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  1. Yes you can set the relevant paths in the mame.ini. Detail are included in the following thread.
  2. Thanks for the tool. As a feature request, including the ability to select specific folders you want the tool to be run against. For instances, 1. manuals & 2. Box front and exclude other folders.
  3. This is an excellent and useful plugin. Wholly recommended to others.
  4. Great Idea. That worked well. Thanks for the help.
  5. @JoeViking245Thanks. The thing is I have a full unmerged set 138GB+. Im looking to trim this down (including clones) using the launchbox generated "Arcade.xml". If I cant use the launchbox xml, thats ok as I can look to create my own arcade.xml (with clones). The issue I have is - how can we use an XML on a full unmerged MAME set (138GB) which copies all the roms listed in the XML out to a new folder. The new folder with the curated ROMs can then be imported into Launchbox
  6. I recall a while back there was a program which allowed ROMS to be copied from a MAME set based on a selected XML file. I have the complete Unmerged set. Problem is I cant recall the program so I've been looking 'unsuccessfully' for other ways to do this. What is the best way people now achieve this? Couple of points: 1. I have the arcade.xml which Launchbox created when importing the MAME set. Launchbox has the option to export/copy selected games to a new folder. The problem is that only the one main ROM file is copied and the clones are ignored (additional applications). This wont be an option as all ROMS in the XML including the clones need to be copied. 2. Potentially clrmamepro - Have had no success in converting the XML to DAT and it being recognised in the profiler. I'm sure there is a easy way or program so any ideas would be great.
  7. Looks awesome. Was looking for something like this years ago when I was curating my media. Any update on when you might release it? Looking forward to it
  8. This is awesome Zombeaver. Thanks for another amazing update!
  9. Thanks for the updates. C64 - one of my favourites,
  10. I've been going through my C64 collection and trying to fix a lot of incorrect ID's that were initially scrapped. I've been having the same issue time and time again as OP. Games with the same name under the platform will only return the one game. I've had to leave many ID's blank as I'm unable to link to LB database. Would be great to be able to see all games with the same name under the platform when scrapping manually 'via edit' and/or enter in the LB ID manually, Not sure if this is something @Jason Carr is able to allow in the scrape logic in a future LB release.
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