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Everything posted by Nicodemus

  1. katamari damacy, otherwise I have a strange audio glitch that plays the opening melody over and over and over in the right channel. drove me crazy lol
  2. Ahhh, under the Emulation tab. Thank you.
  3. Is there an option to FULLBOOT certain games? I know of one game I own that will not sound correct if I select fast boot, however when launching through launchbox I would like this game to launch full boot but no others.
  4. Thank you so much. all problems fixed and everything is running great.
  5. For an unknown reason the settings I download through the plugin do not write or download even tho it seems to work. I have tested this by randomly choosing settings for a specific game, then restarting Lb, then L Ctrl-click config and download the configs for that game by pressing "y" when prompted. When checking the settings they have not changed form my randomly chosen settings? so, I'm using the Spreadsheet to manual enter game configs through PCSX2, which brings me to the question On the spreadsheet, some items are in green/red/yellow/. I understand what these mean but not the context. for example, Ace Combat zero the upscaling is listed in red as 3x. does this mean that 3x is broken for this game and 2x or 4x work? Thanks for your awesome work.
  6. That did it! Last problem I have is the downloaded config files are not replacing the current files. Is there a way I can manualy remove all my config files for each game? then I can downloadd Zombeavers config files so I have a starting place.
  7. Thanks for your reply. I think i placed the plugin in the path: C:\users\jason\launchbox\plugins. was this not correct?
  8. When I left click on Configure for a specific game I receive the attached error? My skills with pcsx2 are limited but I am learning. If I try to configure again I receive the message: An older instance of this script is already running? if I overwrite the older script, PCSX2 opens so I can config, however if I try to retrieve a save setting from GitHub the process repeats and I cannot retrieve any settings from GitHub. By Github save setting I mean Zombeavers configs, they are a fantastic time saver and good place for me start and learn about pcsx2 settings. I am using: launchbox v.8.3 PCSX2 pcsx2-v1.5.0-dev-2325-g40f7d6c95-windows-x86 PCSX2 Configurator v0.981
  9. Thanks for your help, I will give that a try.
  10. Hi all, so, is there a way to remove the ESRB rating from coverflow? also, I noticed on some videos that the platform and game title are switched, is this an option? is there an option to choose what info to display? thanks for your time.
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