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Everything posted by RULLUR
Not sure who else is aware of this, but turns out if you're looking for something like "M&M's" in the title or anything else using "&", you'll be met only with whatever you searched before the "&" was used. So if you type in "M&M's", it'll come up as you just typed "M". For now, I found you have to use "%26" instead of "&" in the search to get the proper results. So if for instance if you wanted to look for something like "M&M's", then you'll have to do "m%26m%27s" instead. You might get away with "m%26m's" too, but have yet to try it. I just figured it out the same as you would in a URL address, and that trick worked. So until that is fixed, I just wanted to pass this info on to the rest of you who may also have such a headache searching things in the Games DB that use "&"
Still loading up incomplete UPDATE: Beta 8 seemed to help the issue, but still have much to scroll through and see if it doesn't show up blank like before. UPDATE: I guess it didn't fix it after all
So I went from the list not showing up all the way until I back out to Platforms and return, to now this is happening instead:
I've been having yet again issues where the Clear Logos don't load up in the game list on BigBox. Seems also when I Download Metadata and Media in bulk I get stuff from the wrong Region, and then some game titles I have of the same name from another Region either lose all artwork too. I at times have even gone into the Games DB just to see if all things match to their correct Region, and even to find out they are set right, they still don't give me the proper artwork all the way. I've tried to refresh and force populate images within BigBox, and even deleted everything in the Cache BB folder, but still the Clear Logos don't load up the list properly unless I back out to the Platforms list and re-enter, but even then they all don't load up to where I scroll down and have to back out and in just so they show up. Not sure what happened though, but also the other day I ran BigBox and my ThinkCentre twice acted like I was logging out or putting it in sleep mode as I quickly saw a blue screen and some white dots circling before the screen went black. So I don't know whatever that was probably even screwed things up because after it stopped acting like it wanted to sleep is when my Clear Logos didn't show up all the way in the games list on BigBox.
I think there needs to be something of a Branch Map that somewhat combines brand names into a Parent Category of brands that once were, and all the names they used to go by so people can easily group together all these various names as one. I think for ones that merged, you have them show up in both names they once were. Like BanDai NAMCO Entertainment can show up in both the BanDai group and the NAMCO group, but anything before their merger just stays as is. Like you won't have any 90s Power Rangers stuff in a NAMCO group or you won't have any TEKKEN stuff show up in the BanDai group at the time they were never Published or Developed as BanDai NAMCO Entertainment. I also feel we need to have these names correctly set within the database as a dropdown selection so basically we no longer have any issues where someone names a Developer or Publisher the wrong way to where things are a mess to sort together too. If we ever come across a newer Developer or Publisher name, especially for something like an Indie Game then we can request it to be submitted and approved like we do with everything else. I see were kinda are already doing that with Genres, so I'd like to see this maybe happen with other categories in the future to tidy things up better to historic accuracy because I believe LaunchBox is a great source to not only entertain, but also educate others of gaming history as well.
I'm stating it because it's conflicting with the Beta itself. If anything, then kindly recommend me a link to the proper thread
So another in Arcade title that comes up as a file name is "Crime Fighters 2" aka "Vendetta". When I did a full Metadata Update and replaced everything it now goes by vendettaj instead of Crime Fighters 2. I did a search in the Games DB to find out Crime Fighters 2 is there with no other Alternate Name attached to it as Vendetta, but turns out also Vendetta is in the Games DB as a separate entry with Crime Fighters 2 attached as the Alternate Name for Japan. Thing is, I'm unable to delete the duplicate entry of Vendetta that has no Alternate Name attached to it. It doesn't even have all that much media with it either. This one needs to be deleted: This one needs to stay
Big Thanks! It's running, but freezes up during the opening startup when I tried Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha and NASCAR Rumble. Not sure if it's certain games that can run without this happening or not, but at least it's running though. UPDATE: Turns out it is certain games because Street Fighter: The Movie works just fine
I seen on MAME 0.228 you can run PlayStation games, but having issues getting it to run that way since I don't really know all of the MESS commands. Wish I knew a list somewhere so I don't have to wonder about each time I see of another Platform I'd like to try to Launch through MAME, even if the quality isn't as great as other Emulators outside of MAME. I have the psx.zip BIOS and tried psx -cdrm in the Associated Platforms as seen in a Thread here about CD-i and tried it that way, but nothing happens. I have everything as the standard .bin and .cue instead of being made into a .chd, but hope that's not the only way to make it work since I still want to run my PlayStation games on ePSXe and other Emulators when I feel it's needed when certain games can't handle it in MAME
Working with a ton of games kinda does this, but I'm sure most here understand when your collection is like nearly 100,000 or so. Thanks anyways. Good to see it's still here. Now to find out why Heavy Barrel and a few others in Arcade tend to give the file name instead of the Game Title it belongs to. I pretty much have everything set in for years, but decided to do the entire collection with a Metadata update, and have everything get replaced to which took several days to run, and I got a bunch of errors along the way. Nothing got Imported though
Something very strange is going on with the Metadata as far as Arcade games go is what I see. I've had a few games that set the game titles as their file name instead. I just now went to see for example why Oriental Legends 2 is now going by orleg2oa, so I searched the Games DB and couldn't even find Oriental Legends 2 or even orleg2oa as a result. Thing is the game is tagged as LaunchBox ID #38448 with the name of orleg2oa for Metadata though. I first seen this happen with a version of Heavy Barrel for Arcade and a few others. I just don't know whoelse has came across this, but it's very odd though. When I went to update the Metadata within LaunchBox again, it just claims no Oriental Legends 2 was found. So I really have no idea what's up with that. Instead I just hit cancel and leave things as is other than manually renaming orleg2oa to Oriental Legends 2 while the old LaunchBox ID #38448 stays intact just in case it gets fixed
Understand none of these remarks were helpful in any way. Would've been best to just not even reply to what I brought to attention if this was the route it would become. All you did was yet again discourage people from help. You speak of opinions and constructive criticism only to justify why it's okay to keep on with the habit of being the first to jump down everyone's throats over the smallest things. I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices that of you too because that's the reputation you have made of yourself for reasons I have no idea why you'd rather be that way to all of us. I'd rather if you got nothing nice to ever say to me, just don't even reply to me anymore. There are far nicer Mods here who I'm sure who could be more helpful and way less discouraging towards people to where they may never wanna take part in anything LaunchBox ever again all because of how they got treated.
Never did I state I was being targeted either, but what I am saying is whoever they are is likely doing this to EVERYONE. Again, please exempt me from the rudeness
What I don't get is I say something seems fishy, but getting a reaction as if it was me saying something personally offensive towards some of you. Sorry, but I'm not that guy. I'm not here to cause trouble are test you guys' patience like some may do. I have way more respect for you all and what you do, so I'd appreciate it if you would really exempt me from the rudeness. You may not care about Backgrounds, but that doesn't mean I'm your enemy in any way at all for trying to make them better for our Database or that I may passionately care about them more than any of you either.
I wasn't asking for a debate or to be bombarded. I was simply trying to state something ain't going right that was being counter-productive towards my efforts to clean up the Backgrounds within our Database, yet all I got was further hassle and confusion handed back at me. I shouldn't have to strain things further in proof that nearly everything I've uploaded had at least 1 vote against it as if someone just sits there all day voting No on anything anyone Uploads. That 1 vote No just holds up the line in people trying to get their stuff in the Database because then we have to wait even longer on extra votes to get things in over than 1 careless vote of No just for the sake of someone's sick joke. I got way too many things I Upload each day to sit here and screencapture every single result from them. I should just say there's a problem and go back to Uploading until I go and tend to personal matters away from the computer in the little time I have to do it in.
We might as well stop calling is Fanart then. I mean I know we're supposed to be putting things in that have to only do with that game title, and no stuff with the game's logo text that clash with Clear Logos. Like if we keep being careless on something like MK9 stuff in MK3, then we're basically making it okay for people to have Super Mario World 64 art in the original Donkey Kong Arcade game because "well, Mario is in the game, so whatever". Like it just makes no sense to me. I try my best to even make sure Backgrounds match with the Platform version's artwork and everything.
I really don't know how else to explain it, but all day I've seen 1 vote No on everything I uploaded, and then to see something from another game that obviously doesn't belong get voted against on being deleted just made me really go "Yeah, we really got a troll going on here". Like who sits there all day passing out No to everyone no matter what it is? Like what's the point of that?
That's why there are people like me working hard trying to clean it up. I really hope we come to the day where we care about Backgrounds as much as Cover Art and everything else.
I think someone is just going in and voting against everything and messing stuff up is what I'm saying. That MK9 logo in MK3 screenshot where they voted against it being deleted was proof that we got someone doing crap like that. All it does is make everyone take longer to get the proper content in.
I don't really understand much as to why the community feels quite careless about Backgrounds when I feel they should be treated in the same respect as any other piece of media. I'm a huge MK fan, and one of those fans who really don't wanna see artwork featuring characters in games they don't belong to or logos done differently placed in the wrong game and so on. The Background is the biggest piece of media anyone is gonna have with their game on screen, so why not make it feel like if a game is from 1993 also look like 1993 as much as possible? My Wife even feels like the way we do LaunchBox is somewhat of a Museum because we have all these facts in place along with these artifacts from around the world and so much accuracy we all work together on preserving gaming history as best we can, but for the oddest of reason we act like Backgrounds are just no big deal? I don't mean to seem rude about all this, but I so hope you understand my perspective on this because I feel it's truly cause worth having. The proper Backgrounds really complete the look, and I feel the need more love than what they are getting as of now. I'm working extremely hard to do my part in making the Backgrounds important as anything else we put in
Seems we seriously have a troll voting around against EVERYTHING. Anyone with common sense knows this is the MK9 logo, yet this troll thinks it belong in MK3 for Super Nintendo? Seems whenever I upload anything now there's 1 Rejection vote it, and it's stuff that truly belong to the game title. I hope whoever is troll voting this way gets banned very soon. All it's doing is being extremely counter-productive to getting things completed on the countless titles that grow each day. Had some fool the other day try and place all my Commando stuff in other Platforms they didn't even belong too, and it might've been the same one who thought Stacy Kielber's autograph was WWE The Day of Reckoning 2's game logo as well. My Wife @Haydee can even tell you all how much time I put into making stuff and uploading stuff into the Database, even if it's for Platform versions and Titles I don't even have because that's how much love and respect we have for LaunchBox about getting things accurate and complete. I wanna say basically if you wanna vote against a Background that clearly belongs, then I suggest you have one to put in that title instead. Please. stop wasting everyone's time being messing up all the progress we are making out there as a community who works hard to bring together the proper content for others who actually care to enjoy it with their games. I don't know what's the goal for one to troll in stuff like this, but I hope @Jason Carr and all the powers that be find a creative and effective way to put a stop to this nonsense where the same person can no longer do it again as a different account or anything.
I don't really know about anyone else, but when I go to Tools/Download Metadata and Media... I still get some incorrect entries with Artwork even when I have it Replace everything. Seems even things I Uploaded that got Voted in all the way aren't Downloading correctly, even if I just Edit a title on its own I still get older entries that Download instead of the newer stuff. I go to look at the Games DB and see the newer entries are there in full, but don't seem to Download. Like if Uploaded a Background at a better quality in replacement of one, then I'll for some odd reason get the old Background when I Download, even after that new Background was voted in all the way to the Games DB. Makes me wonder what's up with that, or even how long it changes over even though I can clearly see the new stuff in the Games DB yet the old stuff that is no longer in the Games DB that way are coming through as a Download