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Everything posted by Krakerman

    Please add support for RetroArch and MAME!! Awesome plugin Good work as always Joe!
  1. @CriticalCid Glad it's not just me. I reverted back to 13.5 and imports no issues at all. I did not test 13.6
  2. Trying to Import MAME 0.259 freezing LB 13.7 when parsing just frozen for hours and crashes LB. I'll have to agree this was not a well tested prior and I'm on a clean install on a new pc. This should only take a moment ... um yeah right lol So I went back to 13.5 and works perfectly so yes, 13.7 is an issue
  3. Fixed it for me as well!
  4. I changed a few things adding: Thicker border around list windows When mouse moves over each frame in list border changes Yellow When selecting all games in list the borders change Light Blue Changed the background color when selecting as well wanted a bit more darker look Change the width of the scrollbar slightly Thanks again really enjoying this theme and overall look. I really like the border color changes as it makes it more obvious and colors I selected look pretty good to my taste and look I was going for.
  5. Fixed it! Nice ... Thanks
  6. I figured out the color selection via Ctrl-A and updated the code to my liking. Just need to figure out why double clicking the mouse will not launch
  7. Any eta on an update? Mainly the mouse not launching when double clicking in list view mode.
  8. Ctrl-A is working is was just dark in color instead of border color like when in image view to tell they were all selected sorry
  9. list view issue mouse double clicking to launch does nothing have to press enter key to launch. When I double click the mouse point spinning circle goes for a sec then nothing.
  10. Yeah I guess anyone really can if they want to charge for artwork, themes, ahk code or whatever if they wanted too there is no way to control or regulate that. It comes down to who would be willing to pay for it for there needs and purpose. I try to stay away from the Red Bull .... 😉
  11. I get the direction your going in with CTC but one can only hope you will offer a one time fee forever license. Keep up good work. One must wonder thou future themes developed with the paid version of the CTC will be behind a pay wall or will you stipulate a clause? So if anyone that develops themes using a paid version of CTC can charge for there themes so themes could potentially no longer be free.
  12. You haven't added dpi fixes yet, correct ? ... with latest releases that I mentioned previously. Still doing same thing in 2.0.9
  13. Works great, thanks btw! One thing I noticed was when I launch LB will not open corectly and needed to change the LB DPI compatibility settings override to Application then LB open correctly as that display is 55" 4K 225% dpi and my monitor using marquee is 1920x1080 100% dpi and displays just fine was just when I open LB so had to change that setting. Other thing I noticed if I try to manage/configure the video files the buttons on that window on right side are shrunk and can barely see and partially cut off.
  14. Thanks! For the update remembering last window position fixed 😁
  15. One thing I noticed was on launch will not maximize? Once I manually maximize and exit and re-open doesn't remember to launch maximized. Even when resizing the window manually by dragging it will not remember the last position and size. Hopefully you can add in an option to remember the window position and size on last launch. Loving the new look and loading much faster than 2.3 Good Job! Thank you for the hard work you put into this project much appreciated. Merry Christmas too you and your family!
  16. Thank you very much for this!
  17. Just copy the GameDetailsView over to the Old Default theme and you can have the same look for the old default theme. 👍 I modified mine to make the clear logo just transparent behind it.
  18. Are there plans to add the new features to LaunchBox's Old Default theme?
  19. Yeah old theme looks same no difference. Need to keep supporting that theme best one still in my opinion
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