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Everything posted by vahacris
Hi. Is there a way to run mame games clones in big box? I had them in mame collection as additional apps.
Really no one playing sega cd 32x games? Im sure the same problem is with sega cd multiple disc games. Any help?
Hi. I see many of you guys had SEGA CD 32X in your collections, but I wonder if you play those games or just have them? I have question how to change disc in those games? I use retroarch to emulate SEGA CD 32X but can't find option to eject disc 1 and insert disc 2. Four of sega cd 32x games had multiple discs so its a problem. I wonder if any one can help me. Another problem is controller setup for Corpse Killer game. All other games work well but in this game gamepad not responding. I can go to retroarch, fastforward key is working but d-pad and buttons are not working and i can't leave the menu. I read in orginal instruction that the game can be played with light gun or gamepad, so i config lightgun in retroarch too but it still don't work. Any help will be aprrciated.
Last question ;] I understand that the new edition will be Launchbox compatible like v3.11 ? If Yes I will patiently wait for it ;] Salute
Oh. If you said many changes i understand we should wait for it for a while... I dont know if i can ? all those games really seduce me. Please let me know if its a matter of weeks or months before droppin it? Im not bitchin for accurate date, just want to know if i can wait that much ? Again big props man. If you ever conduct your plan with win 95 games collection you should get some official medal or something.
Hi exo. I just want to ask if nothing change in your plans of releasing full v3. 11 with all volumes in one download. If this still in plan i just wait because it would be easier to grab them and import to LB that way. Props for your hard work as always man.
Ok thanks man. I dont know about ini file. I will check it. I can map controller in mame afer launching a game and go to setup. But im still Wonder whats the deal with exe file.
Hi all. I've got some problem with MAME recently. Maybe someone have the same experience and can help me with this. I can't start MAME exe file. When I start specific games from LB MAME works correctly - games starts without problem, but when I try to run MAME64.exe only black screen occurs and after 10 seconds it dissapear and nothing happen. So emulating games works perfet but I can't run MAME to change options. I try with other versions of MAME from internet but all of them behave the same. I made two changes recently - one of them is that i change graphic card - from XTX radeon r9 270 to MSI radeon r9 270 (the old card stop working). I change drivers to the newest. Second change is that I start running old platforms like coleco, rca studio II, etc with MAME and in one tutorial (to coleco) there was a suggestion to change video options. so i change video mode to opengl. that was the last time i run MAME exe file. I think it is some problem with graphic card but the strange thing is that arcade games works correctly. I think it is not problem with opengl video mode because when i download other version from internet it should start with default options. or MAME had some ini files with settings somewhere on the drive c? Please let me know if there is some command lines that i can start MAME with default setting or maybe i can go to mame options from game (when i push tab i know i have options but only for this game). Maybe someone had the same problem and can help me? ps. sorry for my english ;]
With japan, german, etc. release? Or us/Eu only?
Same question here. I assume You use background images. but when i put aspect ratio to 1.0 it looks nearly as good as yours but backgrounds images have different dimensions and some of them looks bad. do you use the same dimension for all background images? and if yes what is this dimension? i could scale all my background images just to get the look you have. props for this man. it looks great.
you should first decide what is ''complete''. US and EU official releases? JAP releases too? other releases (Brazil, Korea. Taiwan, Germany, France, etc) ? What about protoypes, what about beta and prototypes that also got full release? Unlicensed games? Homebrews? Hacks? Public Domain? Its very hard to define ''complete'' - everybody got they own rules. I got every platform twice in LB right now - one with EU and US official releases only and second with prototypes that wasn't release later, good unlicensed games, notable hacks and different countries releases (Japan, Taiwan, German, France, etc.) that you can easly play without knowing they native language (or in english). what is your definition of ''complete''?
Thanks for the answer. i see your point of view. and to be clear i do not talk about different version of the same game for different platforms (like the same game for genesis and snes). I was talking about the exact same game, even the same file on hard drive - one in fb alpha collection and one in arcade collection. but its all good. everyone had their own ish. i personally edit all games individaully, add covers, and other media, correct genres, add extended game info, etc, etc. thats my style ;] and i only collect official europe and usa releases only. i had like 30 000 games in collection (commodore 64 and amiga collection was the biggest ones) but i catch myself that i never had chance to play all this games so i install fresh copy of lb and starts again with official releases only.
Hi! sorry to bother but what is the point in keeping Arcade collection and Final Burn collection? Isn't that the same Arcade games in both of them? Same with Sega Naomi, Delphine, etc. Or maybe You do not have Naomi games in Arcade platform collection? Maybe i miss something but this way theres a many duplicate games in Yours and others collection using the same game file from MAME collection.
Thanks again for the clue.
Mods please close the topic, problem solved. I had an option in BB "show favorites first" checked. Thanks Neil for the clue.
Thanks Man for the answer but that not that. I got my snes collection sorted manually. I add exactly the same media to all them games, like covers, 5 game snapshots, they all got the same media.
Hi guys. I Just start testing big box because to this date i was only messing with LB. The first problem i find is that some games that i See in LB are missing in BB. Some idea? Lets Say for Snes i have in LB 5 games starting by letter Z, but in BB i See only 2 of them. They all works correct in LB, they are not checked as broken or something. What can be the problem?
Ok thanks a lot lord. So i only have to copy Sega Genesis and Sega Master system xmls from data/platform folder to my LB catalog. I was warried that there some other XML files containing info about all the platforms i have in LB i Will have to copy/paste some data to them. Configuring emulator and Puting a right patch to games folder is easy enough So this Will not be a problem. Thanks again.
Hi guys. One question. I want to export 2 platforms (Sega Genesis and Sega Master system) from my friend LB to my LB. He got them all sorted plus add additional images, descriptions and videos. I dont want to sort it by myself I Just want to copy those 2 platforms to my LB. I know i have to copy image, videos, manualna and all that platform folders from his LB to my, but what about XML files? Which one i should copy. Note that i have all Nintendo platform sorted in my LB and he des not have them in his LB, and i don't want to lose platforms that i have in my LB. I Just want to add this two particular platforms from him. Please let me know what XML files i should copy and if that copy action is possible to proceed.
Hi, I don't want to start new topic about Sega Dreamcast so I put it here. I got question about multiple disc games. I want to add my DC games collection to LB and for other platforms it was a problem so i ask before adding. How to add 2 or 3 disc games? should i only add .cdi file for disc one and keep another disc in the same directory as the disc one?
Thanx spycat. The problem is that i would have to play all clones to find the ones that are playable instead of parent games which is too much for me. i don't have another year for that ;] I understand i can delete all files from diff folder? delete files for games that i leave in my collection will recreate when i play those games again?
Yes i'm pretty sure i have non-merged set. One more questrion - are there any clones worth playing? i always don't even import them to LB as i was thinking their just other language versions, etc. But now i hear that there are some decent versions of games like street fighter 30th anniversary version or something like that. please let me know what you guys think about it. is there like thousends of those clones? i don't want to spend another year to play all clones just to add 4 or 5 good clones to my MAME collection.
Thanks for answer. Im 100% sure, i choose this set because previously i download merged one and have problem with deleting the games i dont play.
Thanks Man. What about other questions? Maybe some clues? Is it right that one game used only one zip file and only one folder with chd file?
I just figured out that I will do it like this beforew reading your post ;'] it's good to know that my ideas are not that bad at all. thanks again lord for instant help. salute.