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Everything posted by Cnells2000

  1. its only for alien trilogy. now im gonna make one for batman forever, alone in the dark etc. then edit the file in launchbox to each individual game
  2. DUDE THANK U SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
  3. HOLY **** That Worked! DUDE U ARE THE FREAKINGMAN!!!!!!!! Now im Just GOnna Make 31 More Bat Files With Different Cue Names!!!
  4. i changed it to: @echo off set game="D:\Roms\Sega Saturn\Roms\Alien Trilogy (USA).cue" set daemon="C:\Program Files\Daemon Tools Ultra\DTultra.exe" set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF_011_alpha_R5\SSF.exe" %daemon% -mount F, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount F It Did Everything but Mount the .cue file.....tried .bin also
  5. thats what i did. but in my case it was F. Gonna try this rom thing now...
  6. I Had to set the .bat to F because i cant add a virtual drive in dt ultra. there is no option or i cant find it. in the daemon tools pro and dt lite they have that right click/add a virtual drive add a scsi drive option. maybe thats why its not working. how did u do it?
  7. I Have Win 10 Pro, I Installed the Exact Version Of DTUltra u have and i have the emulator you have as well. mounting it with DTagent shows syntax error and dtultra soes what ive been seeing all along...everything but the mount. thats why i asked about helping me direct it to a rom instead
  8. im gonna try your version real quick.....hold 1 gotta find and install it
  9. would you be able to help me make a .bat to the point where it would mount to one iso i put in the file? then all i would have to do is change the name of the game if it mounts and problem solved. Just an example, i know im not doing this right @echo off set game="D:\ROms\Sega Saturn\Roms\Alen Trilogy (USA).cue set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools lite\DTlite.exe" set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe" %daemon% -mount I, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount I
  10. i tried it and it said mount syntax error. then it said unmount syntax error
  11. Like This???? @echo off set game=%1% set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools lite\DTagent.exe" set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe" %daemon% -mount I, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount I
  12. do u want me to point the .bat file to DT agent or in manage emulators?
  13. i mounted a game manually, (Mounted it to I) as what i have in the .bat, and the game i clicked in launchbox started with no problem. the problem is where if i dont mount it manually, i get disc empty..hmm Once Again My Settings are @echo off set game=%1% set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools lite\DTlite.exe" set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe" %daemon% -mount I, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount I
  14. so do u think i need ultra also?
  15. yea that didnt work for me either...smh
  16. well guess im on my own now...................
  17. Wow. because mednafen runs like **** on my pc AMD Athlon II 2.90 GHZ 8 GB RAM GTX 650 Video Card cud i run compatibility mode maybe?
  18. thats where i put it when i set it in launchbox. im also using 64 bit DT lite. cud i be doing it wrong? damn... one more step and ill be good
  19. yes we are! but since that method is doing everything but mounting it in launchbox, how would i go about it as above sir? i dont mind making a bat for each individual when all i have to change on the equation is the rom name
  20. ok setting it to launchbox performs the same action so it has to be altered to load one game by each bat. how would i go about doing inserting this with this equation? for example D:/Roms/Sega Saturn/Roms/alien trilogy (Usa).cue @echo off set game=%1% set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe" %daemon% -mount 0, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount 0 I was guessing i had to put the rom path in between %1%? Lol. I know im wrong as hell. If this works and mounts it, im going to create like 32 .bat files for the each game and set it. BTW, I Appreciate u helping me so far.
  21. but of course by double clicking the .bat file it is supposed to perform the function in entirety right? then i would set it in launchbox. just a question.
  22. ok we got somewhere there. this time it booted the black cmd, then daemon tools, and It Booted SSF This Time. but it still didnt mount the game. so its like one step left. is it because i didnt put the game in the bat description u made? i changed it to look like this: @echo off set game=%1% set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" set emu="D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe" %daemon% -mount 0, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount 0 where do i insert the game directory to mount in this equation?
  23. i dont know if anyone still follows this topic, but i just tried to create a batch file but no luck as well. it opens the cmd, opens daemons tools but does'nt do any thing else from here. as far as the bat file im sure i have the directories correct but its not doing the mounting or starting the SSF program my batch is as follows @echo off "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount 0 "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount 0, "D:\Roms\Sega Saturn\Roms\Alien Trilogy (USA).cue" "D:\Emulators\SSF LB\SSF.exe" ive changed the 0 to 1 or 2 also but still no luck. what am i doing wrong here. cud anyone help? Pics Are Below
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