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Everything posted by rossbeck

  1. There were a couple missing that I needed so I just made them myself (Sonic & Knuckles and Thunder Force II). I'll attach them in case anyone else might want them. Cheers!
  2. Never mind... Got bored and made my own. I'll attach them in case anyone else needs them. Cheers!
  3. Any chance you have a blank template you could post? I had a couple I wanted to make that are missing from your set (Bonk's Adventure and Taito's Chase HQ). Thanks!
  4. Amazing set! Thanks!
  5. Any chance you have one for Afterburner? Or a blank template so I can create one? Thanks for this set!
  6. Yep. It keeps failing at 5.0GB. Is this hosted anywhere else?
  7. Wondering if anyone still has these files? OP's links are dead.
  8. Seems like nobody has bothered to ever update this once the project was abandoned in 2011. I just sucked it up and manually added a bunch of games to mine (my MAME/LB bartop has about 300 hand-picked arcade games on it). Figured I could just do it once and be done with it. In the end I think I only had to manually add 50 or so... but it's a bummer that there's no real way to automate this. For what it's worth, in case anyone out there stumbles on this thread like I did... here's now I easily got the info to add my own entries: Look up the game here, making sure you have the arcade version... this site has a "controls" layout for about 99% of the games out there. This will let you know basically all of the info you might need to do a manual entry yourself (joystick type, # of players, how many buttons ,and what to name them for voice feedback): https://www.gamesdatabase.org/
  9. Actually, I half figured it out. It looks it's using the ClearLogo (stretched way out, half of it is off the screen). What file(s) does the startup/shutdown function look for as backgrounds? For whatever reason, it's falling back to using clearlogos for me.
  10. Is this the place to report potential bugs? Apologies if it's not. LOVE that the startup/shutdown screens have been implemented, but I'm having an issue where the background image is over-stretched (half off the screen) on the shutdown screen. This happens in default mode or using one of the 4 currently available themes. Is this a known bug? I'm guessing it might have something to do with me using a 1600x1200 resolution.... but that said, the startup screens are flawless. Cheers and thanks for all your hard work!
  11. That's awesome! Thanks for all your hard work! I wish I had the time/knowhow for this... but I'm sure this would spark some interest from the mods and/or Jason. I personally have a custom bartop I built and have been looking for a good solution (other than LEDBlinky) for showing controls before games launch for both consoles and MAME. Cheers, and good luck!
  12. It would be amazing if someone could turn these into one of the startup themes featured in launchbox 9.2. I'm also hoping they add "advance on button press" to that feature instead of just a timer. That would be a perfect combo for these controller maps!
  13. Thanks! Did some more digging and also found this one:
  14. I noticed a lot of the latest-and-greatest themes only seem to be tailored to 16:9 setups... I'm running a 21" 4:3 1600x1200 monitor on my bartop and was wondering which themes people recommend for a 4:3 setup? Cheers!
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