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Everything posted by LogicalEgo

  1. I have posted various post on EmuMovies and nothing ever gets replied or checked on when it comes to quality control. I keep coming across videos either playing with a black screen but has sound or the video is upside down. Ikari Warriors, Mame for example is a black screen. Mario Kart Wii U is upside down, Mario Party 9 same thing. Lots of PS2 videos are also upside down. What is the correct channel or who to report this issues to. The emumovie forums are a mess and I feel like they never ever get addressed. I have posted these issues in both the video snap discussion forums and general over at emumovies.
  2. I didn't realize it would require a degree lol. I can stick with kat5200, not a big deal I just love all the features RA offers.
  3. Hey Gang, I am looking to ditch kat5200 in favor of setting up Mess in RA to able to play 5200 games. Anyone have experience setting up Mess in RA for the 5200?
  4. Maybe @Jason Carr would know more about this.
  5. Hey guys, just stumbled back to this thread. Make sure you have hide emulator/console check marked on the emulator settings tab. Everything is working fine for me now with the script I posted and that setting check marked. Tested it 50 times in a row with no issue as of yet.
  6. @Jason Carr The default font for the theme no longer uses the ScrollingNotesMod. Only the new font style uses it because of how the Windows DPI takes over certain views and scales the font, making it miss match. The new font style is not supported and remains unchanged until the DPI scaling work around is put in place and was stated on the theme page as well. I only left the new style in for the people who wanted to still use it. v1.7.3 - LB v7.6 (02/11/2017) -Fixed: HorizontalWheel3GamesView icons now scaled correctly -Fixed: GamesMarquee -Fixed: Arcade Font style now uses the correct ScrollingNotes command, custom sized font boxes on all views to eliminate scrolling text cutoff. Big performance gain -Notes: Anita Semi Square font style is still using ScrollingNotesMod in the GameDetailsView to make font size universal on all views. This is because of how BigBox scales due to Windows DPI settings. You will notice a performance lose using this font style until the DPI scaling is fixed in the near future. I was going to remove the style completely until fixed but decided to leave it in for the people who want it.
  7. Anndddddd now it works. Argh. I swear it wasn't a minute ago.
  8. I choose restart core, then resume after making changes to test. The remaps stick just fine.
  9. For what ever reason sound overrides are not working for me. I managed to get remap over rides to work correctly. I open the quick menu, exit out to settings, audio, adjust the db level as need, go back into quick menu and save game over ride. Reload the game and the DB does show the level it should but it sounds as low as it originally did. Weird.
  10. I have been playing around with 1.4.1 and ds4. Idk why now but the hide ds4 option is working, eliminating for the moment dual inputs. I might be able to just have one setup now for 1-4 players since the pads are now directly using xinput instead of xinput/dinput over lapping.
  11. After the Windows 10 anniversary update it completely broke ds4 exclusive mode, which would eliminate all the double entries for the x360 pad and bluetooth. Still no fix a year later.
  12. Now that I think about it, with the overrides I might be able to just do those set up's for the 4 player specific games but would run into an issue with games like X-Men that is selectively 1-4 players. Maybe a double entry for X-Men then to specify which config to use.
  13. The way ds4 works is that it emulates a x360 pad and also puts in a entry for a bluetooth pad, there is a work around for this but you dont get all the fancy bells and whistles like player specific lighting, player 1 blue, player 2 red etc etc. In RA is chaotic. You have to actually set up 8 pads for the 4 player set up that will only work when 4 players are in game. So I have this whole separate setup for 4 players versus a 2 player set up that would use 4 pads in RA by default. It's really hard to explain unless you experience it.
  14. Crap it just dawned on me I have to do all of this twice. One for my 2 player set up and one for my 4 player set up only because how janky the PS4 ds4windows program is.
  15. That cleared it up for me, thanks. I can see I will really like the changes. Sure it's a pain to redo everything but this is a much better work around.
  16. So I am confused then about these new overrides. I basically set up a core as per normal and when I edit something in a particular game it sticks to that game and not the whole core? I use the .dll trick myself, like with mame and twin stick shooters remapping the fire keys to the actual analog directions.
  17. With the changes will I be able to port over all my 1.3.6 cfg to the new build? Reason I ask is that I already went through the whole process of remapping everything to my liking.
  18. Above image would look fantastic with the red PS2 lettering you already have on the default wheel and is my top choice.
  19. Pal box doesnt look bad, you would have to cut out Dante, looks weird off to the side.
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