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Everything posted by AeronNL

  1. Any chance you can help me out with the size for the game description text?
  2. Thanks a lot Viking! ik really appreciate it, will have a look at it tonight. How about the size for the game description text? which line should I edit for that? would be great if you are able to implement the fading of the menu bar. Nevertheless this is my favorite theme already!
  3. I LOVE this theme, works great on my 4:3 monitor, and low on resource as well, so no lag or stuttering. Don't know if this is possible, but i have a small request. I like to have a platform video on the background, which of course is possible, but the middle menu bar blocks it obviously. Can you perhaps add an option to have the menu fade away after a couple of seconds or something, and have it appear again when you continue scrolling through the platforms? One of the other themes has this options, i though the city hunter theme but i am not sure. I have no idea if this is a lot of work, but i though i give it a shot asking. Also, on my setup, for some reason, in Game view, the name of the platform on top of the screen is cut off. Can i edit a line in the config file to make the font a bit smaller so that it's not cut off? Same goes for the game details, the bottom part of the text is cut of by the "invisible border" of the text box. If i could make it a bit smaller, or adjust the line spacing it would fit.
  4. Sorry for the late reply, havent been around for a while. Thanks for your help, will check things out this week! Keep up the good work!
  5. Awesome theme, works great on my 4:3 bartop. I have a question though. I installed the theme over a month ago or something, and it had the dark theme enabled (Don't know how to call it, a bit of a carbon look?) I just updated the theme, but now it has a brushed silver metal look, which i do not prefer. I have searched for a way to change this back, but i cannot manage to do it. Can you help me out perhaps?
  6. Is it possible to choose different view for different platforms? If not, is this something that can be added in future versions? Would be great!
  7. Hey guys, i have downloaded the recorded hyperspin themes from emumovies, and i enabled the option "Run as background video". have disabled all of the other stops in the preferences, so all of the platform details etc., but for some reason, some games are stil displaying a screenshot on the bottom part of the screen, which is annoying as it block a part of the vid. Also, i would like to remove the platform image as wel. Right now i use the Clearlogo, but still, it's in the way sometimes. I hope you guys can help me out.
  8. First of all, great theme! Unfortunately it is very slow on my cab, despite your tips to boost the performance. No issues with the default theme or other FE's whatsoever. Are there any minimum requirements to use you theme? I use a Intel Pentium G3250 with 8 gb of ram, with onboard GPU, so that shouldnt be a problem though.
  9. This theme looks awesome! too bad i have a 5:4 monitor though. I wish there are more themes optimized for a 4:3 (or 5:4) monitor, alot of arcade cabs/bartops use it as most games were developed for it. Nonetheless, kudos to you CriticalCid, very impressive work!
  10. Sorry if this is a Dumb question guys, but are there any benefits of using VLC over WMP?
  11. Great new features Jason! Do you have an eta on the next public release?
  12. It would really be awesome if you release a 4:3 version in time. I understand that most themes are 16:9. It is not that i still use a old fashion monitor for my main pc setup, but i use LaunchBox as my FE for my Bartop, and i personally like a 4:3 monitor in there better, as all arcade games and early generation console games are made for 4:3 aspect ratio. Nevertheless, your theme looks amazing! Keep up the good work!!
  13. Looks awesome! will check it out later and see if it looks good as wel on my 4:3 bartop setup. I sure hope so! is it possible to switch between "recent" and "favourites" in the bottom box?
  14. Thanks alot mate, i will check things out and see if i can find something that fits and is affordable. Will post my results.
  15. Thank you very much for the clear explanation! i quess i have to look for a dedicated graphics card then, or use more lightweight shaderds. can you recommend a affordable graphics card perhaps? it has to go into my Bartop so size does matter as well.
  16. Great to see the new pack released! i was womdering which shaders are are best for a 5:4 aspect ratio monitor! And which ones are certainly not? also, i am using the onboard video of my MB (intel hd4400/4600), but when i try the GTU v0.50 shader for example, my games are in slow motion. Do i have to enable or disable other options in RetroArch or is this shader to much for the onboard gpu? Really like this shader so i hope that i can get it to work somehow.
  17. Jason Carr said Thanks guys, I am aware of this issue. It seems to be more common with PNGs that bleed right up to the edge of the image, but it's not isolated to those types of images. It seems to be completely random as well. I put some effort into fixing it recently but discovered that it's a .NET rendering engine issue, so it's proving difficult to fix. We will get it fixed though. :) Good to hear Jason, and thanks for explaining. Glad that we dont have to delete everything and start from scratch or something!:)
  18. spycat said I'm having the same issue. I was actually seeing it in the betas as well. When I start BigBox all looks fine. The problem appears after scrolling the platforms. Attached image 1 is at BigBox startup. Attached images 2 and 3 are after scrolling through the platforms. Exactly, after scrolling here as well!
  19. He guys, I updated to 6.7 yesterday, and now i have a graphical glitch with the clear logo's. The "border" of the image is kind of showing. Please see the attached screenshots.
  20. Thanks for the search functionality, i love it! With HyperSpin i had to use a 3rd party application (HyperSearch) for it, but i never got it to work properly. However, i could use some tweaking. Right now the search results are also showing games with the thing you searched for in the developers, publishers, source etc. so when i search for lets say Pacman, it shows the pacman games, but other games as well because the source is pacman.ccp. But i am sure you guys already noticed that. Nevertheless, i have fully replaced HyperSpin with BigBox now!
  21. Antropus said I'm writing a tool that does a lot of what you guys are saying already. It uses a ton of different source files for parsing local data (mame.dat or listxml, series.ini, catver.ini, nplayers.ini, history.dat, so almost all information available for mame at this point) and uses your current Mame folder structure to capture the images. Also, it's blazing fast. Please follow my thread here if you want to know more: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/lightspeed-mame-importer-teaser/page-3 Current Gui: -Kris I used this tool amd ir works absolutely great! Thanks alot for developing this! Now if you only could use it for console based systems as well and choose to exclude certain control types and genres that would be awesome. Is something like this possible? For Hyperspin i used Don' Hyperlist creator which works great!
  22. I would love to see an option to Start/Exit a program when BigBox starts/exits like in HyperSpin. For people like me who use BigBox in a Arcade cab/ Bartop with Windows shelled (Instantsheller) this is really handy because when shelled Windows does not start explorer.exe, so you cannot adjust the system volume for example. I use an third party app to control the volume which i have started along with HyperSpin so i can control the volume with hotkeys. This would also come in handy for people who use Xpadder or Joy2Key for their gamepads/controllers. I opened a topic for this on Bitbucket as well. EDIT: Sorry guys, i just noticed that this thread is for existing features only. However, i cannot find the "Send Feedback" link.
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