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Warped Polygon

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File Comments posted by Warped Polygon

  1. 3 hours ago, Baggio said:

    The only issue with the master folder would be actually finding the names of the controllers.  It’s @zugswang PDP Rock Candy Controller that has me thinking the there will be quite a lot of Xbox variants, and as for third party ones who knows.


    So just keep em in subfolders and let the user add the required ones. 

    Probably easier all around. Cheers mate

    • Like 1
  2. @Baggio @zugswang

    Yooo, I've had a thought but wanna get your opinions. 

    With the SDL controller remaps for XINPUT it may be better to have a 'master' folder containing as many xinput controller variants as possible. This way even if your 2nd, 3rd or 4th controllers are different you'll still be able to play without having to rename anything or move files about. Flycast will just pickup what you happen to have plugged in at the time (if there are mappings for that variant).

    As for RawInput devices, these are now ID specific. Meaning these will absolutely need to be renamed. I'm prob gonna provide mappings with [VIDMOUSE1]/[VIDMOUSE2] & [VIDKEY1]/[VIDKEY2] in the mapping name so you can easily use find/replace for 2 players using separate devices aka. mice/lightgun &/or keyboards.

    Ya'll think that's a better way forward?

    • Unusual Gem 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, Baggio said:

    I sent you a script a while back but have made a new one that's easier to use and has a GUI.

    It's here if you want to add it to your post.


    Cheers man. Windows defender came down on it hard. I'm sure prob & false positive but.... people are weary.

    I figured out you only need to rename the mapping cfg file to match your controller. It'll still have 'Xbox 360 Controller' in the file itself but seems to have no impact ad it's just an ID marker.

  4. On 4/3/2024 at 6:46 PM, ci2own said:

    Hi @Warped Polygon!

    While playing with a xbox one controller using left analog stick, its pretty easy to press left stick button, so game enters in "test mode" and when you press it again to exit "test mode" it starts the game again. :(

    Not sure if is this a right behaviour or not, but i would like to know if is there any chance to remove this assignment or at least change it to right stick button instead.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi @ci2own

    Yes I was thinking this may crop up. It was a hard choice to keep or discard test & service on L3&R3. I kept it in to make it easy to adjust stuff if needed. But now....yeah I'll remove those inputs from the controller entirely so they cannot be accidentally pressed. You can map test and service to the keyboard in the global settings. Just set it without a game loaded to make sure only global defaults are being adjusted.

    Keep an eye out over the next couple of days.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 2/23/2024 at 5:02 PM, wokacam said:

    just one contribution:
    I don't know if I misunderstood, but I think I found a wrong line in your description:
    One part says that Widescreen is by default, and underneath it says that Wide scripts are optional and need to be placed in the folder.
    Maybe it's old text that needs to be removed from the description.

    Yes that is a mistake on my part. The widescreen luas are used by default. Thanks for catching that one, need to update the documentation.

    As for Tilemaps, that one can cause issues in some games. We can figure out which ones it does work with and set them to use it via the scripts. However, some prefer the jagged look. Its a tough one. Leaving it off gives everyone the option I suppose, in which case we can force it off for the games it causes artifacts in excluding them when it's on  Hmm....that's probably the better way actually. 

  6. 12 hours ago, fromlostdays said:

    Anyway, I don't know why the .inis aren't affecting the frame rate, but I just 

    • Went to Nvidia Control Settings
    • Manage 3D Settings
    • Browsed to the Supermodel exe
    • Set max frame rate to 60 there

    And it's working as intended now. IM NOT OLD AND MY REFLEXES ARE SHARP AF

    Thanks mate! Yeah this one isn't in the documentation but it's in the video. Should really update the documentation, it's a bit of a mess right now!

    • Game On 1
  7. On 6/2/2024 at 6:05 AM, StanTheManDarsh said:

    Using the latest version of the Sega Model 3 UI frontend, the reticle is off-center.

    Thanks mate! Glad you got it sorted. Interesting that the UI is messing with things. I'll need to have a poke around, should be fine with launching through LB if the UI is playing up.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Baggio said:

    I'm just thinking that the controller is just the same as the mouse/keyboard. 2.2 worked without the devices ID's so i don't see why the controllers need IDs on the as well, but then again i know nothing about this 😂

    I'll add a bug report tomorrow anyway because I would imagine the keyboard/mouse changes with this latest version will have broken a lot of people's configs as well with the new renaming.

    As for controllers, @zugswang wired one isn't working so his may be different to the 3 we have and we won't even mention controllers outside of Xbox and PS 😂


    Ahh Fuck IT. RetroArch for the majority of games and Standalone for the ones that absolutely need it like trackball games and a few other outliers. Maintaining a database of mappings for this is not the one, I actually don't have the time lol. I really would like every game under one emulator but alas...

  9. 20 minutes ago, Baggio said:

    I'll test out the mappings for you yeah, will it just be changing the names like I mentioned or have you thought of something else?  I already changed all the Xbox 360 ones to Xbox One Elite and it worked great my end and using 2.2 everything works perfectly now.   Here's the zip if you want to use them. Xbox One Elite mappings.rar

    Where did you see the request on github for the names to be reverted back?  Maybe if we all chime in he will add it in the next dev build so we can as least use a version of 2.3.

    BTW you haven't wasted your time doing this, it still works great with 2.2 and when he reverts back to the old keyboard/mouse mapping it will with 2.3 as well with some minor tweaks people will have to do in with a couple of clicks in notepad++ so all is good :)

    Oh and I wish you hadn't mentioned Shootout Pool Prize,  i played the other one a bit ago but this prize one is highly addictive for us Brits 😂

    It was the keyboard ID thing i saw a github request for, not controller ID's.

    The mapping names will need to be changed to match your controller. The upshot of this is that it may also work for any controller. I need to test that.

    I was thinking just provide the xinput ones, simply bulk rename them to the ID's for the common xinput controllers for everyone to select from or just include all of em so you cant miss. 

    I don't think bombarding Flyinghead will help TBH, it will require an entire input system to be implemented that for all intents and purposes isn't really needed. It's only us that really want it for pre config purposes. I cant say I'd fix something that isn't really broken to help everyone be lazy lol. Maybe I would but......

    So really the only thing that can save this project is to duplicate & rename all the mapping files to every possible xinput controller ID that SDL will pick up, and include them all. Thank christ for Bulk Rename Tools.

    So to start lol we have - 'Xbox 360 Controller' - Xbox One S Controller' - Xbox One Elite Controller'.........

    Do Logitec and other 3rd party xinput controllers show as xbox controllers with SDL? Mate, I hate SDL......Khhhaaaaaaaaaaaan.


  10. @Baggio

    Ok, so I'm about to do another pass on every game to make sure everything is at least working my end. The d-pad thing may just be a mapping issue. Did you activate rawinput when playing shootout pool?

    For the controller ID's you are probably correct. This may actually potentially kill the Standalone project. I have seen the github request for it to be reverted back to how it was but didn't see it in the changelog.

    If I create some mappings using 2.3 can you check to see if you can use them with your elite and s xbox controllers and keyboard?

    If we can get basic XINPUT as well as SDL it would be awesome but I doubt it atm. The only other way around it is to put out config files named after every type of xbox controller SDL picks up. Fudge that man, if its like 4 or 5 variants ok, but if it's like loads, naaa. I don't see a way to find a workaround for this one TBH. Unless your controller shows up as 'Xbox 360 Controller' this is pretty much useless. Funny thing is if you have a PS4 controller and use DS4 it'll just work.

    How many types of xinput controllers are there that SDL will pick up?  I really thought SDL would pick up XINPUT controllers all the same or at least apply the same mapping. Fuckin school boy error. I cant actually believe this is all but wasted lol. I'm proper miffed with myself more than anything.

    Did I mention I hate SDL. I'm gonna put this on ice till I can figure something out. RetroArch for the win AGAIN probably.

    Actually, if the ID's thing is fixed for keyboard and mice I could make a hybrid build. The main reason for using standalone is for the trackball games plus a few other outliers like Mushiking and F355. But will be complicated setup.

  11. 1 hour ago, Baggio said:

    I've been through a few as well and only the D-pad is working (Dirty Pigskin, Beachspikers, Melty Blood, Virtual Striker, Virtual Tennis , WWF and Metal Slug)  This is with an Xbox One Elite Controller

    Ahh bum, I'll let yall know when it's fixed.

  12. 7 hours ago, zugswang said:

    Just FYI, i tried playing Dolphin Blue and DemoFist on Atomiswave and neither game allows Analog stick to work (using XBOX 360 wired controller)

    D-Pad is fine, but was not sure if you had said all games allowed both.

    Thanks again for all your work 👍

    Yeah they should. Lemme fix and update

  13. 2 minutes ago, GodElite said:

    Hi @Warped Polygon,

    Once again, another high quality config release. You are doing God's work 😁

    I have noticed that Metal Slug 6 always had low brightness by default.
    However, there's an option on the Debug Menu that can put boost the brightness of the game and it makes a huge difference.

    See attached screenshots for the menu steps to achieve this.

    Can you help and modify the existing NVRAM for this game to have maximum brightness?

    That would be amazing! Keep up the great work!



    Excellent timing. Just about to release this into the standalone build. I'll make sure to do this. Even if you are still using this RA version you'll be able to use the updated NVRAMs from the standalone build. 

    Cheers mate 

    • Like 1
  14. On 2/22/2024 at 1:04 PM, wokacam said:

    If you can and find it interesting, please offer a alternative download option that changes everything to Kilometer/hour, for regions familiar with this standard.

    Possibly. I'm a Brit and that means everyone else has to adhere to my standard lol as is tradition.

    If I do take on making stuff for other regions like Europe and Brazil I'm going all in.

  15. On 2/15/2024 at 8:39 AM, manic23 said:

    Just wanted to say a massive thanks for creating this amazing pack, you have put so much work into this and it is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks mate. Kind words are always appreciated.

  16. 1 hour ago, blame73 said:

    First of all many thanks @Warped Polygon!

    Did you manage to fix the reload issue in Lupin the Third: The Shooting? I still didn't

    Yes i did, not only that but i managed to calibrate all the light gun games so they also retain their off screen reload. 

    I'm in the process of updating the RA build....and I'm finally doing this for standalone which is compatible with more games. Hold tight it's on the way. 

    • Like 1
  17. On 1/12/2024 at 4:48 PM, PoloniumRain said:

    Thanks for doing this, i really appreciate the time you've put into it.

    Do you think it would be possible to improve the gamma on some games? So many games don't look correct with the Model 2 emulator because there's always been problems with gamma, and you can somewhat correct it in the EMULATOR.INI which can significantly improve things, but it never looks perfect. Never as good as real hardware. For example, if you get the black levels looking correct, then the midtones and highlights become too dark, making the whole image appear dark, but increasing the gamma will then ruin the black levels and darker areas but mostly fix the rest of the image. You just can't win. I see you've obviously worked on correcting the gamma and the black levels are looking good, but now of course many games look too dark (Last Bronx and other fighters are particularly bad).

    I don't think it will be possible to get these games looking perfect because the problem goes deeper than just gamma. It seems like the devs made each game specifically for each type of arcade cabinet monitor. But could you add keys to increase/decrease gamma? Like how F5 enables/disables widescreen. Ideally some brightness, colour and contrast controls would be great, although i doubt Model 2 supports those adjustments...

    But still, most of all i think Model 2 needs brightness and contrast adjustments, similar to how Photoshop handles them. Because Photoshops brightness setting doesn't raise the black levels when you increase the brightness, so the blacks don't become greys, instead the whole image just gets brighter like when you increase the brightness on an OLED TV/monitor. You can see what i mean by simply opening some Last Bronx screenshots in Photoshop (that were taken with your configuration) and then increasing the brightness to around 35 and reducing contrast to -20. It's not perfect but closer to how real hardware looks and just looks better overall.

    Yeah this is an issue with model 2. Some games have a 'projector' and 'crt' mode. Neither look absolutely correct on most games. I honestly wouldn't know where to begin to integrate gamma options via keyboard inputs, I'm not that good lol. I would normally do this with per game configs but Model 2 emu doesn't have that. The only other way around it is to create an ini file for 1 game with the gamma how you want it, then use batch file set to use that rom with the game specific ini and launch the game, instead of setting up the emulator in LB. This would need doing for every game.

    If you get the correct gamma values, I can make the batch files and ini's. Deal?

  18. 6 hours ago, k_rollo said:

    Hi @Warped Polygon , if it gives you a baseline, I removed the PowerPCFrequency from a Ryzen 7 5800H (no dGPU). No issues so far.

    When I ran Supermodel on my 165Hz monitor (vsync on), enabling Throttle fixed the superfast framerate. Not sure why it wouldn't work in some cases though.

    Yeah that info helps. I'm not sure why throttle doesn't work if vsync doesn't either, but everyone knows the workaround now. 

    Thanks k. 

  19. On 2/10/2024 at 7:58 PM, PoloniumRain said:

    Everything i've seen so far is great, apart from the sound.

    I mean yeah the games are now reasonably equal in volume levels, but it comes at the cost of having messed up sound overall. For example, the guys voice in Sega Rally 2 is drowned out by other sounds. The tarmac/gravel sound levels produced from driving over them with your vehicle are way too high. Everything is unbalanced now and many other games are like this in some sense. This isn't how the arcades sounded. Having some games sound louder than others is much better than having overall messed up sound. Ideally Supermodel needs a master volume control that can be set for each game.

    Funny you should bring this up, maybe you can help the project.

    Audio is the last piece of the puzzle. The levels aren't even correct at defaults. I done what I could with getting stuff louder like the voices in all the racers but I am NO audio expert nor claim to be. 

    So, ready for a long explanation? Games like sega rally have a 4:1 audio system with different sounds coming from different speakers. Voices come from the rear speakers which only go to a certain 'loudness'. The audio options Balance, Music, Sound all do different things per game despite their labelling. Making configuring sound a veritable nightmare. However, there are now some more granular sound options in supermodel specifically for the 4:1 games. So overcoming these obstacles should be easy.

    I have full documentation on what the audio options do per game and how to change everything.

    But, I lack the audio expertise to know what to set everything at. Like what level should the voices be compared to the music and sound effects. Mixing essentially.

    This wasn't even set on the original hardware and no one knows what the 'correct' levels are. Maybe there was some documentation that is now missing. This info isn't even in any of the manuals, perhaps was meant to be set up per install by the engineer? Who knows! The point is no one really knows what the 'dev' intended levels are supposed to be.

    If you know what you are doing with audio maybe we could get it spot on and set it in stone.

  20. 24 minutes ago, Clutz450 said:

    @Warped Polygon I didn't see in these instructions here or on your YouTube video what we are supposed to do with the Controller Images.  Are those just for us to reference on our own or are they supposed to show up when starting a game if we put them in the correct spot?  Thank you.

    They are just for reference buddy. Do with them what you want. If you use in big box you'll have pause options etc where you can view the images 

  21. On 12/6/2023 at 9:26 PM, Baggio said:

    Great work. I can’t imagine how much time you've put into this but I’m sure I speak for others as well saying thank you for all the effort 👍

    I may have to update my mame now then and used non-merged sets instead of my usual merged 😂

    i have a couple of questions, would it be wise to use The image renamer to rename all our media to the rom names before we add your xml?

    and I have a Gun4ir lightgun.  Seeing as you have calibrated these for mouse and controller should I leave the cfg and nvrams out of all the lightgun games as I have set mine up already for lightgun use use?


    Thanks mate. If you use the image renamer after you've setup the xml you'll have more success. Keep in mind they'll be no artwork at all for some games. I need to have a chat with someone that creates artwork actually, perhaps someone can fill in what's missing. As for light gun stuff yeah leave that out if you have already setup for lightguns. MAME has a specific input system for lightguns. 

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