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Everything posted by kurzih

  1. nucleo ausente = core missing, right? You need to download the cores from Retroarch 1. Start Retroarch 2. Choose Online Update 3. Choose the cores you need from "Core updater" Some cores requires files, (like bios) to work and they go in Retroarch/System And they've recently added the great option of "Update Installed cores" which is really great. But you need to download them first-time before you can use that.
  2. Edit (made this a bit clearer): I think if you do it like this: 1) Select/highlight the games you want to move 2) Click right mouse button (or CTRL-E) to bulk edit 3) Choose Platform from the drop-down menu 4) Then select the platform you wish to move them to. That ought to do it Bulk Edit is super useful in many ways. I had once had to rename all Amiga Demo groups so I could get the Demo Emumovies right on spot. Huge work, but wouldn't have done it without the flexibility of Launchbox!
  3. Maybe my solution might be of help, I'm using the autoboot command in many Mame/Mess computers, BBC Micro etc. ('cause I can't always remember the proper loading commands xD) for this I use: electron64 -skip_gameinfo -autoboot_command "*tape\nchain""""""\n" -cass In some cases the autoboot needs a delay like for the Sharp X1. This works for me for that platform: x1 -skip_gameinfo -autoboot_command "CHAIN”“\n" -autoboot_delay 9 -cass
  4. I've spent countless of time moderating some fan art cartridges and I'm seeing this happening AGAIN right now, this time with Game Boy Cartridges. This is a really well made template, better than the one before but it is still photoshopped with original stickers copy pasted. Worst is that someone is replacing (deleting in the process) the genuine original pictures, like for example: replacing with they are the same: And also this will take a lot of moderating to change those carts back to Fan art. We have Fan Art - Cart Front for a reason.. I'm sure many of us appreciate the original pictures even if not quite all same sized etc. Edit: Anyway, wanted to add that on my part I would approve these reconstructions/fanarts as they are, since they are quite good. Hopefully we could get a new version of this GB template above with an actual cartridge image (not one reconstructed with a computer), for example I really like the new reconstructed 3DS cartridges that have been submitted recently for example. Really nice touch on those, doesn't really differ from the real thing.
  5. I was surprised I got partially rejected for "game exists" for a game that didn't exists when I went through some PS1/PS2 entries. But then I tried to see why and realized there were two entries one after the other, for example: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/128955 and https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/128956. Then I thought that I've seen this pattern before. And the only thing I can think of, is that I probably went back with my browser to re-enter the game's name (It's not that easy to find the Japanese name - since there are options on how to write them! :D) and by doing that it seems the database made a duplicate entry, but without the images I had uploaded. Could someone check/confirm? EDIT: On a side-note while checking this, I would also want to make a wish to moderators that please double check the information you moderate and from as many sources as possible, especially from dedicated websites (not just MobyGames whose publisher data and regions are sometimes questionable). For example I was stunned that I got rejections as "Game Exists" for https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/128210 saying that it exists as entry https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/111855. I know both Commodore 64 and Commodore Amiga very well, and I'm 100% sure that these are two completely different platforms! In doubt, please choose "SKIP for next 24hrs" instead. I certainly do that when I'm not familiar with the content. Thank you.
  6. I think you can find it from here if you haven't already? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vl9O-0jIGCHHY_lrWpOwBtqTXEKsVGOY those artwork retouches are an absolute treat!
  7. Lately, like many others, I have been adding a lot of new entries that were missing from the DB. It's really nice seeing more of those Pinball entries added, whoever you are - thanks!! Before I move onto the next platform I had in mind, I wanted to check if this game's name is OK: "Onna no Ko to Misshitsu ni Itara ○○shichau Kamoshirenai". It's how it's written on the Box Art. (Some sources use ** instead of ○○). You can find the entry on MG for example. Is there a way to test for special characters, like make a .txt file on windows and see if it accepts it? I don't mind skipping it if we can't be sure that the naming doesn't mess something. But better ask first than be sorry later Edit: another good example would be: Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒ with the mark "≒" would that work with LB? - I can always add it as an alt name later, if it would work and use now the actual pronounced name.
  8. I think there are two major ways where you could decide what box art is displayed: - Region priorities in options - Using alternative names for differently named version after the Launchbox ID has been collected (even if they name is totally different). This requires rewriting the name manually in Edit "Title" field. After that you select the game(s) and refresh their images/media (shortcut F5). It should update automatically to the images associated with the region priority and the alternative name you've changed to. Of course none of the pictures will refresh as wanted IF the database entry is missing some info or lacking region tags for example or alternative names. And when getting new media, it's always best to use the recommended default option. Hope this helps a little at least!
  9. Hi, I've seen recently some moderation back and forth with accents like é. I personally haven't had any issues with Launchbox software with these kind of accents - it's finding everything perfectly both metadata and pictures with these accents. And we also need to remember we can always use the Alt name function for people to find it in many ways, with or without accents. For example Pokémon games have been there for ages and the majority is with the CORRECT title name Pokémon. Not Pokemon (as the rule reflect we should always use the official name on the box / title screen whenever possible without LB breaking down, and with é etc. it doesn't break down). I think we need some specific rule # on this one, since at least I feel I'm using time for something that we shouldn't need to. Lets please not waste our time going back and forth on this topic. Thank you!
  10. I also got a quick question with Mame hi-scores. For some reason I also get the hi-scores in the info tab for Aamber Pegasus plaform's Invaders Game. (file is invaders.zip). Since it's a Mame Software file and launched by Mame, I guess it might behave as Mame Arcade's Invaders for the hi-scores?
  11. Hi, Doesn't changing the alternate name still find it in the LB software's search function as just "Finders Keepers"? Though the one matching the correct LB ID with game overview, publisher, year etc. this time as you said. But then wouldn't the issue with binding images still remains if the games are identical in main name? Let's say both have NA covers. Wouldn't they share those even if they are completely different games? In that case both entries will be mixed with each others images/media. I'd assume changing the main name (into alt name for example) would bind those images to their unique names? Media/images are .. problematic with identical main names for different games. (I had a problem with that with Arcade's PlayChoice-10 titles, which I actually started to submit here so they don't "overwrite" themselves with the same Arcade titles, it was pain with having the correct video for each as well). Edit: Alt names are great if they are for the same game using different regional names for example. I think you could also manually rename a Western title into it's Japanese name and if it has (Japan) media it would show those after refreshing. Brilliant if you like some cool Mega Drive covers from Japan. That's when I really realized the importance of binding images and game titles (and having correct media/region info).
  12. Hi! Sorry for being late with this question I wanted to ask ages ago. Any chance on a future update to add to the Missing Media options "Box Back" ? Would be great! And thank you Jason & everyone involved for making Launchbox/BigBox and building the database! it's been a pleasure/hobby building from nothing a collection I've never thought of doing otherwise, and enjoying the presentation in BigBox. I've also learned a crazy amount of additional Gaming history on the way, even discovering titles I never knew existed. Brilliant!
  13. Hi! It's really great seeing how much updates and additions to the database are made on a daily basis! I've been doing it myself for a few weeks and always checking sources etc. Though recently there has been a lot of "launchbox software cannot handle accents in titles" moderation cases, which I think is a bit strange. Like Pokémon for example - someone wants to change those to Pokemon. These titles have been for quite a long time there and I haven't had any issues with Launchbox handling/finding them and EmuMovies works just fine with them too. So I don't understand the need for changing an official confirmed name to something that it is not. I've also seen some debates about using a "-" after the second subtitle. I understand that after the main title there should be a colon ":". But two colons in a title is well.. doesn't feel correct. And looking at the second rule of this forum's topic. I don't see a clear message about this, since "-" seems to be allowed in certain cases. Main Title: Subtitle: Secondary Subtitle. Or Main Title: Subtitle - Secondary subtitle. Any thoughts? I don't really mind other than giving my opinion, but I'd rather moderate new entries and new content rather than going back and forth.
  14. Hi, Not sure if this is the correct thread, but I noticed a few things that didn't quite work with Next (but are OK with OG). First when I clicked on the hover icon + for viewing the cover picture in fullscreen, it opened a "side window", (like a second instance/tab of Launchbox) and remained in the launchbox main view. It didn't appear in front as fullscreen as it should. I tried with OG and no problem: fullscreen. Another thing that was strange was when I tried to add missing pictures to a newly added game, it didn't show the pictures - not even when I pressed "refresh". I switch back to OG, and there no problem adding/seeing new pictures. PS. Oh, and before I forget: there's been an old bug in BigBox: Favoriting. I'm using a 360 Controller and I'm using BigBox to view my collection and pick the best I have and favorite them. I don't know if I'm too fast, but sometimes it doesn't put the "favorite" icon when I press it - but it does give the sound as if it would have been pressed. I press again and then it shows the icon, but it actually doesn't save it (going back to the previous menu and back the game list - not favorite after all). Could you check it? I hope this is just a few hiccups, so I can switch permanently to NEXT. Launchbox library building and discovering all the stuff that'd I'd never even heard of (even if I'm a gaming "veteran") has turned out to be a hobby, really loving it. Keep up the good work!
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