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Everything posted by CadetStimpy

  1. Police dropped all endangerment charges in exchange for him not filing a complaint about them, expressing relief he won’t be able to reproduce. Click here for the details of this Darwin Awards candidate. P.S. Guns don’t shoot penises, people do!
  2. HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) unleashes Persistent Memory - the performance of memory with the persistence of storage. Due to it's high cost, I probably won't be getting any of this memory any time soon, but perhaps someday after the price drops a lot.
  3. I live less than 7 miles (~11.3Km) from this place (Garden of the Gods), so I went for some early morning pictures earlier today. It was already about 60 degrees F (~15.6C) at 8:30am, so at this time of year, this view is Summer in the foreground and a Winter appearance in the background. I think I need to get out there earlier, though, for more interesting lighting. I chatted with the Segway Tour Guy, as he was getting ready for the 9am tour. I did it last year. It's pretty awesome riding a Segway through this park.
  4. PlayStation Vue Excerpt: For about a year, Sony’s PlayStation Vue streaming service was barely worth paying attention to. Everything changed earlier last month, when PlayStation Vue launched nationwide and added ESPN and other Disney-owned channels to its lineup.
  5. Tuner-less TV's from Vizio.
  6. Does Microsoft want to monopolize games development on PC's?!?! It seems so (according to this article).
  7. drybonz said By the time those are affordable 4k movies will be the standard and we will all need the 100TB minimum to keep up. You're probably right!
  8. EVGA's first gaming laptop is a 4K (display) beast! ($2700) Intel Core i7-6820HK CPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 980M graphics with 8GB GDDR5 VRAM 32GB of 2,666MHz DDR SO-DIMM RAM (two 16GB modules) 256GB M.2 SSD, 1TB 7,200RPM HDD HDMI and dual Mini DisplayPort output Two USB 3.0 ports, 1 USB-C port White backlit keyboard 1.05-inch aluminum chassis, weight 8.14 pounds You can overclock it with a touch on the keyboard. EVGA is throwing in one of its X10 gaming mice while supplies last, along with a copy of Ubisoft’s, The Division.
  9. Most Funded Video Games in Kickstarter Here's some:
  10. One very lucky developer/gamer got the surprise of his life.
  11. Yah, certainly not very ergonomic. Missin' a few buttons, too?
  12. Holoportation
  13. Tetris Epic Fail Coffee Mug Hahaha!
  14. DOS76 said I'm sure it is a fortune at the moment but in 10 years they may be affordable. I suspect 15TB will be affordable for us folks in half that time. We'll have to wait another 5 years after that for the 100TB model, though.
  15. Intel Skull Canyon NUC, about the size of a paperback book (smaller than Death by Black Hole by Neil deGrasse Tyson ).
  16. Samsung Introduces World’s Largest Capacity SSD -> 15.36TB The PM1633a
  17. SteamVR Desktop Theater Mode The mode is a bridge that allows games not made for VR to be played inside a virtual environment in a sort of virtual home theater with a huge display.
  18. These days the picture on the box looks like the game-play, but not so much in the 80's.
  19. Wow! Personally, I don't recall seeing a game over $60, but even that is 'highway robbery'! Ya, when 3 games cost more than your Console, somethin' isn't right.
  20. Ya, Derek, I totally agree. Cool concept, but I'll sacrifice the silence for superior flexibility, much greater horsepower (potentially), and better 'value'. But I'm not ruling it out for the future (although I personally wanna try a liquid-cooled rig next build - you said it wasn't that bad ).
  21. SentaiBrad said Games cost more back then because of inflation and were horrible! Yup, the first Console I owned was the Intellivision (I skipped the Atari 2600, as enough friends had 'em ), and I remember at their peak, some games costing $30! That's sort of insane, considering how puny the games were (well, relative to now), but back then, they could sell some of 'em that high. I remember the first game I saw at that price (and thinking, "Holy Crap!"). It was MicroSurgeon! (Loosely based on the movie Fantastic Voyage, with the then, 26-year-old Rachel Welch. I was 15, so that 'role-casting' was workin' for me. )
  22. SentaiBrad said I have a PS4 now... I'm still probably going to update I had researched this months ago and couldn't find squat, so thanks for this news, Brad. SentaiBrad said ...need to buy a new car New Car??? Take the bus - you need that PS4.5!
  23. I didn't buy the original PS3; I waited for the Slim (even though I didn't know there'd be one, at first ). That was my plan for the PS4 (I assumed there'd be one eventually), as well, and since I apparently have till the end of the year to save up for it, I thinkin' I can make it, as I only need to save $40/mo. Might have to cut my Mac&Cheese portions in half for a while, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. (If they never made a PS4.5, guess I'd be waitin' for the PS5). I wouldn't be surprised if this became a trend in Consoles. I wish they'd develop some sort of "future port", where you could unplug some older board and plug-in the new and improved hardware, instead of buying a whole new Console. But since that would likely reduce profits, I don't see it happening. P.S. Sounds as if they're goin' with AMD. I'm glad, 'cause now they'll have more money to work on their Zen CPU.
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