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Chris Kant

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Everything posted by Chris Kant

  1. ok. so that would not help me with look for more than hunderts games if there is already something in the ps2 library. :-P thank you. I will wait until such datas are in the database :-)
  2. clear, but would this also break something? like later it will be a PS2 Database Information there, will then my information still pending on the Gamecube one? then I will not choose that option. else there has to be that question WHY can I choose that title from a different system?
  3. Hi together, I am working through my PS2 Collection so far. there are a lot of Games (over 150) that are not found by the build in scrubber. So I have to look and search manually the games (change slightly the name or so on). Sometimes there is the specific game in the Database but not for PS2, but for Xbox or Wii or Gamecube or Windows or whatever... can I choose that Database entry or would this break some things in my library? Mean, when I choose the Gamecube Version, then some of the Artworks would still fit, some not... but most of the Datas are then already in the Database for me. Hope you understand what I mean and can help me
  4. could it be, that searching in the Metadata to look if a game is in the Games Database tooks now nearly forever? on Beta 1 and before It was way faster. or does it depend now, because I work myself through the PlayStation 2 Games I have?
  5. same like Nintendo Wii and Nintendo WiiWare are put together in the Nintendo Wii System, even there is a separate Nintendo WiiWare System Folder in the Database. those are the reasons why I am asking for... don't want to make extra work when it is not needed
  6. Hi Folks, I want to know which are the already clear approved Systems (their official Categories) and their Names. Sometimes I read that everything as a Playlist from Arcade (MAME) will not be a System, but then I found Namco System 22 or Sega ST-V. That confuses me a bit. Then there is just a Super Nintendo Entertainment System and no Super Famicom but a Nintendo Entertainment System besides a Famicom exists. Is there also a Reason why we have those 5 Games in Sega CD 32X, and why this are not included in the Sega 32X? there are also not many games in there. I want to know which or what way could be planned just to know what Games and Systems I can send to the Database without having a log rejectings :-) thanks to the great Plugin "Add Games to DB" thanks in advance Chris
  7. now again, this PlugIn needs a LogIn and PW every time I want transmit some new images or games.
  8. thank you for responding so fast
  9. Hi together, at the moment I can only see and use one Theme which have a Plattform, Plattform Kategorie and System view (or different styles there), but I found a great Theme (BigCouch Theme) for the Plattform and Plattform Categories and another Theme for the System / Game view. Is it possible to mix both together? this are the great Categories and Plattform Views from BigCouch and CriticalCids Game View is the best I found so far. I like views with big Videos in it, and would also prefer a view for each game with a bigger video and the Clear Logos could go out automatically. and It would also be great to have the Boxart there as well (kinda Hyperspin I guess).
  10. maybe It is the used controller from 3DO which makes it look not so nice. and that screen feels a bit too much, to many thinks on that screen. I like the first way more.
  11. Sounds great. Can"t wait for the next iteration of the database solution
  12. is it also possible to have a select region in big box?
  13. Hey Guys, I am working now through the whole LB / BB thing and transferring my Hyperspin Stuff into that system. There are a lot of things that coming up my mind which could help me making my setup fast complete than I wish. Don't get me wrong, LB is already a really good tool, together with rocket launcher even better :-) the Database could have some speed ups in getting more and more games into it for auditing it. Going over the Page is exhausting, and there is already a great (not yet perfect) plug in which makes life easier. When we only have to fill in the datas once in our LB a upload functionality should integrated into the Database Page, incl. the Images. I replace a lot of my GBA Wheel Arts which was downloaded over LB with the ones I got from Hyperspin, which most of the time have a way better quality. so some of my requests or Ideas how this could making easier for all: in this picture there should be a "next" and "previous" button go walk through the whole database easier instead of pressing ok, going over to the next game and then open it when you place a image into the right lower spot of the previous screen, you are able to choose what kind of image it would be. I think it should be configurable what kind of images the system only could have to cut a bit down of the picklist. For example, how often could it be that there is a Cart AND a Disc in one System? when it is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System, does it really get those Arcade Images or Steam Banners too? it would be nice when the normal view of Launchbox not only has a drag and drop functionality for importing games, it should also have one for Images. When I choose a Grafiktype on the higher right spot (for example Clear Logo) and than put a wheel art images from the windows explorer onto a game (like us say Batman Returns (USA, Europe) then it should automatically save it as a clear logo for that game. the Media Downloader the Editing Game Screen has a "choose all" and "choose nothing" on the lower right side, this should be more clearer. I often thought, that this stands for both Launchbox Games Database AND EmuMovies. Can we get a really all or nothing button for this screen too, please :-) The Audit-Tool from Launchbox is nice but could be more helpful in some kind: It would be more helpful when we can edit the columns we want to see or not. like I don't want to see the Themevideopath or the Musikpath, I always skipped those things. when I can choose my view it would make it easier to go through, like does this game already has a launchbox Database ID or do I have to look deeper for this game. And it would be very cool when we can get a Media Audittool as well. Something like the normal Audit tool with editable columns and instead of the information one image for Clear Logos we can directly see that image and can change or add another one with easy drag and drop. and in overall as I said it in the beginning, with a fully integrated thing like such plugin "Add to Games DB" the database would be growing really fast and will be so awesome with the best images / arts from everywhere. this was more than 2 cents but hopefully someone have the same ideas
  14. I tried it with chrome (with that issue) and moved over to Firefox. I try to work with it. is it possible to get an information from the script what I have to do then instead of looking into a browser where nothing happens anymore :-P
  15. at this moment (and the lack of my experience) I would like to have different Systems / Platforms instead of Playlists In my systems. In a Platform I can have more information about the System itself, which is not available for Playlists and it looks like to make it easier to configure it through Rocket Launcher. That is the reason. another Benefit in having a separat platform instead of Playlist is using the audit tool from Launchbox, which is not available for playlist.
  16. I found out that one problem during the submit process is, that the "add image" button is pressed by script but not work. I have to press it again to continue the process.
  17. with Chrome it will not work well. It starts fast but than It will always have my LogIn datas. So I started it with Firefox, but this is really slow to add Images or a Game to it. Sure better than making everything manually over the page but having build up a so felt completely new System (Sega ST-V) and 59 Games, it still takes hour. Maybe it depend on the performance behavior of LB itself. there looks like a issue. when I right click a game, I only have the option to upload a new image to the database. Pressing it goes to the screen and I have to submit a new game into the Database... and I have to press submit on the page. still great work
  18. Awesome. And so easy, that I never thought about that Thank you Danke dir CID
  19. I hope that this is also possible without searching for the all the files out of the MAME folder - as an easy step.
  20. Hi Guys, I imported my Name 180 Library and automatically get a lot of Playlists. Is it possible to change / transfer a Playlist into a System. I am not so happy with the Playlist thing because of the less Possibilities I can have with a playlist instead of a System.
  21. Hi Guys, I try to convert my Hyperspin Sets into Launchbox and the Database will not find everything in the beginning. Some Games have some - in the Filename and during Importing Launchbox makes a : in the Name. Then it will not find the game because the Gamename in the Database has an - Is it possible to make the Importing System less sensible with all the special characters in file and Gamenames? this could help a lot. Even with things like Pokémon and Pokemon and so on.
  22. Platforms working well but Plattform Categories not. Thank you for your help. I figured it out now. There was a lot of missing art which I had to put into the specific folders.
  23. the first thing: no, didn't change anything the second thing: there is no big couch Clear Logo folder. only ones after image, platform or so... do you mean them?
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