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'Large' Video Game Collection (physical) on Ebay - Only $99,750!

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Actually this place looks more like a treasure vault, rather than anything else. Jame's place, be it from the AVGN's videos or just like an area, it has a really warm homey feeling. It does not feel it was made to store and preserve games, but to store games so they can be played.
Cadet Stimpy said
SentaiBrad said Only.
Well, this Forum currently has 4498 members, so if we all kick-in, it'd only be <$22.18 for each of us, and the LaunchBox Forum could own it. LaughLaugh
I call Dibs on Flinston's Dinosaur Peak, Chubby Cherub and Stadium Events. There might be 1 or 2 I'm forgetting off the top of my head.
Dibs on any Special Edition Ocarina of Time (German exclusive, quantity unknown), Limited Edition Majora's Mask (Pal exclusive, 1000 copies), Limited Edition Oracle of Ages & Seasons (Pal Exclusive, 500 copies), Or either of the Twilight Princess Steelbooks (UK, limited to first 200 people on game release at HMV)(German Pre-Order exclusive).
A friend of mine that loves collector's editions of Zelda has to import stuff since sadly Greece does not get much love. I used to do so too, but nowadays thanks to the crisis, I am worried for other things XD Thank god Final Fantasy 13 disappointed me and made me totally forget collector's stuff.
And that's just my wish list. Other stuff that I already own includes: (Spoilered to avoid those not interested having to load all the pictures)
Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass limited edition DS Lite (UK release, 1000 copies.) (America had a Gold Edition which I also own but it was not nearly as limited) Legend of Zelda Minish Cap limited edition Game Boy Advance SP (Pal release, 25,000 copies) But an adventure set with the same console was also released (Pal release, 300 copies) (I don't have this but as I have the console it's not on my list) As well as a signed copy. (Pal release, 30 copies) (Too easy to fake and get an extra several grand at auction, but 30 legit copies exist somewhere) There was also a Spirit Tracks Tin (UK/Dutch pre-order bonus, unknown quantity) The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3d UK/Aus pre-order came with a special gold box art sleeve and poster. (I picked this up but not the UK version of the game as I already had the Ntsc-u version) The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D game pre-order in the Uk also came with some different goodies (I don't have the package but I picked up the steelbook on ebay) The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword pre-order in Canada also came with a steelbook (This I also own but forgot to mention) There was also a Golden Nunchuck on the Japanese Club Nintendo website designed to match the golden Skyward Sword Wiimote but that eventually came to America (glad I picked this up as they are fairly pricey at auction) And the last bit of exclusives I can think of would be the various Zelda Styluses. (Top - Jpn Spirit Tracks pre-order, Bottom Left - US Phantom Hourglass pre-order, Bottom Right - Spirit Tracks promo given out at E3 2009)
ps4isthefuture said Is it just me or when you see the collection are your eyes are drawn to the Wisdom Tree games, lol. Probably why they made their carts that funky baby blue.
They probably went for the cheapest plastic they could get and it probably just so happened to be extremely eye catching. It does work though, you notice them very fast.
DOS76 said That Zelda shit is so sweet!
You got that right, Derek. I had no idea there were sooo many 'Zelda Collectibles'! [To Replies 11 & 14 (from Wolf_) - Wow! Thanks for uploading all those photos].

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