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Everything posted by CadetStimpy

  1. DOS76 said On my kitchen PC I've used 429GB in the last 20 days. Shit, Derek, watch-out your ISP doesn't "cap ya", so to speak.
  2. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection As you can see on the box, UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection includes the single player campaigns for UNCHARTED: Drake's Fortune, UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves, and UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception.
  3. I just found this, so I don't know if it's worthy yet, but it might be if you build your own PC's or dabble with PC hardware. PCPartPicker
  4. Since I'm lame half the time, I didn't realize until now that Windows 10 has a Data Usage feature. I wouldn't say it's particular useful for me, but good from a curiosity standpoint.
  5. Really? I like AMD Radeon R9's. What do you prefer?
  6. Ah-ha! This doesn't seem to be as proprietary as the Alienware Amplifier. AMD XConnect
  7. FWIW, this is the most read story in the Korean Times news.
  8. See Subject... Back now (10:17). That almost seems impossible!
  9. P.S. Nobody appears to have short hair.
  10. Mute64 said Abit of a backstory/history on LaunchBox would be cool to, like how it all began, why jason chose to make this great frontend and maybe were he would like to see it go. Good idea, Mute64. Maybe some early developmental screenshots (if available), too.
  11. SentaiBrad said I am extremely excited to announce that Jason has hired me on as a contractor for LaunchBox. Congratulations, Brad!
  12. Could ya put LaunchBox on an Intel Compute Stick? You must be able to...
  13. How about (for general questions): 1) Is there a 64-bit version? 2) Do I need a separate Premium License for each PC in my home? 3) Are there Mobile versions? 4) Can I record Game Play? 5) Are Parental Controls available? 6) Is there any 'Tech Support' available? P.S. Hey, Brad, may I have a copy of what you have so far, too? P.S.#2 Replies still need to be approved, and I can't add an attachment or an Emoticon.
  14. No need for apologizes guys (but thanks), as it wasn't your fault. Hopefully, it'll wash-out. Naturally, I just did laundry yesterday, but I gotta wash it soon to see what happens. I'll be writing them either way, but if it doesn't come clean, my message to them (after I get a refund) will be more unpleasant. P.S. Too bad SpreadShirt folks didn't take more pride in their work, as their business model seems useful.
  15. DOS76 said I believe that you need an Alienware computer to go with that which I don't have. Oh, never mind, then.
  16. Got my T-Shirt from the Store today, but WTF? It was like this right out of the package. I think the most annoying thing is that someone sent it to me like that. Wait, I may be a bit premature with accusations... On the invoice it says, "Due to the type of printing offered it is possible for a very minor (although I wouldn't call this 'very minor') discoloration to appear around or behind the printed area of your product. This discoloration is not permanent and will disappear after the first washing." Well, if it does wash out, it'll be 'case closed'.
  17. Graphics Card outside the case? How 'bout this: Alienware Amplifier
  18. Whoa! Google's AlphaGo program (for the ancient game of Go) has just won the second match against the reigning World Champion, Lee Se-dol (As of this writing, this game sorta took place in the future - check the time-stamp on the article ). AlphaGo has already skunked the reigning European Champion, 5-0. Can you say, "SkyNet"? (Insert diabolical laugh here). From the Google Research Blog: AlphaGo: Mastering the ancient game of Go with Machine Learning (Lots of other interesting Links in this article). P.S. Apparently, there are a Googol number of moves possible in Go.
  19. DoTT Remastered available for Pre-Order!
  20. With safe-guards by-passed and/or disabled, Mythbusters Explode a Water Heater The shot just after about 1'5" in, is really cool (Slo-Mo).
  21. Mythbusters Implode Railroad Tanker Car!
  22. lordmonkus said I don't even remember exactly anymore. Crap, I usually have much difficulty in accurately recalling the events of 3 days ago.
  23. Woo-Hoo, I found the Music Synthesizer! (See Reply #4) The price tag is still on it - $19.77.
  24. The shirt I ordered from the Store is "in the mail", so hopefully I'll get it soon. I'll probably do the embroidered thing next week.
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