Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Cart Art.  Screenshot.  Medium Box's CoverFlow.

    Horizontal wheel 3:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Large Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Screenshot.  Small Box's CoverFlow.

    Text List With Details:                    Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.  Game Box's.

    Vertical wheel 1:                             Background Video.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel.

    Vertical Wheel 2:                             Background Video.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel).  Screenshot.  Cart Art.

    Vertical wheel 3:                             Background Fanart.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel).  Screenshot.  Cart Art.

    Vertical wheel 4:                             Curved Vertical Wheel.  Background Video.  Medium Game Box. Medium Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  
                                                             Rating Icons.

    BigBox page and Options page fully skinned, as well as the Music Popup, and the Games Marquee Shows Box Front Box Back and Marquee.
    Platform Marquee Default.



    Sorry for lag in Videos my computer doesn't like recording software.


    Thank you @CriticalCid for showing us how to use background videos,   Thanks also to @Nyny77, @viking and @BakerMan for their awesome Theme videos and to all the other theme creators.  Also thanks to @Jason Carr for his help.


    • Like 1
  14. SciDoc 16.10

    View File

    Hi All

    Here is my New Theme Scidoc.  

    LaunchBox Beta 7.16 up needed.


    Inside the zip SciDoc 16.10 is a folder called SciDoc this is the folder you must cut out and place in your theme folder!

     have only tested and compiled this on a 16.10 Monitor hopefully it should also work fine on 16.9 Monitors as i do not have one to test it on.

    Unzip and Copy or Cut the Folder Scidoc and place inside your Theme Folder in LaunchBox.

    All the views are done it is almost fully skinned from top to bottom including the Bigbox page and the Options page as well as the Music Popup.
    A toal of 5 Platform Views and 11 Game Views.

    In the Images folder for PlatformWheel3FiltersView there is an Overlay3NOSCANLINES.png Just remane it to Overlay3.png for No Scanlines in that platform view.

    In the Coverflow with Details views just overwrite and Save in Notepad++
                    <ImageBrush ImageSource="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/SciDoc/Images/CoverDetailsOverlay.png"  RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" />
                    <SolidColorBrush Color="Black" Opacity="{Binding BackgroundFade}" />
    If you do not like the Overlay with the theme.

    To use this theme fully turn off Platform Video Backgrounds and Game Video Backgrounds.

    Platform videos for this theme should be in 16.9 aspect ratio but should also work with 4.3 Videos as well as i have created the overlays to take advantage of the way 4.3 videos left align themselves.  There should hopefully be no problems with the 640x480 Game videos in the game views.

    Inside the Platform Folder you will find a folder called Clear Logo, inside this folder you will find 59 Blue Platform Logo's, as well as one Blank Logo. For platform logo's you are missing resize and paste a clear logo in any art program onto this blank logo and rename to the desired platform name.  Always keep the Blank Logo as a Template.

    All Videos supplied with the theme are recorded from the visualizer milkdrop by me and are free under the BSD licence as far as my checking could acertain.

    With many thanks Maddoc1007.

    Platform View Features:

    Platform Wheel 1:                          Scrolling Data and Notes.  Large Video.  Horizontal Platform wheel.  Recent and Favourites.  
                                                            Platform Banner.

    Platform Wheel 2:                          A New Type look for Platforms A more 3d Look in Appearance.
                                                            Vertical Platform wheel.  Large Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.

    Platform Wheel 3:                          Singular Item Logo Wheel per platform.  Largest Video View.  Can be skinned either With or Without Scanlines.                                                                         Scrolling Notes.  Recent and Favourites.

    Platform Wheel 4:                          Another 3d Looking View (I call it the HoloDeck).  Scrolling Data and Notes.  Small Video.  
                                                            Platform Banner.  Recent and Favorites. Horizontal wheel.

    Platform Text List With Details:    Scrolling Data and Notes.  Large Background Artwork (Non Video).  Platform Banner.
                                                             Recent and Favourites.    

    Game View Features:

    FullscreenCoverflow:                    Background Video.  Large Coverflow Box's.  Game Title.  Platform Name Logo.  Gif.

    CoverFlow with Details:                Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Small Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.

    Horizontal Box's with Details:       Fanart Background.  Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.

    Horizontal Wheel 1:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Medium Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Cart Art.  Screenshot.  Small Box's CoverFlow.

    Horizontal wheel 2:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Large Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Cart Art.  Screenshot.  Medium Box's CoverFlow.

    Horizontal wheel 3:                        Background video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Large Game Video.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.
                                                             Arcade Name Logo.  Screenshot.  Small Box's CoverFlow.

    Text List With Details:                    Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  Game Title.  Game Box's.

    Vertical wheel 1:                             Background Video.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel.

    Vertical Wheel 2:                             Background Video.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel).  Screenshot.  Cart Art.

    Vertical wheel 3:                             Background Fanart.  Game Box. Large Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  Rating Icons.  
                                                             Horizontal Scrolling Wheel (Single Item Wheel).  Screenshot.  Cart Art.

    Vertical wheel 4:                             Curved Vertical Wheel.  Background Video.  Medium Game Box. Medium Game Video.  Data and Scrolling Notes.  
                                                             Rating Icons.

    Bigbox page and Options page fully skinned, as well as the Music Popup, and the Games Marquee Shows Box Front Box Back and Marquee.
    Platform Marquee Default.



    Sorry for the Video Lag my computer doesn't like recording software.


    Thank you @CriticalCid for showing us how to use background videos,   Thanks also to @Nyny77, @viking and @BakerMan for their awesome Theme videos and to all the other theme creators.  Also thanks to @Jason Carr for his help.


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