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Posts posted by dragon57

  1. @fyrenthenimar, I have uploaded the logos I have for the Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, Neo Geo Pocket Color and Neo Geo Pocket. That is one more than what you asked for, but I figured I would go ahead and upload it since I had it ready.

    Note: I suspect my library doesn't have all the games for these platforms, so I included the template I used in each case so you can add your own later.

  2. 3 hours ago, fyrenthenimar said:


    Yes, I know and I use them but it's for platform wheel not for Game Wheels.

    Ah, sorry about that. I thought you were wanting the Platform files. I may have some of the game logos. I recall starting to work on them some time ago. I'll check and get back.

  3. 2 hours ago, fyrenthenimar said:


    Could you share or make some rings for:

    Game wheels template:
        *  Neo Geo Pocket
        *  Neo Geo Pocket Color
        * Bally Astrocade



    @fyrenthenimar, you can find those in the downloads from this link:

    Bally Astrocade is in Console archive and the two Neo Geo files are in the Handheld archive.

  4. 47 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Yeah, it's a more advanced feature anyways, so hopefully people can figure it out by experimentation if they don't understand the verbiage. Setting the aspect ratio at least on a per-platform basis is planned for a future release.

    Just the result of spacing settings that make the boxes run out of room for the selection bar.

    This is normal behavior for both OG and .Next. If there's no platform selected, it will just resume using whatever the last image group was. It's been this way for a long time, though I agree that there are probably better ways to do it. For the future, I'm thinking of reverting to the default image group instead.

    @Jason Carr That was sort of my point, and I should have been more specific. OG DOES seem to save the image group for 'ALL'. I just tried changing 5 different platforms to something different and clicking on ALL after clicking on each of those in turn do not change the setting for 'ALL'.

  5. OK, this is a weird one I almost didn't catch. It appears the 'All' platform category does not save the Image Group selection. When I click on 'All', it uses the Image Group from the previous Platform.

    I hope I am explaining this well enough. This is in .Next, btw.

  6. I am getting strange behavior in .Next when I change platforms via clicking in the left side of the .Next window. When .Next brings in the images for the currently set view it will often not draw anything for certain graphics. I must hit F5 to force a refresh before everything is drawn (sometimes it takes two or three refreshes). I am waiting on the cache bar at the top to finish its operations before doing anything. I just updated to Beta 11 and nothing has changed. I also just shutdown all LaunchBox apps, cleared the .Next cache folder, then started .Next again. I continue to see the same behavior. Is any of this normal and expected behavior? The regular LaunchBox doesn't seem to have any issue in regards to this.

  7. Should be possible. This assumes you have previously created a save state for the game you are going to execute. Put the code below in the 'Autohotkey Script' section of the Edit Emulator process for PCSX2.

     Sleep, 3000
     SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
     Send {F3}

    ; This section closes PCSX2 when pressing Escape
        Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}

  8. There is no built in way to do this. If you don't mind digging in and doing some non-standard hacks, you can create a ram disk that only houses the cache directory. This isn't for the feint of heart though. It is doable, and does work. This route would be unsupported.

    Are you using the original LaunchBox, or the new LaunchBox Next? Next has a new cache mechanism that works differently than the old, but if disk speed is your main issue, I don't think Next would change your results much.

    If you would like to pursue this avenue and need any help, let me know and I can write up something for you.

  9. First, let me say I don't know when this started, and I'm not sure this is an actual problem with recent builds, or not. Having said that,  I noticed today when I audit any platform, I got an error pointing to an xml parsing problem. I finally tracked it down to one of the plugins I have installed. When I finally backed up and deleted all plugins, the error went away. I have a number of plugins installed and wondered if there was any quicker way to figure out which plugin is causing issues versus putting one at a time back in place and starting/stopping Launchbox a number of times.

    Is there a list of plugins that are known incompatible with the new build?

  10. 6 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    This was definitely caused by images with different DPIs, as predicted. I have it fixed for the next beta.

    Edit: For clarity, if you open up the images in Photoshop, and select "Print Size" from the View menu, you'll notice that some images show as much smaller than others, due to the differing DPIs. I think this is just caused by different people's image editors or whatever. WPF takes the DPI into account when it displays the images, so I had to override it by setting the size of the image to match the pixel width of the image.

    So glad you found the fix. That is what I get for trusting baaaaad applications. :) Thank you!

  11. 51 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Hmm, I'm guessing it's the format/DPI of the images, ugh. Not sure if that's gonna be an easy thing to fix or not.

    All the images are the same format (png), the same size (452x226) and created by the same app. If you want any of them for testing, let me know. There are no issues with the normal/old Launchbox.

  12. Thanks for the new beta. Clear logo backgrounds do seem to work now, however the logos here seem to show very small, vs at normal size. See the attached pic.

    Edit: I just discovered some platforms show tiny clear logos, and some do not. I have yet to identify any rhyme or reason to it.


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