tony971 Posted August 27, 2015 Author Posted August 27, 2015 Higan is the most accurate SNES emulator available and second most accurate GBA emulator. I'd like to be able to use it with LaunchBox but I'm having some issues. When you load your game library into Higan, it strips the name off of the ROM and creates a folder by the same name. Within each game-named folder is a manifest and program.rom file. The program.rom file is the original game from your games folder. Thanks to LaunchBox's ability to use containing folders' names instead of ROM names to search for metadata, I was able to add the Higan library fairly easily. Having the manifests be automatically ignored would have been nice, but whatever. The issue I'm having is that launching one of these program.rom files doesn't load the game in Higan. Higan itself is launched, but the game is not. Am I missing a command line or something? I've added the link to the latest version of Higan below. Thanks. Quote
Jason Carr Posted August 28, 2015 Posted August 28, 2015 Hi @tony971. I'm not familiar with Higan myself, but do a search on Higan here on the forums. There are other topics that address the issue already I think. I know one good option is to use Retroarch with the bsnes core (as apparently bsnes is Higan). Quote
Kriven Posted August 28, 2015 Posted August 28, 2015 You'll have a much easier time using the Higan/BSNES cores through Retroarch than getting Higan itself to cooperate with Launchbox. I use Higan as well, and this is how I do it. Quote
tony971 Posted August 28, 2015 Author Posted August 28, 2015 I would prefer to use Higan itself. The retroarch core hasn't taken upstream changes in a very long time. Quote
Kriven Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 Maybe you could ask Byuu directly? He probably doesn't know very much about LaunchBox, but he seems like a good guy from when I've seen him post. Maybe he would be willing to look into the problem and offer some suggestions. Quote
tony971 Posted August 29, 2015 Author Posted August 29, 2015 Byuu answered a reddit post, actually. Apparently you're supposed to load the folder, not the ROM. So LaunchBox needs the ability to select a folder as the ROM. Quote
Kriven Posted August 29, 2015 Posted August 29, 2015 In that case, maybe creating a shortcut to the folder and using that as the game file would work? Quote
Lordmonkus Posted September 27, 2016 Posted September 27, 2016 @Jason CarrIs there a way to get Launchbox to load the folder as the rom ? I know the BSnes core is the easier option for this but Higan really is the best option right now when it comes to MSU-1 patched games. Quote
Jason Carr Posted September 27, 2016 Posted September 27, 2016 Not that I know of unfortunately. I suppose it might be possible to trick the interface into using a folder, but I doubt it. I think most likely we'll need to make some code changes in order to support opening a folder for the ROM. Quote
Lordmonkus Posted September 27, 2016 Posted September 27, 2016 Yeah I tried just putting the folder path into the rom path. Here is the example I am using E:\Downloaded Games\Emulation\Roms\Super Nintendo\Super Famicom\megaman7_msu1.sfc The megaman7_msu1.sfc is a folder but when I try and run it Launchbox just spits a "The ROM file you've specified does not exist" message at me. Now I can get this folder to work by simply running Higan through a command prompt with the following: higan.exe "E:\Downloaded Games\Emulation\Roms\Super Nintendo\Super Famicom\megaman7_msu1.sfc" Support for this would be extremely handy for proper usage of msu-1 patched games and Higan. Quote
Zombeaver Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 According to the Libretro forums you can use MSU-1 games with BSNES you just have to "load the manifest.bml instead of the ROM itself". I have no experience with MSU games myself, full disclosure. I'm kinda curious now though. 14 hours ago, lordmonkus said: Yeah I tried just putting the folder path into the rom path. Here is the example I am using E:\Downloaded Games\Emulation\Roms\Super Nintendo\Super Famicom\megaman7_msu1.sfc The megaman7_msu1.sfc is a folder but when I try and run it Launchbox just spits a "The ROM file you've specified does not exist" message at me. Now I can get this folder to work by simply running Higan through a command prompt with the following:higan.exe "E:\Downloaded Games\Emulation\Roms\Super Nintendo\Super Famicom\megaman7_msu1.sfc" What happens if you just paste "E:\Downloaded Games\Emulation\Roms\Super Nintendo\Super Famicom\megaman7_msu1.sfc" in the "use command line-parameters" section in LB? Quote
DOS76 Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 Do they like drastically improve the sound? Quote
Zombeaver Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 That seems to be the main focus, yeah. "CD quality soundtracks" that are patched in. Quote
DOS76 Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 Yeah I understand I'm asking any one who uses them if it is a drastic change that is very audible Quote
Zombeaver Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 Well Flashback is one of my favorite games of all time and I can tell you it sounds nothing like this normally. I don't know that I necessarily think it sounds better but it's most definitely noticeably different. EDIT: And Secret of Mana: I cringed several times watching this. Can't say I'm a fan of the changes to this one. I really like the normal soundtrack though so maybe it's just bias, I dunno. Quote
Zombeaver Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 I've been listening to a few others. Results kinda vary from game to game. The Chrono Trigger one actually sounds pretty great though - definitely my favorite among the ones I've heard so far. I'm probably going to try that one out tonight. It's been a few years since I played through it so this'll give me an excuse to do it again. I kinda felt the same way about some DOS games when I started using Munt (MT-32 emulator). Some games benefit immensely from it (early Sierra games especially) and some just sound weird/wrong, but it makes it feel completely different either way. Quote
RAG Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 @tony971, I was having some trouble launching HIGAN in full screen mode via Launch Box. I Know you didn't create the topic for this, but can you help me out? haha Quote
Lordmonkus Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 @ZombeaverYes, using the bml file does work in some cases but not all for some reason. I think it has to do with either the patch used on the rom itself or the bml structure. Most of the games I have work fine loading the bml file in Retroarch but there are some that do not work this way and I use BSnes v0.88 loading the patched rom itself. @DOS76I like the way it improves the music and think it's a big upgrade in most cases. @RAGUse the command line parameter --fullscreen 1 Quote
Zombeaver Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 4 minutes ago, lordmonkus said: Yes, using the bml file does work in some cases but not all for some reason. I think it has to do with either the patch used on the rom itself or the bml structure. Most of the games I have work fine loading the bml file in Retroarch but there are some that do not work this way and I use BSnes v0.88 loading the patched rom itself. Hmm... interesting. I went home on my lunch break and tested out Chrono Trigger and it was working great with the .bml. I just added it as an additional app to my existing Chrono Trigger entry, told it to "use the emulator", and named it Chrono Trigger (MPU-1). I use the BSNES-Mercury Accuracy core. I'm wondering if maybe the ones that don't work have erroneous data in the .bml files - it seems like they're basically serving the same purpose as .cue sheets for CD games - maybe they can present the same issues like being directed to erroneous/nonexistant files/folders. I opened up the Chrono Trigger one and it consisted mostly of track file names. Have you taken a look at any of the ones that aren't working to see if anything looks weird? Spoiler unverified cartridge region=NTSC rom name=chrono_msu1.sfc size=0x400000 ram name=save.ram size=0x2000 map id=rom address=00-3f,80-bf:8000-ffff map id=rom address=40-7f,c0-ff:0000-ffff map id=ram address=10-3f,90-bf:6000-7fff mask=0xe000 msu1 rom name=chrono_msu1.msu size=0x0000 map id=io address=00-3f,80-bf:2000-2007 track number=1 name=chrono_msu1-1.pcm track number=2 name=chrono_msu1-2.pcm track number=3 name=chrono_msu1-3.pcm track number=4 name=chrono_msu1-4.pcm track number=5 name=chrono_msu1-5.pcm track number=6 name=chrono_msu1-6.pcm track number=7 name=chrono_msu1-7.pcm track number=8 name=chrono_msu1-8.pcm track number=9 name=chrono_msu1-9.pcm track number=10 name=chrono_msu1-10.pcm track number=11 name=chrono_msu1-11.pcm track number=12 name=chrono_msu1-12.pcm track number=13 name=chrono_msu1-13.pcm track number=14 name=chrono_msu1-14.pcm track number=15 name=chrono_msu1-15.pcm track number=16 name=chrono_msu1-16.pcm track number=19 name=chrono_msu1-19.pcm track number=20 name=chrono_msu1-20.pcm track number=21 name=chrono_msu1-21.pcm track number=22 name=chrono_msu1-22.pcm track number=23 name=chrono_msu1-23.pcm track number=24 name=chrono_msu1-24.pcm track number=27 name=chrono_msu1-27.pcm track number=28 name=chrono_msu1-28.pcm track number=29 name=chrono_msu1-29.pcm track number=30 name=chrono_msu1-30.pcm track number=31 name=chrono_msu1-31.pcm track number=35 name=chrono_msu1-35.pcm track number=36 name=chrono_msu1-36.pcm track number=37 name=chrono_msu1-37.pcm track number=38 name=chrono_msu1-38.pcm track number=39 name=chrono_msu1-39.pcm track number=40 name=chrono_msu1-40.pcm track number=41 name=chrono_msu1-41.pcm track number=42 name=chrono_msu1-42.pcm track number=43 name=chrono_msu1-43.pcm track number=44 name=chrono_msu1-44.pcm track number=45 name=chrono_msu1-45.pcm track number=46 name=chrono_msu1-46.pcm track number=47 name=chrono_msu1-47.pcm track number=48 name=chrono_msu1-48.pcm track number=49 name=chrono_msu1-49.pcm track number=50 name=chrono_msu1-50.pcm track number=51 name=chrono_msu1-51.pcm track number=54 name=chrono_msu1-54.pcm track number=56 name=chrono_msu1-56.pcm track number=57 name=chrono_msu1-57.pcm track number=59 name=chrono_msu1-59.pcm track number=60 name=chrono_msu1-60.pcm track number=61 name=chrono_msu1-61.pcm track number=62 name=chrono_msu1-62.pcm track number=63 name=chrono_msu1-63.pcm track number=64 name=chrono_msu1-64.pcm track number=66 name=chrono_msu1-66.pcm track number=68 name=chrono_msu1-68.pcm track number=70 name=chrono_msu1-70.pcm track number=72 name=chrono_msu1-72.pcm track number=73 name=chrono_msu1-73.pcm track number=77 name=chrono_msu1-77.pcm track number=78 name=chrono_msu1-78.pcm track number=80 name=chrono_msu1-80.pcm track number=84 name=chrono_msu1-84.pcm information title: chrono_msu1 Quote
Lordmonkus Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 Yeah Chrono Trigger works with the .bml file. Of the 13 msu-1 enhanced games I have in my collection 9 of them work using the .bml through Retroarch. The other 4 go through BSnes v.088, other versions of BSnes have varying degrees of success. I don't have a full collection since I really don't care about F-Zero and Top Gear for the SNES. It's definitely something to do with the .bml structure though. I found this thread over on Byuus forums I am getting to a point where I just have to accept that this is gonna be one of those things where we just have to accept what we get and be done with it. Either way it would be nice to have Launchbox be able to load those weird "folder roms" that Higan generates as roms to accomodate Higan properly. Quote
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