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Everything posted by martinconroy

  1. This is seriously cool! What would be a killer feature would be to set alternative emulators to those used by LaunchBox. i.e. My Kodi is on Linux (LibreElec to be specific), but that has RetroArch. In theory - this would allow me to have a Linux version of LaunchBox! Same would go for the many Android users. @Jason Carr - would you have an issue with this as a solution on alternative platforms? Maybe require a valid LB licence?
  2. Can't spot the version number in RA. Would someone mind directing me or posting a screenshot to help?
  3. No worries @Jason Carr - always happy to help and offer suggestions. Agree that most things in there are well down any priority list but wanted to get things down whilst they came to mind, and hopefully the structural concepts are of use. Cheers, M.
  4. Don't apologise @Jason Carr - get some sleep and start later tomorrow if you like!
  5. @Jason Carr - hi - following on from my suggestion regarding "per-system" settings in the live stream yesterday I have given the item more thought. Rather than a long and exhausting post I have instead created a (long and exhausting) proposal. It's obviously just a draft for consideration, but would be interested to get both your thoughts and members of the community. I thing that the concept would encompass other suggestions such as @jadekitten's comments re storing colours, and a similar concept could be used to manage the requests of other users for "per-theme" settings. Thought I'm float the idea first before submitting as a feature request. Look forward to peoples' thoughts! LB Per system settings.pdf
  6. I have the below rompath line in my mame.cfg which works for me. # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # rompath X:\Games\Arcade hashpath hash samplepath samples
  7. Watched the stream yesterday @Jason Carr and it's good to have you back. In the stream it seemed that things were set so that once in a platform it would load all those images in the background rather than just those on the screen. I'm not seeing this happen in the latest beta. It loads those shown, but then only loads as you scroll through. Granted, once all loaded scrolling is beautiful and seamless, but not doing what I thought was happening.
  8. It's been on the back burner but I'm sure @Jason Carr will be back on it soon
  9. That's not really the point of BigBox though. LaunchBox is your interface for adding and deleting roms so best to do that there rather than duplicate functionality.
  10. Looks great - well done!
  11. OK, happy to remove if you prefer, it's just that this was one quirk that took me a while to work out and (believe me) I'm a very basic MAME user!
  12. Thanks @lordmonkus, really good. Personally this takes things to where I have got to now. The thing that threw me for a while was getting it to appear on the correct monitor in multi-monitor configs. Might help those in a similar situation to know there's a section you should edit so it looks similar to this: # # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen \\.\DISPLAY3 aspect auto resolution auto view auto screen0 \\.\DISPLAY3 aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 auto screen1 \\.\DISPLAY3 aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 \\.\DISPLAY3 aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 \\.\DISPLAY3 aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto Note - I have a 3 monitor system. The confusion is that I wanted it on my main monitor. This is "monitor 1" according to Windows. However, MAME doesn't seem to respect that order so it's worth changing the number of the DISPLAY in the above until it appears on the correct screen for you.
  13. Just use images rather than text, then it's international
  14. Hi @timekills - purely a personal preference. Whilst FreeFileSync may have more flexibility I prefer the simplicity of the interface of this. Basically select a folder, copy the key, paste on the other machine and highlight the directory it corresponds to. Then, just leave and forget it. For me that is preferable to two apps, one to create a sync, then another to define the scheduling. Sure it's not that hard at all to set up, I just found the simplicity of BitTorrent Sync preferable and I didn't need the extra configuration options of FreeFileSync. I do find the torrenting nature helpful too. I also use this for my work, using a desktop most of the time and then taking a laptop with me. This enables me to easily keep in sync wherever I am, especially as I also share with my media server which is always on and accessible. There is no doubt that both offer good solutions, just wanted to advise that this one exists as it may suit others better like it does for me.
  15. No worries @Porl Hendy - I have the joy of working from home
  16. Thanks for the info @Porl Hendy. Did you have a change to review the video to see if your settings are the same as mine?
  17. Totally understand why this is frustrating for you @Jason Carr! Have created a thread as requested: FYI: @orac31, @Rincewind
  18. As requested starting a new thread explicitly to cover this issue, and try and understand why this isn't working. I previously created a video demonstrating my settings etc and it seems others are having issues too. If UK users could advise if voice control is working for them and (if so) advise if settings look different somehow that would be great. Anyone else else with problems let us know be it due to UK localisation or any other.
  19. @viking - could you page a semi-transparent PNG over the wheel elements you want to create a faded effect?
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