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Everything posted by stephy

  1. Sorry. For PONG/DICE: main video + 14 gameplay videos. https://mega.nz/#!YUxgnLJL!VOi_kHGBAfd7zn8fG-VI3T1vHea_iz0NLxplSZqNK3A As for my last reply. This ones I didn't sent in the mega . *Nintendo TV Game *Nokia N-Gage *Philips Videopac G7200 * Tapwave Zodiac
  2. Comiing up! edit:Gameplay - electron - commodore 16 and plus 4 - nec pc-8801 and 9901.rar https://mega.nz/#!RURxnSjb!zyxxBH1c9_QexuwZVXrMdb1f_HvAwMUFgKceWXVzZvo
  3. DUDe. We got gameplay for every system. What you need?
  4. 1 more!!.. TY so much viking your work will be viewed by 200+ people soon in my group YOu know about Rincewind's theme too? You two combined is just.. omg... so much nostalgia ! Super Game Boy? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Game_Boy .
  5. Rincewind : Can you look in Launchbox/images/platforms and zip that folder and send to me? or upload somewhere. I've other platform buttons and I can't / don't know how to get the original ones back.
  6. This is definitely one of the best Set and with Rincewind new Theme truly a magical experience to see how each game system looks. I've two or three requests for more system if that is ok? *Acorn Archimedes - (clear logo to if its ok.. ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn_Archimedes *A clear logo for Super Famicom (Super Nintendo in Japan) - video already exists. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Nintendo_Entertainment_System *A video for Sam Coupe - Clear logo already exists. - https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAM_Coupé *A video for DICE - Clear logo already exists. - And you're really the best ! !
  7. i would also mention to use Nostalgia as Videos for this theme. - simply download them and add them in the ...\ LaunchBox \ Themes \ <Theme name> \ Videos \ Platforms \ . As the quality just goes beyond the roof with these two combined. ! Also recommend right - clicking on the big red button that says "Download this file" and choose open link in new tab . Then download them ... without the download tab vanishing .
  8. Still super -fkn- impressed that you made a such great game-view theme. So I don't have to use coverflow anymore
  9. Is it possible to make the game that shows up. be the one that is not visible - instead of the middle one ? looks Awesome still =)
  10. they are beautiful in any case =) can anyone please send launchbox/images/platform/ folder to me? I be so happy! .. i don't have default clear logos.. and it bugs me
  11. Fixed it Its a wonderful theme. Ty very much. One idea: Maybe you can add the backgrounds for each platform in the theme ? - like in your nintendo Wii image.
  12. There is no Download all for Premium users?
  13. Do anyone know how to use Bezels in RetroArch?
  14. Its probably one of the most coziest theme. I love to see this one grow. Maybe even use different TV's for different system? And for some reason game/platform videos play random sometimes and sometimes not... ? dno why
  15. Missing Epoch Game Pocket Computer Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epoch_Game_Pocket_Computer also Missing MGT Sam Coupé Wikpedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAM_Coupé also Missing Phillips VG 5000 Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philips_VG5000µ (sorry french)
  16. two things. Flip Box Doesnt Work . - For me, If I have 2 front art boxarts.. its scroll between those two. But when I have 1. front boxart and 1. back boxart it doesnt even switch between them at all. Inside a Platform, the boxart is replaced by cartridges or clearart.. - Atari 2600 - Has catridges, not boxarts - Atari 5200 - Has clearart, not boxarts -Amiga - shows nothing as boxart.. but i have boxart - front pictures in folder. -Amiga CD 32 - - shows nothing as boxart.. but i have boxart - front pictures in folder.
  17. Is one up?
  18. My settings are: General - Views - Images And i get this boring main menu ?
  19. doing that rite now
  20. Oh... it works. .I can select and edit.. not just game.. but games ! WonderfuL! ! but i can't find aah.. other edit button for multiple games. darnit
  21. It be otherwise awesome if you could just import games , and Launchbox just added the content you selected and ignored adding a copy of the games u already have on list.. but i guess you guys already working on such a thing ? =)
  22. how to rescrape? I also got a Emumovies account so I like the idea of dropping =) Maybe just download from FTP , and drop into appropriate folders seems right .
  23. TY for quick response . Really nice of you. I was just wondering one more thing.. If I already imported my game collection , is it possible to update it and add more images , boxart, flyers , etc from Emumovies? =)
  24. How Do I hide Clones of games in Mame? =)
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