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Everything posted by ResidentEvul13

  1. tried that last night i shall try it again... but then what of the project64 emu issue?
  2. I have been working around the clock night/day trying to tweak lb/bb like it is on my alienware laptop vs my console. and then i noticed on my console my user/windows folders were missing preventing me from being able to set bigbox up through my kodi build. days i tried to figure it out until some of you said it was absolutely fine to relocate my entire launchbox folder to where-ever. Great! now kodi was able to locate lb/bb exe and once again run. NEW ISSUES AND HEADACHES! Now keep in mind I only relocated kodi my emus/roms never ever moved from their location. Even though I never add them to lb I always copy roms from original location... I have 5 not 1 or 2... but 5! emus that won't run at all since relocating launchbox but before they were running perfectly! I tried deleting them and reimporting them but Launchbox is a smart girl... they still had same error... I was then told by 2 powerhouses of Launchbox dev team to get notepad++ and edit my xml files to fix the issues! I was already writing code at the time for new trainers/emus on my original xbox console... so me Having OCD/ADD/ and ADULT ADHD makes it difficult to focus all at once... Anyways I started editing the xml [wrong xml file] in launchbox and after i realized i was messing up I just stopped and put everything like it was... My the screenshots will show several things The way my brain is programmed you can tell me something all day and i'll either get it or miss it.. but if you show me i'll perfect it instantly... I've looked at all the tuts and none of them showed any issues with emus breaking and how to correct the paths once broken to fix. Can someone anyone please make a short tut on how to properly edit the correct xml file to fix my broken emus... I have a huge day this weekend to demo my work for lots of friends/family and I don't want it to be half done and...I will also be promoting Launchbox/Bigbox and it's amazing dev team like I constantly do on social media but in person. lastly project64 doesn't have same error as other emus but it does have one as shown in ss... it does work just fine manually loading roms as shown in ss. 1. BROKEN EMUS ON LB 2. ERROR I GET WHEN TRYING TO LAUNCH A GAME FROM ONE OF THE BROKEN EMUS 3.SCREENSHOT OF NOTEPAD++ 4. A NEW FOUND ERROR WITH PROJECT64 WHEN ATTEMPTING TO PLAY A GAME THROUGH LB 5. PROOF THAT THE EMU WORKS FINE ON IT'S OWN OUTSIDE OF LB?!
  3. idk what this is never happened before now inside lb right after i finished importing them
  4. no my emus and roms stayed still i only relocated lb entire folder from user to local c... im editing xml in np++ now thanks mass for everything you guys do... maybe i'll get smart enough to join forces with you all one day... cause of this discovery ive gotten with my old xbox modding crew to revamp everything we created 16 years ago... Launchbox gave me a ton of ideas on how to make my ultimate-xbox consoles even more ultimate!
  5. hells no. i have all this set perfectly on my custom built alien-ware notebook now im doing it over on my alien-ware alpha gaming console... once it all comes together this will be one of the sickest gaming consoles out... i keep hitting snags here and there but programming is a never ending roller-coaster ride
  6. yea the space adds fast so want to wait til i get a 6tb hd before i add roms to lb.. this stuff takes so much memory depending on how decked out you want it to be
  7. fixed completed... i deleted the whole thing... downloaded fresh emu/bios redid settings and viola! not the roms but was the actual emu folder had bad stuff in it all gone now. thx for the help now on to my next issue...
  8. i can only assume this is happening because i relocated my entire LB folder but never tested the roms aftrwards cause lb opens just fine. this same error is now on bigbox as well. i hope its a simple fixed vs me having to redo all my emus and roms again...
  9. just downloaded that moments ago how can it be corrupted straight from the actual site? roms i not the issue im sure of that.
  10. jesus just watched followed everything perfectly yet still when i try to hit run dreamcast the curse hits me again! if it wont work on my laptop something tells me it won't work in lb for me geez!
  11. I know Brad tuts are epic I just never got to see it. I have the bios files for demul 7 just didn't know how to add them to directory
  12. premium is so worth it trust me side note the sonic themes only worked when you match the game name to its theme. sonic the hedgehog 3 didn't work but when I rename to Sonic 3 lol worked fine
  13. ive look all over the net back and fourth and tuts i did fine just were so off and all over the place... I have spent far too long trying to set up DEmul emu on my laptop my brain is friend im doing other things and this is holding me up. i know how to set it up wih launchbox but because of my extreme OCD i like to test all my work on my laptop before adding it to lb. can someone anyone please tell me how to correctly set this thing up.
  14. having issues with sony psp... the emulator is not in the drop down menu on LB so idk how to set it up though i have the correct emu for windows.
  15. thank you much i got it... but now is there a video tut on how to actually install the files i need inside LB to get movies working?
  16. understood but main issue is missing folders... cause until they show on my pc they wont show inside kodi is it possible to relocate entire launchbox folder to local C? instead of having it in user/
  17. no krypton is trash and it has nothing to do with the version... its al set up exact same way on my laptop with no issue. kodi can't find bigbox application file because it can't see my user or windows folders... they are both misssing nothing to do with kodi at all...
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