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Posts posted by fromlostdays

  1. I don't think this functionality exists yet, unfortunately. However, you may be able to achieve this via batch. Batch create copies of the default marquee you made to the number of games you have. Then batch rename them based on your xml to game names. Then copy and replace your actual marquees over that. Place in correct folder and voila. I don't know any type of programming language but a few quick Google searches might get you there. In the meantime, finding the bit bucket request for this feature and voting it up. Not just for marquees, but for all image types.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk

  2. It's too many to list. But my favorite part of launchbox is it's growth. When I first started tinkering with it, replacing the almost half a decade hyperspin set up was unthinkable to me. Then feature after feature after feature, Jason's responsiveness. Seems like every weekend its something new and awesome. It's been a genuine pleasure catching that wave. And of course, have to shout out to emumovies for basically the same reason. So my personal favorite feature of launchbox is that it evolves.

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  3. Those databases are good and freely available. Glad you got it sorted. Remember that LB doesn't use any rom "naming convention". It just uses the game name. I seem to remember that they are working on adding alternate names to the lb database which will help, but by and large no intro naming is the best for most purposes.

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  4. It depends on what system you're talking about. There are many systems for which a full set of media doesn't exist yet. That being said, I personally have a few tricks I might use depending on how complicated a file name is. 

    You can try to find a better named set.

    You can use Don's Rom Renamer (xmls) or CLRMAMEPRO (xmls or dats) to rename a badly named set.

    As a final option for really obscure systems that don't have a dat or xml, you can use Bulk Rename Utility to manually clean up the names.


  5. 1 hour ago, Tommy1981 said:

    I have read through the forums but can not find how to import all of my ps1 games. It is the latest US playstation redump collection with 1719 roms. I think they are all in bin and cue format. Only around 1450 import. I Did the rom scan and the missing games are found but at the end it says 0 games imported. 

    I did see where someone said to delete the LB xml file but i did not see this in the newest version of LB in the root of the LB install folder. 

    Any help would be greatl

    Counting the number of files in a PS dump is deceptive, as Neil points out. You probably don't have that many games. Instead, it's counting discs. Some games have upwards to four discs. Launchbox has a consolidate feature that will import all of the dics for the same game as one entry. You probably really want to use this, but if you want to have all the discs import separately, you'll have to delete your PS library, reimport it, and untick "Consolidate Games" (or something similar,its been a while) during import. I would like to stress that there is no reason at all to do this.

    The only other thing I can think of will depend on how you import them. Are you importing the cue files only (which is the right way)? If you are though, it's possible a few games in your dump might be missing cue files. If you're importing bin... its possible a few might not be in bin etc. 


  6. Much love for RL and Hyperspin, but you're using an entirely new piece of software now. You're going to have to set it up. There is the lightspeed mame importer, a third party tool for mame, and also launchbox can help you filter out your mame list. There is another option. If you want the exact lists you have in hyperspin, you only have to import those games into launchbox. There are programs that will allow you to move roms out of folders based on an xml, in your case hyperspin. So you can move all unwanted roms out and then import what's left. If you've audited against a hyperspin xml, and you have a perfect set importing that into lb will get you a similar xml but with more information. The rest might be easier to tackle on a case by case basis. I use hyperspin and RL so feel free to ask.

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  7. Hey this is really great! I am also getting the weird maximize minimize close buttons glitch mentioned in the development thread. My only other complaint is could you arrange this so that the dlls go into a subfolder inside the LB Plugins folder? So far this is the only plugin that I have that asked to be installed in that folder directly (no subfolder) but if that becomes a standard practice, the plugin folder is going to become a mess really quickly.

    Other than that, this works great. Thanks for the hard work!

    Oh, and I'm not sure if this is possible but can you have the game exit with the esc key? :D

  8. It all depends on if you're more game oriented, or more push the boundaries oriented. If you're more game oriented and it's working, best to leave well enough alone and wait a little while for stable release. If your wanting to test and get new features or if the current version isn't meeting your needs, upgrade as fast as possible. I did this for a while with retroarch when I had more time to mess with it

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  9. 10 hours ago, mothergoose729 said:

    With that being said, if it ain't broke don't fix it. If 1.4 is working well for you stick with it. If you are having problems with some of you games in version 1.4, than the latest build might fix it. It did for me. 


  10. So as you may already know, I was a pretty much exclusive current gen console gamer right up until I started getting involved in launchbox. I've been fighting moving all of my gaming to PC for a variety of reasons including hardware, my couch lifestyle (need for controller), and just general momentum. 

    I was really excited when steam decided to support xbox and ps4 controllers with the software they developed for mapping the steam controller (software that is much more robust than xpadder, joy2key, etc) and sort of blown away that steam extended this functionality to non steam games and apps launched through steam. I did run into some issues as BigBox, for instance, started becoming unresponsive to my controller when launched from Steam. A few other programs as well. It seemed to be endemic to programs with native controller support. Also, there is an option to turn off controller support for specific games/apps in Steam but this did nothing to solve the problem.

    Finally posted about it on the steam beta thread and someone from Steam responded extremely quickly telling me how to fix the first issue, explaining the software, and furthermore immediately fixing the option to disable for individual items in the newest beta.

    I'm just saying, considering Steam added support for gamepad peripherals that directly compete with their own controller, and continued this support for games/apps you can't even buy on Steam, and then was that responsive on an issue concerning those two things, they gave Jason a run for his money in the customer service department. :D 

    To sum up the solution: Do not create blank profiles in steam for games/apps with native controller support, which is what I did in launchbox fearing double pressing if two programs were sending inputs. I'll let the steam guy explain:


    When you enable Xbox Controller support Steam hooks Xinput for the game and hides the normal Xinput controller. We then inject whatever inputs you have enabled (Xinput or keyboard/mouse). 

    It sounds like you want to go into the controller configuration settings for that non-Steam game in your Steam Library, select a gamepad template, and then edit whatever individual settings you want to be custom.

    There appears to be a bug with opting out of configuration on a per game basis for non-Steam games. I'll look into this...

    Opting out on a per game basis for non-Steam games should be fixed in the latest beta. Austinp

    At any rate, they got my loyalty with that and with how awesome the mapping software is (and how much stronger my PC is now than my consoles) I'm pretty sure my xbox just died.




  11. Two options. Edit the database with notepad ++, or just delete all the games and reimport from new folder. This latter is quick because when you reimport you can turn off downloading any art of metadata because it's all still there.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk

  12. 39 minutes ago, bmonomad said:

    nice writeup @fromlostdays

    never heard of that controller.  looks nice, like the steam one that was just released.  I'm surprised no one mentioned a trackball :)

    I bought 2 ds4's a year ago, and a $25 usb 3 bluetooth dongle.  Unfortunately it's frustrating to play as there is constant latency timeouts on my couch which is just 7 feet away.  If I stand 1 foot away and put my hand in front of it, it can spike to 10ms.  I've also been using ds4windows, and I can't recommend it.  It crashes/freezes 1/3rd of the time, leading me to have to alt tab and close it manually, etc.  Need to look at alternatives for that. 

    That keyboard tray looks nice, though I think my spouse would look at me in a funny way if I resorted to that.  Probably wouldn't be the first.

    Has anyone done something like splashtop from the gaming computer to another computer? was wondering if there is significant delay or lag/fps issues?

    I had the same exact issues with the ps4 controller. I bought a cheap bluetooth dongle, then an expensive one and the results were the same. It's unfortunate because the ps4 controller is a good controller, especially for Retro. I do wonder now if ps4 controllers through Steam require that third party software or if it handles all of that for you. I suspect the latter which could be good news for ps4 controller users.

    My recommendation is to take the time to add those games you really want to play to steam, and see if the ps4 controller works natively now (might not fix the latency... but then it might... and it won't crash). I'd be surprised if Steam implemented support for the controller while still requiring people to use ds4windows to utilize it. The best part is you can use steam big picture to bind keys to your controller.... WITH your controller, a thing that I think only RetroArch offered before. And again, it's options are robust. I watched like 4 hours worth of videos but if I can condense anything for you, I will... from one couch potato to the other.  

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  13. I realize only now that my answer is extreme overkill haha. The unfortunately, to address the specifics of your question, each game is going to be different. For games like Guild Wars I keep the mouse binded to the right analog, and I keep a toggle of the right mouse click to switch from mouse mode to camera mode. However, for games like Tyranny that are more point and click, I find a more smooth experience binding the mouse to the left analog, and then having the right trigger or bumper simulate the mouse click because it's more comfortable that way.

    Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using Tapatalk

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  14. A little lagniappe: Plex through a browser does not support controllers, but the Plex app through windows 10 does. Set BigBox to launch the app and you have instant access to all your video and music media without taking your hands off the controller. You can also use Kodi for this. If you're an xbox user, Windows 10 has an xbox app that will let you scroll through your xbox dashboard, talk to friends, and even play xbox games via windows and it supports controllers. But playing an xbox game through windows sucks as of right now, at least on my system. There's just no way around that. The last bastion would be to find a good ereader with a nice front end that could be used through bigbox with a controller, and considering you can browse the internet via steam big picture, you'd really never have to take your hands off it.

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  15. For Standalone Emulators that do not support controllers: You will need more keybinding software. Now it's highly possible (I've never tested it) that you can use Steam keybinding software for this too. You could try importing the emulator as a steam game and see what happens. If it works, you're pretty much 100. I myself use Xpadder for this scenario. I'm not sure if pinnacle or joy2key has surpassed xpadder because I haven't used them in so long, but I know xpadder still gets the job done. Xpadder has an autoload profile option that will autoload a keybinding profile depending on what window is active. This is clutch. So, for instance, in my setup, I have a desktop configuration in steam that I can use to actually navigate Windows. I keep xpadder on loaded to a blank profile that I've set to auto load whenever the desktop is the main windows. Bigbox has native controller support so when its open, no keybinding necessary. Open an emulator that doesn't support controllers natively, and I have that window set to autolaunch an emulator specific profile in xpadder which will then let my controller function as a keyboard for the duration. I also have bigbox set to autoload a blank profile in xpadder so when I close the emulator, xpadder becomes inert and I scroll bigbox using just bigbox native support. Like I said, you may be able to replace Xpadder with steam at this point. In fact, I may try just that. But again, Steam software tends to override programs with native controller support, so for instance if I launch bigbox from stream, the steam keymapper profile will overwrite the bigbox one and I lose control of bigbox. I don't expect this is a death sentence, and there will be a workaround, may already be. I just haven't found it. So in summation, an xinput controller, steam, and xpadder can set you up to where your butt never leaves those cushions. Bear in mind that you WILL sacrifice mouse precision. It's a fact of life. If you're playing a multiplayer fps on PC with a controller, you're basically playing multiplayer in hardmore. And remember not all games lend themselves to a controller well. I've played dozens of hours of games like Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny with my controller and it's fine. Even MMOs, but though it's technically possible to play a game like Starcraft 2 with a controller, even I'm not that crazy.

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