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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. Here is the correct way to setup MGPr within LB: Then just import your cfg files as the roms.
  2. I have and with the help of y2guru (Thanks all go to him) have successfully recreated a pinup popper theme with the CTC. I have not had time to work on it further and complete it yet been very busy.
  3. Latest update to the platform layout: Ability to have custom platform logos Ability to have custom wheel art Ability to display system images Year released and number of systems you have installed *Note: Arcade is the one system that will not display released year (as shown below).
  4. Added a few new things to the theme. 😉
  5. Added high score badge support if the game supports it if not then the badge will not display, star rating and genre have been added as well.
  6. My next theme after I finish this will be for the AtGames Legends Ultimate 4KP pinball cabinet. That one will be using my pinup popper inspired layout. 😁
  7. This is my first theme that I am designing using the latest version of the Community Theme Creator. This theme is inspired by the AtGames Legends Ultimate cabinet interface. Still a WIP as still have some more views to work on.
  8. Couple screenshots of my BB theme I'm working on using the patreon version of the CTC!
  9. Here is a demonstration of my startup and pause themes that I created using the patreon release of the CTC!
  10. Today I started working on converting my RL fades over to LB/BB as startup and shutdown themes. 😁
  11. I will add them to the request wishlist. Currently been very busy with work travels and will be for next couple months. Between that and my PinCab that I haven't touched my Arcade cab in a long time or work on any bezels for that matter. Eventually will get back at it but no eta, sorry.
  12. Zoo Keeper! zookeep.zip
  13. Wizard of Wor! wow.zip
  14. Food Fight! Note: I re-did this one was not happy with the original one I did. foodf.zip
  15. Crazy Climber! cclimber.zip
  16. Centipede! centiped.zip
  17. I updated the lay file for star wars.
  18. Star Wars! Note: Edit the following settings once in game for best view: Screen Contrast = 2.00 Screen Gamma = 3.00 Screen Horizontal Stretch = 0.950 Screen Vertical Stretch = 0.910 starwars.zip
  19. Just look and compare and decide which you prefer better for your need and taste. These were made for 1920x1080 displays specifically tested on my AtGames Legends Ultimate cab.
  20. Yes, but never released them in mame lay format before. Just drop the zip file in your MAME artwork folder and good to go.
  21. Pac-Man! pacman.zip
  22. Asteroids! Note: Edit the following settings once in game for best view: Screen Contrast = 2.00 Screen Gamma = 3.00 Screen Horizontal Stretch = 1.010 Screen Vertical Stretch = 0.898 asteroid.zip
  23. Hi Guys, I am starting to convert lot of my bezels from RocketLauncher format over to the MAME lay format. I will post all bezels that I complete and release here. These bezels are sized at 1920x1080 (4:3 Aspect ratio) which I designed them for use with my AtGames Legends Ultimate. Just save the zip file to your MAME Artwork folder. Enjoy! Donkey Kong is the first one that contains 3 bezels: dkong.zip
  24. For one it may seem like a duplicate if you never used RL before and have 1000's of bezels already. I suppose for these systems then I will have to continue to use my own custom AHK code to use RL bezels in LB/BB. Would just be nice to have everything all in one plugin. More options is always a good thing. Hopefully you will reconsider and look at implementing it at some point which will add even more possibilities to the plugin. If someone wants to just use the RA or MAME bezels then they can or else use the plugin (RL) bezels would just be a nice feature to have with the plugin. Anyways that's my sales pitch hahaha Happy holidays!
  25. Only thing missing is RetroArch and MAME support and this will make this plugin complete!! I know RA and MAME have there own bezels but some of us old school RL users may and do prefer using our RL bezels for those systems. Much appreciate your work @JoeViking245 as always!
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