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Everything posted by CadetStimpy

  1. 72 Cores! I love it! You are soon to be surpassed HAL 9000! Platform Options (Look at the Power Supply on the Rack model - 2130 Watts x 2! Corporate stuff... Who else can afford the electric bills that stuff generates)? Back in the late 70's when I worked for Digital Equipment Corporation (in New Hamster ), at a 2,000+ employee assembly plant, they posted an enlarged version of their electric bill on an easel at the buildings' entrances. This was for the purpose of encouraging employees to shutdown/turn-off their computers/equipment at the end of the day). Anyway, the bill was a bit over $350,000 (that was for one month). Developer Program
  2. Netflix in HDR (High Dynamic Range) P.S. I just found the above Website (flatpanelshd), but it looks quite promising.
  3. CadetStimpy

    Pong Console

    I never owned a Pong Console, but I did play one. I don't remember if this was the exact type, but it looked more like this, than the one in the first Post. I've never owned a hand-held type. I don't even have a Smartphone, just a flip-phone (which are getting increasingly more difficult to find).
  4. Sandisk Extreme 900 Portable SSD A drive that can hit 10Gbps USB 3.1 speeds (according to PCWorld)! The 1.92TB model is $1000 (ouch)
  5. Excerpt: In the airy, loft-like Microsoft Research lab in New York City, five computer scientists are spending their days trying to get a Minecraft character to climb a hill. That may seem like a pretty simple job for some of the brightest minds in the field, until you consider this: The team is trying to train an artificial intelligence agent to learn how to do things like climb to the highest point in the virtual world, using the same types of resources a human has when they learn a new task. Click here for more.
  6. The Next Rembrandt
  7. I just installed v5.9, and I get this: (I just started attempting to 'emulate'). How long might this take for you that have ten's of thousands of games?
  8. When I hover over the Topic RSS button at the top of this Topic, it says, "Subscribe to the RSS feed for this topic". So what will I receive (and how will I receive it), if I click on that button? Still . Hahaha!
  9. Well, Jason certainly succeeded in making this Forum a pleasant and informative environment, and you are a more than worthy successor (I, personally, couldn't keep up with it), as I'm still enjoying this Forum as much, or more, than I ever did.
  10. SentaiBrad said I meant it more as you should watch our YouTube channel then, because I apparently cover what you like. LOL, that's what I thought you meant. So, will I need an RSS Reader or Plug-In?
  11. To all of the above - One of the many things I enjoy about this Forum is how quickly others will come to someones aid, even if they are magnitudes ahead of them on that topic. [insert 'Thumbs-Up' here] I've seen Comments on the Internet where more knowledgeable persons (well, they think they are, anyway ) come-down really hard on Newbies (or someone ignorant on that topic). But, none of that here! The life-preservers are thrown out quickly! Thanks!
  12. SentaiBrad said I covered it on RSS this past Tuesday actually. Oops! I shoulda known you'd be one step aheada me, Brad. Perhaps I should subscribe to that RSS Feed. I might as well make another confession (although I haven't posted my Emulator Newbie confession, yet )- I've never used them, and until I just now watched a YouTube video explaining what they were, I didn't know. Looking at where those RSS buttons/icons are, I'm guessing one can to 'subscribe' to an individual Thread, or an entire Forum, such as Noobs or Monkeys, in which case you'd get a message with a link to each new Post, or something. Anyway, it sounds as if I need a 'Reader'. I'm generally agreeable with experts in their respective fields, so please let me know what Reader/Mechanism you use. Thanks in advance. P.S. Lemme guess - Browsers have Plug-Ins for 'em, so it'll be easy for me (I hope ).
  13. Sega Dreamcast Still Gets New Releases
  14. Gulp! Na, I think they're good. I get them from MakeUseOf. Gobs of good info there, so check-it-out Forum members.
  15. NVIDIA DGX-1: The world's first Deep Learning Supercomputer in a Box! I haven't been able to find the physical dimensions, yet, but it weighs 132lbs (60kg) and costs $129,000! It doesn't appear to be that big (19" rack-mount, I suspect), but I can't tell for sure. Friggin' heavy, though! P.S. Crazy amounts of horsepower inside.
  16. A few more additions, to include "Windows 10 (at work) for Dummies" (400+ pages/~65Mb). P.S. I suspect much of it would apply to "at home", too.
  17. Seth Bling The SNES Code Injection video is waaay outta my league, but Coders/Programmers may like it. P.S. The 'featured' video, Bite-Sized Minecraft 2 is pretty good.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4RsjFec-qU Website The Vortex measures 10.5-inches tall, which MSI says is about the size of a sub-woofer. [Up to] 4.0GHz Intel Core i7-6700K 64GB DDR4 of RAM Dual Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 graphics cards Super RAID 4 set-up for onboard storage
  19. SentaiBrad said I just added back in a new DOS set (4,815) Ah-ha! Now I see how some of you have insane amounts of games - you don't add them all one-at-a-time. I'm so ignorant sometimes (well, maybe 'often' would be more accurate). I'm still working on my 'Confessions of an Emulator Newbie' Topic, but obviously I didn't realize you could add so many games as a 'set', in one-fell-swoop. I was assuming all games were, say, like the more modern Witcher series. 3 separate games, 3 separate installs. I'm takin' my lady-friend to the airport tomorrow, so I'll soon have a whole week of more dedicated time to learn much more (hopefully) about game emulation. I'm a late starter because of my old-school Xecuter Mod Chip.
  20. DOS76 said You can play Lunar Lander on MAME no problem The one I had a Link to was some sorta VAX/VMS version (I think), so Emulation in that form might be tricky. At the time, that game seemed so advanced. Plus, landing on the moon was a bit more popular, then.
  21. I never got to be weaned on any Consoles as a tyke, since I had already completed a 6-year stint with Uncle Sam roughly when the Atari 2600 was released. I immediately started to work at DEC (Digital Equipment Corp). Low & behold, there was Lunar Lander running on a PDP 11/?? Mainframe (that was runnin' VAX/VMS). DEC commissioned the game to be written in 1973 to showcase it's GT40 Monitor (just under $11K in '72 ), according to Wikipedia. I got to play it a little bit, and it was just sooo cool! I played it in white instead of green, though. I have no idea how'd you'd run it, but for someone who likes 'Emulator Challenges' (well, it would probably be insurmountable for me, anyway), I think the game is here (with some others, such as Doom).
  22. Ah, crap! Now my "Confessions of an Emulator Newbie" are going to be 'extended'. But, I like your approach, lordmonkus - just collect things you're actually goin' use. However, many 'collections' aren't actually 'used', but just admired, appreciated, and/or generate a little piece of happiness. But still, as it relates to my feeble efforts to 'downsize' my stuff, your method is what I wanna go for. In all actuality, 500 games would probably be more than enough to satisfy my Gaming needs, until death do us part. But, hey, the collecting and organizing is fun in it's way, and thanks to LaunchBox, it's a crap-load easier!
  23. fromlostdays said for a total of 44128 games... That's even more mind-boggling than Brad's collection! I'm pretty much a Gaming Featherweight compared to you folks. I didn't even realize that many games existed - and since I'm gonna assume you don't have every game you possibly could - there could be 50,000+ games! I seriously had no idea there were that many different PC/Console games available. I can clearly see why LaunchBox is a 'Godsend' to so many of you! Perhaps you could launch a Website, such as, Ihavemoregamesthanyoulleverhave.com Hmmm...? How many pages would it take just to list them all?!?! P.S. Kudos to you, fromlostdays, for such an incredible amount of progress (Newbie to Emulator Extraordinaire) in just 5 years! I say you've earned those braggin' rights!
  24. Here’s one of those red rocks as seen shortly after Sunrise (taken this morning). Much redder looking, for sure. (And now to start composing my "Confessions of an Emulator Newbie" topic. )
  25. SentaiBrad said I have about 14k games and my Images folder is over 15GB. Are you serious? That's awesomely insane! It would take years just to play each one for 30 minutes! Any idea at all how much total time you spent just getting them all into LaunchBox?
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