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Everything posted by DR9

  1. Anyone who tries to sell roms & emulators to people for cash is wrong. Jason can't control it. This is the same thing as people on EBAY selling 1000 arcade games using Hyperspin which soon will be Launchbox for quick cash if not already.
  2. Can you add a pop text window show what games were consolidated? is there a special marking on game in LB?
  3. I used to look at the changelog from the help menu after each beta to see what changed but that was never accurate or updated and I come here to find Jason post of what happened.
  4. Need a new option to "if skipcheck is true then if game_x is combined" show a prompt with a list to pick the region.
  5. Ive noticed hat for a long time . square gray boxes
  6. when I move platforms fast left left left left it gets stuck
  7. I have to post a video to show this but I keep losing focus when exiting emulators. ALSO when you launch a game the video and description in BB rotate to screenshot/title mode and then the game and after exiting you don't have video anymore and have to select the next game and go back to get it again. Also with demul games and mostly non retroarch systems once i oad the game for a brief second before the game come sup I can still hear the background video playing. Happens in WMP or VLC selected.
  8. I have this issue with Bigbox. I use LR to setup my emus, everything outside of LB using only RL launch fine and act fine. When I use LB it works/acts fine BUT when I use BB it doesn't act right. When I launch a atom/naomi/DC and I have specific set to 4:3 full screen what happens is the game launches from BB but now I have on the black bars on the side of the game the BB graphics, how do I fix this? Can we get a BB option to min BB on game launch and restore like LB? Also after exiting the game I loose focus on BB and have to ALT TAB to reengage it everytime.
  9. Glad to hear
  10. Now that we have wonderful themes in BigBox but I have so many platforms can we get nested folders like in LB? Side scrolling thru almost 50 platforms is long and tedious, if we have the nested we could group Arcade / Consoles/ Handhelds / Computers then click and see the submenus of those and if wanted to nested more folders to drill down in details. I dunno h ow much this would effect theme wheels but Im thinking not much. Whatcha think?
  11. ah ok, write some ahk code Ill try it.
  12. This works per game if you have a few but what if I want a default profile to lad for say all Sega Model 2 games or all Capcom Play 2 games. By this method it would be edit every game, Cant there be a global application start before and after on the plaform /emulator config?
  13. This there a global way to do this, having to enter this for 7000 games is a huge inefficient time sink. I need to have all games say in MAME use a xpadder profile that makes me hold start button then pressing select is the ESC key to exit.
  14. I think I found it, Seetings | Main Settings | "Suspend Frontend" I had it TRUE but all this time it was fine until recently so I set it to FLASE it and ran again no lockups. Could be something there as before i never had to change this.
  15. DR9

    Audit Features?

    Could we get a Audit menu in LB? Then we can do the following things: Validate roms to LB list (remove or move unneeded roms) Validate images per platform or entire collections to find out what is missing, remote dupes Validate Videos to find what is missing or remove extra files etc etc.
  16. Latest version in the options menu under general has a checkmark that if checked once you delete it from LB it deletes the ROM also.
  17. Inside of LB make it LIST VIEW from the View menu then click he Region tab to sort by region. then Highlight all of the region files you want and then scrape. That is the only way I know of, otherwise no easy way to do it.
  18. LB/BB locks up RL after exiting any game in Win7/Win10. I have to force close both programs. I did a log test of using LB/BB and using only RLUI to launch games and there is a slight difference at the end of the log of each, you can clearly see when using LB/BB it's not closing correctly the scripts. Good Exit with RL only 02:22:21:269 | RL | INFO | +18532 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally 02:22:21:272 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started 02:22:21:279 | RL | DEBUG | +15 | Registry.Read - Reading from Registry : RootKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SubKey=System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows, ValueName=ErrorMode,RegistryVersion=32 02:22:21:282 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Registry.Read - Registry Read finished, returning 0 02:22:21:285 | RL | TRACE | +0 | StringUtils.Contains - "true" contains "true|kill" at position 1 02:22:21:288 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Restoring taskbar 02:22:21:291 | RL | TRACE | +16 | Window.Show - Unhiding window "ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd" 02:22:21:418 | RL | TRACE | +125 | Window.Show - Unhiding window "Start ahk_class Button" 02:22:21:428 | RL | INFO | +0 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor 02:22:21:439 | RL | INFO | +15 | ExitScript - Restored cursor 02:22:21:442 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Ended Lockup Exit with LB/BB 02:30:14:702 | RL | INFO | +17094 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally 02:30:14:706 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started 02:30:14:713 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Registry.Read - Reading from Registry : RootKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SubKey=System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows, ValueName=ErrorMode,RegistryVersion=32 02:30:14:716 | RL | DEBUG | +16 | Registry.Read - Registry Read finished, returning 0 02:30:14:719 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Restoring LaunchBox.exe to x0 y0 w h1160 02:30:14:721 | RL | TRACE | +0 | Window.Restore - Restoring window "ahk_id 0x2302f0" Thanks!
  19. I see several problems with TG16/PCE No Forgotten Worlds Japan and USA / R-Type I Japan missing are just two. How can I bulk updated/upload high quality art or new entries into the database?
  20. Can someone explain to me how the art works when downloading for emumovies? I did a full set of SMS and Genesis and I get shown "PAL" covers over USA covers and I check the files it downloads and the PAL is is 01 and US is 02 ending. Makes no sense and this on random games. My region is set USA, then Japan and I dont use nor care about anything PAL so its unchecked and last. Also why are there folders in Front boxart labled by region yet everything in the root directory and not sorted? You can clearly see that Alex Kidd should be showing the US cover but its showing the Brazil cover?! SAme for Ace of Aces in the background. Also here is a screenshot of the directory of files. Same for Afterburner that is incorrect, -02 is the correct one but shows -01 Why doesn't LB sort by the file name into the correct directories? If a game is Sega Bowling (USA, Europe) it would find the USA cover and dump into the USA folder? Why all the duplicates in the root directory? Same goes for carts, and other views.
  21. ok here is another weird thing. I import a set of games such as TurboGrafix-16 and it imports all the images. I later rename the platform to "NEC TurboGrafix-16" since to me that is how it should be and after I do the rename and exit LB and reopen it deletes ALL of the images in the folders for NEC TurbGrafix-16. It renamed every folder correctly but left everything empty so I have to re download all the images again. This shouldn't happen.
  22. I keep getting inconstant images, sometimes it shows 3d boxes over the front cover or amusement flyers. I have the priority's right.
  23. Didn't notice that, thanks!
  24. Loads much faster and LOVE the splitting of the XML file. Side Note: Why isn't the BigBox search Global? It only searches in the platform currently viewing. Thanks!
  25. Awesome theme, needs some video incorp on the game list somehow.
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