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Everything posted by Beatlemaniac19

  1. @Zombeaver I noticed that option and tried it and it didn't work in this case. Glad to hear it works in other cases though. Thanks for the reply.
  2. @SentaiBrad I've got an idea. Obviously you make the best tutorials so I'm not questioning that. However, I've noticed many users such as lordmonkus and zombeaver have made tutorials too. Have you considered making a playlist for the LB YT channel compiling all of the other tutorials that the users have created. That might be a win-win. First, you won't have to make as many tutorials. Second, users will have access to a lot more tutorials and some niche tutorials that have less demand. Obviously, you'd want quality control on only getting the best tutorials, but this might be an option. What do you think?
  3. Why not do cheats as a part of the RetroArch video then? Also, it would be cool if you displayed the Libretro website and how to check the wikis, download the nightly/stable versions, use their forum etc.
  4. I'll try again...RocketLauncher. P.S. Don't kill me
  5. @SentaiBrad When mentioning an HTPC tutorial, that is something that is a VERY long-term solution. I may have gotten ahead of myself. The reason is that Jason mentioned during a live stream that he's very open with working with a distributor in the future to sell pre-configured HTPCs. When I say pre-configured I mean a setup that ideally (if you can get the distribution rights) to include MAME/MESS, RetroArch and maybe a few other emulators already pre-configured to work with either Xbox 360, Xbox One or PS4 controllers right out the box. You obviously wouldn't want to include any copyrighted information so you'd make the users get their own roms and bios. If Jason plans on doing this in the future, then a video on "How to Order an HTPC" could be made, and it would be created like the "How to Order an Arcade Cabinet from Monster Arcades" tutorial idea. Btw I'm completely for a cheats and a new RetroArch tutorial video. Maybe you should just completely do an A-Z RetroArch tutorial in the future with the exception of cheats. Then do a cheats tutorial that encompasses RetroArch, Mame and any other notable emulators.
  6. It's cool. I appreciate it. Like I said, I may be getting greedy. It works fine enough
  7. Btw I have another question. Do you know of any application that makes it so the window doesn't pop up when loading the game? My Mugen just loads full-screen because I set it that way, but OpenBor looks really ugly. It has a small window when it opens and takes about five seconds to load in full-screen. Is there anything I can put in the additional applications section for each game configuration to make it not look ugly when loading? If you don't know, it's not a big deal at all. It would just be the cherry on top. Btw, I've read your tutorials and thank you for helping out noobs like me
  8. How do you assign different emulators for certain games, but keep them listed in the same platform? I'm trying to build a Mugen collection and all of the games use their own folders with their own executables. How do I tell Launchbox this? LB makes me pick an emulator for the platform as a whole, meaning it wants me to select a standard executable to run all of the games through. However, as mentioned above, this doesn't work for Mugen bc of the different folders and executables on a game by game basis. How do I configure an emulator path for each game under the same platform without having to make all of the games a separate platform?
  9. @SentaiBrad Have you considered doing any set schedule (i.e. one system tutorial one week and a feature tutorial next week and repeat)? If Jason makes you full-time in the future, would you consider doing two tutorials a week: one feature specific and one system related? By the way, I don't even know if this core is functional or where to even get the games, but RetorArch has a Game & Watch core if that interests you. Also, you can add the Virtual Boy to that list as it also has a RetroArch core. Btw I'm definitely interested in seeing your personal setup, but that seems like it will be the longest and hardest to make. It sounds like a good video, but maybe you can make a series for HTPC people like myself, and one for people who want to have a cabinet (like how to order a machine from Monster Arcade).
  10. Thanks @spycat. It seems that MESS is the best bet, but I may give this a try as well.
  11. Thanks again @Charco. Sorry for the confusion. Vlansix wanted me to move it to this thread and he wanted me to move the Bitbucket ticket to the Games DB Bitbucket page (I didn't know one existed until today). This might end up being better for the long-run because my ticket won't get lost in the sea of tickets for the general LaunchBox Bitbucket page. Thanks again for the vote man.
  12. Hey guys. At the request of @Vlansix, I'm copying a post here that I posted on another thread for the Launchbox Games DB. It's a pretty big proposal idea. I think it's pretty cool, and if you think so too vote for this ticket on Bitbucket here. "I requested a while ago (like a year ago) the possibility of adding shareable save files for games hosted through the Games DB, but there wasn't enough attention focused on the Games DB from Jason at the time for anything feasible to happen. As great as emulation is, one problem is that (with modern games) when you play any games you beat as a kid, you don't have any of the saved progress from playing that game when you emulate it. Sure, you can beat the game, if you have the time now, but that's very inconvenient. Us adults don't have all day now, do we? Plus, there currently is no way to back up these save files or easily share them with the community for all users to enjoy. Enter a new feature for the Games DB, "Save Files". Here, anyone can upload their save files to the LB Games DB, can insert comments on the save file (i.e. 100% completed game save file. All missions complete etc.) and once that save file is submitted, other users can download the save file directly from the database and insert it into their emulator save directory folder (that takes some user end knowledge, I confess) and can play the game with everything unlocked before ever booting the game! I admit, one issue right now is that there are so many save file extensions that it would confuse users on which save files are compatible with which emulators. There's two solutions for that IMO: 1) Allow only .srm save files for the time being, because .srm save files are the universal standard for RetroArch and can be used as the standard for the Games DB for the time being, if this request isn't too nutty. Since most platforms are currently emulated in RetroArch, and it's probably the most popular emulator available, this may be a good starting point. 2) Have another field upon uploading of the database that allows check boxes or a quick single line entry of which emulator this file is compatible with. I admit, this option is probably much more work, but it could be a better long-term solution. You'd also have to allow all extensions to be upload-able, not just .srm extensions. Any feedback on this idea would be appreciated. I already have save files ready to be uploaded (in .srm format) that I want to both back up and share with the community. If you feel that this idea may be too complicated for the end user, then I can make a tutorial video on how to do it properly with RetroArch. The video may not be the most professional, but I'll do my best " Let me know what you guys think. Any feedback is appreciated. And again, vote for the ticket if you like the idea!
  13. Thanks for the positive feedback @Cebion. I admit that there are many purists out there that are set in there ways on how to do emulation and what emulators to use. I won't deny that and that's not a shot at their style in any way. Everyone has their own personal preference. Some people are purists and wouldn't even want save files to begin with. I think the best frame of mind to have is that this is just an option for those who want to share save files and the more options we give for people who want to share save files, the better. I like a more simplistic and flexible approach. I use the RetroArch proposal because that's something that I can easily demonstrate for users by creating a tutorial video and it's something that would be easier to code for @Vlansix for the Launchbox Games DB in the short term, because it uses one universal save file extension. If adding more file extensions to support other emulators isn't a big undertaking, then I guess, with Vlansix and Jason's approval, we could add multiple file extensions in one development cycle. However, we'd need to get a list of the supported save file extensions for all emulators so we'll have to think about that issue. By the way, you made a really good point. There would have to be checking for malware when uploading save files. I'm not an expert in that regard, but the moderating team might be the best option on how to do this properly. Every save file should go through a thorough process to make sure it's high quality and malware free. Thanks again for the feedback Cebion. If you haven't done so and are interested, then please vote for this ticket: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1933/add-save-game-files-for-sharing-w-other
  14. Thanks for the votes guys. It's much appreciated. If you are subscribed to other threads feel free to share a link to my Bitbucket ticket. I don't want to impose, but the more votes we get, the sooner this can happen!
  15. @Charco I have considered that changing emulators can break it. I noted that in my post. However, if using Retroarch .srm save files are the universal save file and work across all cores to my knowledge as long as you're using the same console (that's just an assumption, but I can test it if needed). Since RetroArch is such a popular and widely used emulator and is used by most Launchbox users, this would be a good starting point. For example, in RetroArch, if playing Super Mario World on SNES, the save file should be compatible on the Snes9x and bsnes cores if done correctly. You'd just have to point the core to the proper folder that contains those save files and name the save file to match the name of the rom exactly, minus the extension. For example is if you download the save file and it's titled "Super Mario World (USA).srm" and your rom that you're using to play the game is titled "Super Mario World.smc", you'd need to change the save file to "Super Mario World.srm", removing the "(USA)" in the title so that the names match exactly. I recommend just copying the rom name and pasting it over the save file so that it matches and never breaks. When it comes to other emulators, then yes, that is a big undertaking to know what save files are supported and make sure they are upload-able for the Games Database and also compatible with the proposed emulators at the same time. In my opinion, this should be a long-term solution and supporting .srm saves through RetroArch should be the short-term solution, but that's just me. Thanks for pointing this out. It's definitely a point that needs to be thought about. Since we're on the topic, if we make save files uploadable, then that can just be the gateway. In the long-term, we could potentially upload save states, emulator configs (w/out the copyrighted material like bios included of course), controller configs and more. There's a lot of potential for this concept. If you guys like this idea then vote for it on Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1933/add-save-game-files-for-sharing-w-other The more votes the more likely it gets implemented so I'd appreciate your up vote if it interests you. Thanks again for the positive feedback guys.
  16. Hey guys. I'm copying a post here that I posted on another thread for the Launchbox Games DB. It's a pretty big proposal idea. I think it's pretty cool, and if you think so too vote for this ticket on Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1933/add-save-game-files-for-sharing-w-other "I requested a while ago (like a year ago) the possibility of adding shareable save files for games hosted through the Games DB, but there wasn't enough attention focused on the Games DB from Jason at the time for anything feasible to happen. As great as emulation is, one problem is that (with modern games) when you play any games you beat as a kid, you don't have any of the saved progress from playing that game when you emulate it. Sure, you can beat the game, if you have the time now, but that's very inconvenient. Us adults don't have all day now, do we? Plus, there currently is no way to back up these save files or easily share them with the community for all users to enjoy. Enter a new feature for the Games DB, "Save Files". Here, anyone can upload their save files to the LB Games DB, can insert comments on the save file (i.e. 100% completed game save file. All missions complete etc.) and once that save file is submitted, other users can download the save file directly from the database and insert it into their emulator save directory folder (that takes some user end knowledge, I confess) and can play the game with everything unlocked before ever booting the game! I admit, one issue right now is that there are so many save file extensions that it would confuse users on which save files are compatible with which emulators. There's two solutions for that IMO: 1) Allow only .srm save files for the time being, because .srm save files are the universal standard for RetroArch and can be used as the standard for the Games DB for the time being, if this request isn't too nutty. Since most platforms are currently emulated in RetroArch, and it's probably the most popular emulator available, this may be a good starting point. 2) Have another field upon uploading of the database that allows check boxes or a quick single line entry of which emulator this file is compatible with. I admit, this option is probably much more work, but it could be a better long-term solution. You'd also have to allow all extensions to be upload-able, not just .srm extensions. Any feedback on this idea would be appreciated. I already have save files ready to be uploaded (in .srm format) that I want to both back up and share with the community. If you feel that this idea may be too complicated for the end user, then I can make a tutorial video on how to do it properly with RetroArch. The video may not be the most professional, but I'll do my best " Let me know what you guys think. Any feedback is appreciated. And again, vote for the ticket if you like the idea!
  17. @Vlansix First of all, I want to welcome you to the LB community and thank you for serving us as the developer of the LB GDB. This aspect of LB sorely needed development and we appreciate you for taking your time to serve the community. I can be a little crazy with my ideas, but since you're now working on development for the LB GDB, maybe this idea is more feasible now. I requested a while ago (like a year ago) the possibility of adding shareable save files for games hosted through the Games DB, but there wasn't enough attention focused on the Games DB from Jason at the time for anything feasible to happen. As great as emulation is, one problem is that (with modern games) when you play any games you beat as a kid, you don't have any of the saved progress from playing that game when you emulate it. Sure, you can beat the game, if you have the time now, but that's very inconvenient. Us adults don't have all day now, do we? Plus, there currently is no way to back up these save files or easily share them with the community for all users to enjoy. Enter a new feature for the Games DB, "Save Files". Here, anyone can upload their save files to the LB GDB, can insert comments on the save file (i.e. 100% completed game save file. All missions complete etc.) and once that save file is submitted, other users can download the save file directly from the database and insert it into their emulator save directory folder (that takes some user end knowledge, I confess) and can play the game with everything unlocked before ever booting the game! I admit, one issue right now is that there are so many save file extensions that it would confuse users on which save files are compatible with which emulators. There's two solutions for that IMO: 1) Allow only .srm save files for the time being, because .srm save files are the universal standard for RetroArch and can be used as the standard for the Games DB for the time being, if this request isn't too nutty. Since most platforms are currently emulated in RetroArch, and it's probably the most popular emulator available, this may be a good starting point. 2) Have another field upon uploading of the database that allows check boxes or a quick single line entry of which emulator this file is compatible with. I admit, this option is probably much more work, but it could be a better long-term solution. You'd also have to allow all extensions to be upload-able, not just .srm extensions. Any feedback on this idea would be appreciated. I already have save files ready to be uploaded (in .srm format) that I want to both back up and share with the community. If you feel that this idea may be too complicated for the end user, then I can make a tutorial video on how to do it properly with RetroArch. The video may not be the most professional, but I'll do my best
  18. Thanks @spycat this is helpful!
  19. My idea for the new view would be a text based view, using the default text from the default view from the original Big Box setup. Many users, myself included, prefer this list view: Furthermore, I really like having the platform details across the bottom like in this view: However, since the platforms would be listed out vertically and aligned left, the platform list ribbon would be removed and the video window would remain the same size, but be aligned to the right. Then, since the platform ribbon is removed the "Details" and "Overview" section would be about 3-5 rows longer, or you could make the platforms list longer and go down until it reaches the bottom of the platform ribbon shown in the image since it's now removed. Either option works for me since text is scroll-able now. Having this view in both the platforms list and the games list would be great. When it comes to the images on the bottom-left of the view, for the platforms list you can use the platforms banner as shown in the image. For the games list, you can have the box art in the same spot. One thing to note is that I'm not an expert at photo editing as is probably evident. Therefore, the font on the platform list should be the default size which should allow about 12-15 platforms on screen at once and they won't be as blurry obviously. Let me know your feedback @CriticalCid and if you think this is feasible and a good idea.
  20. Thanks guys I'll use MESS then. I asked the people on the RA forums about BlueMSX and it's compatibility with Colecovision and got no response. Thanks again.
  21. Simply was wondering what you guys recommend in terms of best Colecovision emulator. To be honest, I highly prefer using RetroArch or MESS when it comes to all consoles. I'd rather learn two software programs than 100 seperate emulators. That's just me, so if a standalone emulator is the best or only option, then I'd appreciate your recommendation, but these two emulators are my preference FYI. I've seen that the BlueMSX core in RetroArch has ColecoVision compatibility. I know that BlueMSX is a cycle accurate emulator for the MSX, but can't find any compatibility reports on ColecoVision games. Is this the core you guys recommend for ColecoVision? Also, I saw Bizhawk (I think that's what is called) is similar to RA and has a Colecovision core. What do you guys think?
  22. @CriticalCid Your theme is amazing! IMO the best theme for Launchbox, HS or any other front end. I'm being serious. I don't give out compliments often. I heard from Jason that you're continuing to add new views to your current theme. Now that I kissed your butt are you open to any ideas on new views? I've got one view in mind if you're interested.
  23. Awesome sauce! It works perfectly. Btw, I have a tutorial idea for you @SentaiBrad. RetroArch has a Game & Watch core. There's very little documentation on how to emulate Game & Watch anywhere. You interested? @lordmonkus Yeah, this game is pretty boss. First console RPG ever, unless you can clue me in.
  24. I know that Jason added the ability to add multi-disc games under the same single game entry a couple of months ago, but I don't know how to do it. Eventually I want to understand this so when I add PS1 games I can play Metal Gear Solid as one entry, not two. My issue right now is that I'm importing Starpath Supercharger games (an obscure cassette tape loading add-on for the Atari 2600). About half of the games for this add-on have two or three sides (i.e. Load 1, Load 2, and Load 3). What is the proper notation on how to name your rom so that Launchbox can recognize that it's one cassette as part of a multi-cassette game? Would it be something like "Party Mix (1 of 3).bin", "Party Mix (2 of 3).bin" and "Party Mix (3 of 3).bin". Basically, what is the proper/best notation? Would this need to be in it's own sub-folder within the Atari 2600 games folder? And how do you import it properly within Launchbox so that it knows that it's a mult-disc/multi-cassette game? Sorry if it's long-winded, but it's kinda complicated. Any advice would be appreciated
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