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  1. Wow ! Really great tool. Thank you very much for creating and sharing this!
  2. Great work!!! Thank you so much for these, they are awesome !
  3. Just wanted to thank cemfundog for the help getting everything sorted out ! Thought I should leave his answer here to help others
  4. Hi, Wow! The new custom platform views are amazing! Thank you so much. Got the theme installed now but I still seem to be struggling to find where to put the Platform catagory logos and the playlist logos? I have them already created. Please help 🙂
  5. Maybe one of the LB team will consider this idea and implement it in a future update Also very nice work on these vids @The Papaw ! Thanks for the replies
  6. Great idea! Just wondering if there Is there a way to have multiple videos for each platform ,,similar to random startup videos? Thanks
  7. Hello again, I had a few days to really learn some things about this theme and the logo creator. I had alot of questions before but after doing alot of reading and experimenting I can say I have a pretty good understanding now. I have watched several Community theme workshop videos and even though I am still very new I now have the confidence to make some small changes and finally create the playlist logos I was looking for. I am currently still using v2 on your theme which I really enjoy! It just works perfectly on my system, so thank you cemfundog and everyone involved very much for creating it. Its not your average theme and does require a little extra effort but it is so worth it ..and now I think I am ready to take on v3
  8. Thank you for the attached but they are available already. I have these installed and they show when I go into a category like Arcade, Consoles, Handhelds or Computers. Sorry for being such a pain. I just need the bigger icons for Arcade, Consoles, Handhelds and Computers. The other set I can't seem to find is the bigger icons for the arcade playlists. Hi cemfundog, Just browsing in the download section and see there is a new final version of this theme ..v3.06 ? I didn't know of the newer v3.06 version when I stumbled across this theme so please disregard above posts. Wow! Ok, plenty of instructions here. Installing now ..thanks!
  9. Hi cemfundog, I thought I had this figured out. I see where the icons go but after downloading all the packages ..I still don't see the platform device Icons for Consoles, Handhelds and Computers like in the picture number one above, and also the platform playlists like in the second picture. Do these have to be created or is there a pack available?
  10. Hi, First I have to say thank you very much for this theme, its amazing! Ok, yes I see them in this folder on my drive D:\LaunchBox\Themes\Retro Console Theme Anim V2-center videos\Images\Platforms\Device Looks like that folder will fix the icons in the second picture in the post above ..thanks Sorry not sure about the logo creator Thank you for your quick reply, I have found the folders and icons I need to get things going right. I guess there is just so much available for this theme I was just a bit overwhelmed. Things seems to make sense now ..this is great!
  11. Fist time posting in a long time so please go easy on me 🙂 Actually stumbled across this theme while watching videos about different Big Box setups on youtube. I looked for it here and after downloading. I managed to figure out where most of the files go. I am still fairly new to Launchbox and Big Box themes but thought I would give it a try. I seem to have everything in the right places or I think but I have two sets of icons not showing up ..any ideas what i did wrong, or didn't do please?
  12. Still need alot of practice but it is fun to try ..here is another attempt
  13. Very nice, thank you
  14. Here are a few CPS wheels I made from the Minimal style to match this design. Really enjoy so many of these, thanks!
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