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Everything posted by snarfo67

  1. As a random note, I use Pizza Boy GBA Pro for GBA and though LaunchBox warns that that emulator can't launch games directly, the dev has told me it works. Now that I have everything sorted out I can confirm it launches ROMs from LaunchBox without issues.
  2. I cleared the Launchbox app storage (just clearing the cache didn't do anything) and it's working again in case anyone else runs into the same issue. Other than that no problems with this update yet. Thanks to the devs for their hard work!
  3. Thanks for the suggestions, but still no bueno. I did the theme update when prompted on first run, and just now I tried theme repairs on Alisia and Unified Lite (the themes I use most), plus I tried the various launch themes in them as well as the base box art version. All my ROMs are unarchived, but I did turn the extract ROMs option off for all of them. In all cases I just get the launching screen attached.
  4. I currently only have 3 platforms I'm using on the Android app (DS, 3DS, and GBA). Since this update no game will launch no matter which emulator/cores I try (MelonDS, Citra, Retroarch with various cores, DraStic) though the games still work fine from within those apps. When I try to launch a game I get the 'launching' splash screen and it just hangs there. I have to force close to get out. Pixel Pro 9 Fold running Android 15
  5. Yeah, check your path settings. The Big Box launcher works fine for me on Kodi 21. Best. Addon. Ever.
  6. The only extra investments were the motorized desk and the cart to mount the tv in portrait mode (it can also be mounted in landscape, but I have the regular HTPC tv for those games). I considered a wall mount, but the versatility of being able to relocate the setup (to an extra bedroom or the basement or wherever) made more sense in my use case. This was also a good motivation to make some upgrades to the good old tankstick. FWIW I first tried changing the left 8-way stick to 4-way by adjusting the shaft cowling as described on the XGaming site. This did not work so I ended up replacing the left stick altogether, and it's been a huge improvement for all those 4-way portrait mode games. I may need to submit a feature request for Big Box to have the option of automatically loading up into a playlist (in this use case, the vertical games playlist) for convenience. Also good for pinball!
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  7. That's what I've been doing for years and it works fine. I keep a 'Shortcuts For Launchbox' folder in my Games folder and just put all game shortcuts there after I install a game, then drag it to Launchbox to add. Works great, just figured I could maybe be even lazier and shave a few minutes :-P. Thanks for the clarification on the Steam import parameters btw.
  8. Sorry if this has been asked before, but just a question about the import functionality. The only storefront I'd be likely to add would be Steam (assuming it only adds locally installed games). I also use standalone installers and just add shortcuts to Steam. For instance, the games I buy from GOG I just shortcut into Steam instead of using GOG's launcher (which I like, but it's just simpler to have one unified launcher). Would the Launchbox auto-import also grab games I've manually shortcutted into Steam? I could see how scraping errors might result if a game is an exclusive to another gamefront like Epic or whatever, but that would be easy to tweak after the import.
  9. Yeah, launching ROMs from Citra should be able to be implemented now as well which was another sticking point for me. Good point, Jessica. I'm not sure how kosher it is to mention other launchers, but I find the way Daijisho handles emulators (not to mention just being a great home screen replacement) is really slick. The only lack in Daijisho's functionality for me is that it has no portrait support. Since I got a telescopic controller, a stylus, and a 2023 model Lenovo Legion Y700 tablet (ETA Prime's video put me over the top on deciding to buy one) my portable emulation capabilities have gone through the roof. I'm either a) in need of a 12-step program or b) the coolest middle-aged guy in town now. Meh, it can be both.
  10. Nice updates. For me the main pain point for this Android version is the emulator handling (the link to the Play Store version of Retroarch springs to mind since that version doesn't work on so many devices). For the sake of convenience it would be nice to grab the version of Retroarch you want from their site and check for updates for it as well. This might be an unrealistic ask, but it would save some end-user effort 😛
  11. Thank you! My tech-impaired partner will especially be relieved not to have to drop out to the Windows desktop to run his games.
  12. Is this addon still in development? It's been working flawlessly for me until I updated my Kodi installation to v20. Whether or not it's still in active development, thanks for the great work.
  13. I'll add to the other comments about the 'recent' lists not working (all my recents show up as thin blue vertical lines). I've deleted the caches and deleted all the themes, though I only use the default theme as I find it to be the most clean and functional. I tried some other themes and they exhibit the same behavior.
  14. Wow, you guys are on it! I can't find that line to replace in the main.py file but I'll dig around in possible other locations... or wait until this weekend ? Thanks for the quick work!
  15. Thanks for the quick reply! I gotta say for the record this addon is really terrific--- it's the only way the more tech-handicapped in the household can get to the emulators. I'm using Kodi 18.6 x64, non-Windows store version. I did the 'delete and update userdata scripts on next run', but no difference. The timestamp on the logfiles is dated March 11th so that's not going to help much. I deleted both and re-ran the addon but as expected it didn't create a new logfile nor did it turn up in a complete search of my drive (in case it got flung somewhere else somehow). Aaaaaand as I type this I see replies so I'll check them out ?
  16. This addon has been working flawlessly for me for over a year, but when I tried to launch it a few days ago, I got... nothing. No crashes or errors from Kodi, just no response. I checked and saw I had version 1.5.3 installed so I manually updated it to 1.5.6, but still no luck. Uninstalled and reinstalled, no joy. Any ideas? For the record, script writing is not my forte...
  17. I didn't, actually. I played FF15 for a few hours and it failed to engage me so I haven't revisited it. I should give it another try since it's seen a fair amount of patching since I had first tried. Also, I launch BB from Kodi on my HTPC so Kodi is also sitting minimized in the background which may have affected things. My more specific HTPC system config is i7-7700k @4.5ghz, 16gb RAM, RTX 2080 ti (yeah, I was stupid and bought one for my new 4k tv), all games installed on a 1tb ssd. I should give FF15 another chance and troubleshoot some more, but I'm still stuck on Tomb Raider and Dead Cells atm ?
  18. I had a similar problem with Final Fantasy 15 launched from BB (with an HTPC running similar specs as yours though obviously on an older version of BB), but Shadow of the Tomb raider from BB runs fine for me currently.
  19. For the last couple builds (at least) when I scroll through a games list in any platform sometimes when there's a screenshot image it will remain on the screen even after I scroll down past the game it's attached to. In case it's relevant I use the default theme with vertical plain text game lists and background videos.
  20. Nope, Windows only.
  21. Gotcha. How can we switch back to the old view to work on stuff?
  22. It looks much cleaner and it's snappier--- but are the menus disabled in this first build? I click the menu button to look at preferences and stuff and nothing happens. I don't see any button to switch back to the old version.
  23. Just in case you've never heard of this adapter--- I also use MAME for Colecovision and Intellivision emulation since MAME allows direct button mapping (the lack of which is my only real gripe with Retroarch) and it works great: http://www.intellivision.us/intvgames/interface/interface.php I bought the Intellivision and Colecovision Flashback consoles to get the appropriate controllers. Setup in MAME was a breeze.
  24. OMG. I should delete this thread hahaha I got home, fired up LB, looked in my Retroarch C64 settings and immediately saw I had replaced an underscore with a period. This, after I had been poring over and double-checking all my settings. I must have been in zombie mode after working on polishing up LB for a couple hours straight. /shamed
  25. I really suspect it's something simple and stupid that I'll end up flagellating myself over later. When I get back home I'll post what I have... I appreciate the second pair of eyes.
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