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Everything posted by Grila

  1. Edit the PlatformWheel3FiltersView.xaml and comment out or delete the corresponding elements.
  2. No....it isn't.
  3. First, replace the settings XML with this one: ThemeSettings.xml Second, copy the Wheel3GamesView.xaml to the views directory overwriting the existing one. Wheel3GamesView.xaml Then, go into options and turn on game bg videos.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Here's a collection of 763 high quality (2048x2048) 3-D boxes for the Nintendo Entertainment System. I made them using Imandix Cover Pro with very high quality (3431x2100) full cover artwork from http://www.thecoverproject.net. Distribute as you please, all I did was run the artwork through Imandix. Enjoy Preview:
  5. Grila's HQ 3-D NES Boxart View File Here's a collection of 763 high quality (2048x2048) 3-D boxes for the Nintendo Entertainment System. I made them using Imandix Cover Pro with very high quality (3431x2100) full cover artwork from http://www.thecoverproject.net. Distribute as you please, all I did was run the artwork through Imandix. Enjoy Preview: Submitter Grila Submitted 08/17/2017 Category Game Box Art
  6. Yeah, that's what happens with ES when a specific system theme isn't created. If you let me know which ones you need I can do those first. Looks like Ports is one of them, let me know the rest and I'll get banging on them.
  7. Oh, forgot to mention that the RetroPie menu may be a little FUBAR at the moment since I don't have my Pi with me to fully test and tweak the layout. All other systems should be good to go though since I can test those on Windows.
  8. @neil9000 The RetroPie theme update is committed to GitHub now. I haven't added all the systems yet as I was focusing on the ones I personally use, but they will be created in due time. You should just be able to update through the RetroPie Themes menu, but if not here's the GitHub link. https://github.com/G-rila/es-theme-fundamental @zetec-s-joe Almost done with your new game view, it'll be uploaded shortly.
  9. For sure! I'll start on it Monday when I'm back in my office. I believe I already have a platform view like that but can't remember off hand. If I do, it will only take me a few minutes to port it to a game view.
  10. Being impatient and then essentially knocking everybody in this community, because you haven't got your answer yet, is not a really good way to get help around here. Anyways, here's my question for you since I'm not 100% sure on what you are trying to accomplish. You say you want a different video to play for each game. Are you talking about a video snap for the selected game or are you trying to get some other video to play? It kind of seems like you are trying to reinvent the wheel here, as you can already play a corresponding video snap according to the selected wheel item with the ImageVideoView or with the BackgroundView.
  11. Yeah, here's a screen grab of the new system menu...
  12. Correct, I added the video snaps when it first became available. I only mentioned it in the list because I wasn't sure what version you were running
  13. Vertical (themeable) system carousel, video snaps, z-index for theme elements, theme variables, etc.
  14. I'm in the process of updating the theme to include the new features that have been rolled out recently thanks to jrassa's work. I'll let you know when the changes are pushed to GitHub (so you can just update your theme from the RetroPie Setup utility).
  15. @Maddoc1007 gets all the credit for figuring out the fix It's not something that can be added by default to custom themes though because it's very situation specific with the sizing of certain elements.
  16. Sounds like a bug to me, a theme has no control over switching views.
  17. I just tried it on my machine too. I had to use "Refresh All Images" to get them to show up (instead of "Refresh Platform Wheel Images"). It may be a bug in the latest beta if that's the version you're on. Nothing in the theme has any control over that.
  18. <TextBlock Grid.Column="21" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.Row="15" Grid.RowSpan="1" Text="TOTAL GAMES:" Foreground="Black" FontFamily="Segoe UI Light" FontSize="20"> <TextBlock.Effect> <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="30" Direction="270" ShadowDepth="10" Opacity="0.5"/> </TextBlock.Effect> </TextBlock> It has to be a child property of the element.
  19. Ahh yes...good old Windows blocking dll's. I'll add that to the description. Thanks @neil9000
  20. Fundamental Changelog: v1.2.0 (08/01/2017): - Fixed DPI scaling issues (tested from 100% up to 175%) - Removed corner radius mask from all videos to negate the need to use WMP - Added transition selectors back to everything that doesn't use the corner radius mask - Embedded the font file so users no longer need to install it on their machine - Added two more hq vertical platform banners (tg16 and master system)
  21. I starting fixing the DPI scaling issues today so they should be completed in a day or so. I'm also making a few other minor changes to solve some of the more prominent issues: I embedded the font so there will no need to make sure the correct one is installed on your system I removed the rounded corners from the videos. This negates the need to use WMP for video playback and VLC is now preferred, but we lose the pretty rounded corners on the videos in the process. I'll post when the update is available in the "Downloads" section. Thanks for the patience guys and gals.
  22. Is the .dll unblocked? Windows 7 and higher are notorious for blocking downloaded .dll files. If you already unblocked it, maybe go here and download the runtime for your pc. https://slimdx.org/download.php Other than that I'm not sure...everything works correctly on my side.
  23. I can but it's not a quick change. All the elements in my control pack are pure XAML, no png or jpg. The reason I went this route was so they could scale up and down indefinitely, without losing quality. Give me a few days and I'll see if I can get it added. Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
  24. You can add drop shadows in XAML, no need to duplicate and stack text. Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
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