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  1. Trymado is in no way or form anything to do with anyone that runs TeknoParrot. But thanks for sharing anyway.
  2. Thank you. There's two 'Valve Limit R' files in there btw. looks like a dupe. Also SoulCaliber VI ? Is that dumped?
  3. Amazing. Thanks so much. [/url]
  4. Could someone please make some logos I am missing for my Arcade Rom Systems. It would be very much appreciated. Global VR Konami PC Based Namco ES3B Namco ES3X Namco N2 Sega Lindbergh Red Sega Lindbergh Yellow Sega Lindvergh Silver Sega Lindbergh Red EX Sega ALL.Net MULTI Ver.2 Sega Nu Sega Nu 1.1 Sega Nu 2 SEGA PC Based Sega Ring Edge 2 Taito Type X Zero Taito Type X 3 Thanks again!
    Fantastic covers for a group of games lacking uniform media. Much appreciated.
    Amazingly helpful and useful. Possibly the best thing since sliced bread. I use it all the time.
  5. I made some very basic boxart for 82 tables. Future_Pinball_2D_Box_Covers.7z
  6. I've never managed to connect through Launchbox. Site and FTP work fine.
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