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Everything posted by heelsinc

  1. Just beat Buggy Run for SMS real fun RC Pro Am style racing game.
  2. Yesterday beat Alex Kidd in Shinobi World which was a lot of fun but easy enough to beat in one play through and Virtua Fighter Animation which was awful. Both for SMS. Also got my daughter Just Dance 2016 for her Bday on Sunday and it was our first experience with that series. We will now forever be playing that.
  3. Just started Asterix for SMS about half way through. I've put in .5 hours so far
  4. Wow I don't think I would be able to put that much time into a single video game. Were you playing other games at the time or just this one?
  5. Just beat Cyborg Hunter for Sega Master System it was a fun but fairly easy game.
  6. haha yea ignore that example I had moved that particular file to a different folder and didn't tell the newest version of mame where it was If I download the update packs do I just move them into the existing roms folder and replace the older files?
  7. does this need a specific rom pack version? I'm just starting to try to set up mame and it sucks! I have the .161 pack with all the updates to .179 but nothing works in mame .179 but most work in .161 mame. Will the retroarch core give me the same issues? Example is WWF Superstars works fine on Mame .161 but not on .179 which is weird cause I didn't see anything for that game in the update packs so I don't think anything on it changed.
  8. heelsinc


    right I thought I had read about the "blue prints" for the system not being around.
  9. heelsinc


    oh I thought Saturn emulation was fairly decent with SSF. I have never tried it myself so never dug to deep into it.
  10. heelsinc


    Saturn emulation has still been around for a while though. I'm guessing you're speaking about that guy that actually hacked the system it's self to be able to boot from a hard drive? That was some pretty exciting news. I don't play on original consoles as I just hate having stuff set up at my house but I'm sure it could help the emulation scene as well.
  11. heelsinc


    xbox emulation is very difficult to crack from what I understand. The original xbox is the only past gen system I still have out and set up because of this. Luckily mine is hard drive modded with every game released for the system loaded onto it!
  12. does anybody else have a similar "games beaten" list? Not sure when I started tracking or if I've forgotten to put something down but this is where I keep track of my games that I beat. I'm sure there are others as weird as me that do this here right? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19W75hWyut16yilfyOXe3DIWYE901qrQQkniKyqxlP9Y/edit?usp=sharing
  13. It's pretty awful compared to the SMS and Arcade. To be honest the only reason I went with that one is cause I was already in the NES section on launchbox and didn't feel like clicking extra
  14. Was just going to start this topic myself. Right now I'm currently playing Godzilla and Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World both for Gameboy. Boomer I'm enjoying and will finish it off tonight. Godzilla not so much. Oh and Rampage for NES with my wife. We are on day 75ish. She's growing tired of the repetitiveness so I'll likely end up finish that one up on my own.
  15. This is way cool and for sure a theme I would use.
  16. Perfect! Thank you so much. It launches full screen this way also!
  17. Yes that's the one.
  18. Yea I have the extra roms can you give me more of a step by step on how to do this?
  19. How do I do this as the games are built into the emulator. Any one set this one up yet?
  20. Cool thanks for the info
  21. Right I press the "A" button and it goes into the game details I want to by pass the details screen and just be able to favorite a game while scrolling through the games list is that possible? So I can check the skip game details screen and go right to launching a game and then set an alternate button to still bring me to the details list. I want a button that will launch a game right away which you explained, a button to still be able to get to game details which you also explained but what about a button to just favorite? Thanks
  22. Can I hit a button on my controller to mark a game as favorite in just the game list? The only way I know how to do it is to actually click into the game. While I'm at it can I launch a game directly from the games list?
  23. is there a way to do this?
  24. This is awesome. This was the only thing I felt the program was missing!!!
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