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Posts posted by fromlostdays

  1. I think this has less to do with RetroArch and more to do with the RL module. This is just a guess, but you'd probably have to edit the module. You can try checking the module settings in RL to see if something you can just set. 

  2. Hey Jesse. Welcome to the fray. :D Firstly, what you're trying t o do isn't easy. I'm not totally sure the mame core supports all the systems that mame currently does. If it does, it will require some setup that I don't personally know how to do. However, new mame has controller support, and you can use launchbox to exit the emulator etc. so using mame proper is by far easier. I do have this system running in RA, but using an old 2015 Mess core and a launcher program called Rocketlauncher. Even Rocketlauncher doesn't support it out the box and I had to mod that a little bit too. No matter which way you slice it, it's going to be a bit of a time investment to run those systems through RA.

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  3. To simplify that, emulators Retroarch and Mame. Put the games wherever you want. Best practice is what makes sense to you.

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  4. Also consider this may not work 100 percent with every system. Launchbox has its own database so if your art is named exactly like the rom, as in hyperspin, it might not always match up perfectly with the LB database. But this will be few and far between I think. LB is good about recognizing art.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Zombeaver said:
    What, you don't have a bunker and a generator to play all your old video games when the post apocalypse comes? Pffsh...

    This has been my exact argument to the SO as to why I put so much time into this. I'm like just wait until we go broke and cant afford the Internet, or are living in a bunker. You gonna be glad I did this.

    To further that, when we got that flooding last year and the water was coming up to the house and we had to evacuate, during that moment of panic of what to grab, I grabbed ... ironically the hard drive that started this thread, now that I think about it... my nvidia sheild tablet plus controller, 3ds, some pop tarts, water and a change of cloths. I didn't have to think twice about what I needed hahahaha

    Edit, that's not actually ironic, I'm aware of that, but I'm not changing it. :D

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  6. Not dumb. It's a little odd that you can't make those changes, and others, unless a game is open, but I think they do it so you can save certain things per core and per game as opposed to just one setting for everything.

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  7. Depending on how awful the names in the zips are... launchbox itself might be able to recognize them. Maybe not all of them. There are two other ways to match that I know of. The official hyperspin xml, you can use Dons Hyperspin tools to rename. Or you can try to find a dat file and use Clrmamepro to rename. Either way, you need to rename the files, not the zips.

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  8. I just decommissioned my wii u yesterday and though I've never done it before, thinking about trying to hack it. Would be awesome, watched vids, it looks easy. My question though is does it have to stay offline if I install the home brew channel? Tangentially related

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  9. Patham, I'm glad my woe has inspired action. It's the right thing to do. Here's why, I started the scan of the drive last night, it said 12 hour deep scan, I just checked a little while ago... the bar moved some but it still says 12 hours. It's going to take days. My point being if it's going to take days either way, and you have to pay either way, might as well count on a backup plan that's going to cover you 100 percent. This is days until I know what if anything is actually recoverable.

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  10. Yeah I think I didn't articulate my concern correctly in terms of the data recovery part. I'm okay with having to replace corrupted files.... as long as it let's me know which ones are corrupted haha. If it doesnt... I may as well restock. No preview on these programs either, so it's sort of a leap of faith.

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  11. It hurts like a lost love for sure haha. But nah, I don't need it to be fast. Just done right. Seems like I may take a three pronged approach. I mean some sets are harder to come by etc, some I even renamed by hand, and I think I'll try to recover those, but start fresh for the easier sets. I'll probably pay more now since I decided to replace the drive (would have to anyway since I can't recover to it) plus recovery software plus new sub to the cloud = paying more than Jason did for 5 years of safety haha. So yeah, lesson learned. But, I love tinkering with this stuff. I'm actually sort of excited by the prospect of starting over. :)

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  12. The man himself, and exactly what I needed to know. Thanks Jason! As I knew enough not to write a single thing to it, I'm going to try the data recovery. It's hours into a 12 hour scan haha. More importantly, I read an article about crashplan, with people complaining about how slow it was. Not that that seems a concern at all in my current predicament. Im not streaming from it. Just to know it's recoverable is enough. Thanks again, brother.

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  13. Skip to end of rant for questions*

    What happened? The short version is I let windows reformat my 4 gigabye external drive housing all my games. 

    How did it happen? The short version is, I'm an idiot.

    The longer version is, I decided this morning to take apart my entire entertainment center. I mean I got in there with twisty ties on all the wires, dusted and cleaned and organized etc. My main PC (Gaming PC) is attached to the living room tv along with consoles etc. Now after purchasing the Nintendo Switch, (and spending the last week in a zelda haze), I decided to decommission the Wii U for now until I can find a use for it, and also to take the 2 terabyte external I had hooked up to it, and since the only thing on it was Mario Kart, put the drive on my PC for extra space. So I finish cleaning, get all the drives together, plug in and I'm ready to go. I figured windows would need me to reformat the former Wii U external Drive (Western Digital just like all my drives), so I went into Disk Management, and formatted what I THOUGHT was that drive. I thought it was that drive because Disk Manager prompted me to reformat it.* The rest is history. 

    I'm not necessary worried about rebuilding the sets. It'll be a little timely, but I mean its nothing I can't replace (minus some save files). My questions should be evident, and I'd appreciate any advice:


    Question 1: I download a trial version of EaseUS Data Recovery and it looks like I can probably retore a lot of the data. I'm concerned though that if I restore in bulk, it may corrupt files which then will just sit in launchbox broken as I'm not going to go about testing every single game. Anyone have any experience with this process? I mean, my drive probably had about 70k games on it. Should I bite the bullet, pay the 70 bucks and try to recover, or just rebuild? Is there any better way?

    Question 2: I have hard drives from a decade ago that still work. I have an external from 2008 that still works. I've never actually had a hard drive crash. So I never really gave much thought to backing data up. In fact, I'm a complete newb about it. Between games and media I'd be looking to backup about 6 terabytes plus, so any suggestions on the best way to do this? (As I'm reading via google, I'm understanding that buying a few more externals and just copying the stuff there and storing it might be the best solution, but I wanted to ask here).

    And lastly, if you read above.... my game drive is like a year old at most, western digital 4 terabytes, but when I opened up disk manager, I was fooled because for some reason windows wasn't recognizing it. Having formatted, it seems to be working just fine, just like a new empty drive (I haven't actually tried to store anything on it yet in case I go the recovery route) but.... I mean is that a signal that drive is failing? I'd really hate to go either the replace all or recover all route only to find the hard drive fails. I have absolutely no idea why windows wasn't seeing it correctly in the first place. I was really careful when I cleaned the area etc. So... thanks for reading haha.

    Any and all advice is appreciated.









  14. Well I should say you configure that in whatever emulator you are using. In RA options menu, I think it's directories to set the path, and note any directory thar says "content" will save to your rom path. This can be a good thing if you have your roms in individual folders.

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