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That's what I thought.

I'm trying to actually get this new version to work and so far no luck getting it to load a cdi image. Not sure if it's just me since it has been a while since I actually setup Demul or if it's something else.


Got it working now, it was just me forgetting how to do it right.

Edit #2:

Looks like old Atomiswave bios and roms do not work with this new emulator, need newer dumps.

Edit #3:

Nevermind about the bios and roms, im a tard and had to relearn how to set this all up for Dreamcast and Atomiswave stuff.


This is from the forum I posted above.

Demul v0.7 alpha 160814

- fixed hang in KalistiOS based games with DC keyboard controller
- fixed hang in some WinCE games if VMU present
- better Dev.Box emulation
- patches for Cycraft InitialD and ClubKart (boots, but not yet playable)
- better aspect correction and filtering for Cave CV1000
- InitialD, ClubKart and Derby Owners magnetic card readers emulated (press PUSH6 key then game ask insert/take card)
- fixed Marvel vs Capcom 2 character pictures during intro
- ClubKart2003 input fixes
- WWF Royal Rumble 4 players inputs
- NAOMI DIMM Board emulated
- added recently dumped NAOMI and Atomiswave sets
- romset in sync with MAME
- bunch of minor things not worth mention

Demul v0.7 alpha 160816

- fix current LBA after Mil-CD security check

- поправлен текущий LBA после проверки Mil-CD (пьерсоляр и компания снова работают)

Demul v0.7 alpha 160818

- ADPCM decoder tweaks (thanks kode54 for info)


Yeah so far from my quick testing i'm not seeing any differences but then again I haven't tested much and everything I had before seemed to work just fine and what I have isn't a big collection to test. So I am sure someone will find something.


Hmm... the changes don't sound too major... especially considering the span since the last update. How about "Improved audio to not be semi-crap"? That's been my number one complaint for some time now. It runs pretty fast/well in general if you have a decent machine and it's certainly more accurate than NullDC (though still imperfect, of course) but the sound, specifically, is a good deal worse than NullDC. The note about "ADPCM decoder tweaks" could have some impact on it but I kindof doubt it. It's pretty vague too...


I agree that any positive change is a good one, but not all improvements are created equal either. There are still plenty of issues with Demul that have been issues since the beginning, some of which seem like they should be pretty pressing. After a year of silence, I would have expected something a bit more dramatic.

There's nothing wrong with criticism. In fact, I would go as far as to say that blowing smoke, by contrast, is actively detrimental. The fact that it's an emulator I use, am interested in, and have actively followed for some time now  (and regularly recommend, by the way) doesn't mean that I'm gonna gush over them after a year of waiting because "We improved some random kart racer". I'm not saying there's anything wrong with fixing said random kart racer, I'm saying that between fixing a random kart racer and addressing some of the major issues that affect literally every game, it's a bit of an odd choice.

I don't pull punches, period. It doesn't help anybody. I don't say this stuff to be a hateful, vindictive prick - I do it because I care about it and want to see it improve.

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The way I look at it is that when people just go along gleefully with this sort of thing it sends the message to the developer that "Yes, this is the kind of progress your userbase wants. Keep doing what you're doing, don't worry about the fire burning over there. It's fine."

What if 50% of the people who used LB/BB had a critical crashing problem that was persistent, repeatable, and unavoidable by their own means, and then Jason went dark for a year, and after that period he showed up and said "Hey guys! I'm really excited to let you know about a new feature I've implemented that allows you to transform all of your game music...into Kazoo tracks! Isn't that awesome?!"

...don't you think it'd be pretty reasonable at point to say "Uh...what?"

Sorry to be a dark cloud xD


Trust me I'm not at all a shiny happy person walking around with his head in the clouds unless the clouds are of my making so I understand criticism has a valuable place but with the devs of the emulators though usually users complaining on a forum they may not be involved in isn't going to influence what said devs are going to do anyway


Well yes and no. Granted, it's not likely to be their first stop, but let's be clear - these are forums for a piece of software specifically designed to be used in conjunction with emulators. There have been multiple, separate occasions where I've googled various emulation-related issues/topics and the LB forums were among the first results (and LB was in no way part of the query). It's not exactly out of place here. I understand what you're saying though.

In my defense, I can tell you that I actually have posted on their own forums and it was completely fruitless/unhelpful; probably in no small part because I don't think English is the native language of anyone on the team.


No doubt on that I've searched for things only to have the top results be my own post sometimes or ones that I am already familiar with from the forums so yeah you have a point about that if they are searching about their software they may very well see the results from this site. Does Google use some type of analytic that know we go to that site so it feeds us those results?

1 minute ago, DOS76 said:

Does Google use some type of analytic that know we go to that site so it feeds us those results?

I've actually wondered about that myself haha. It's certainly is possible. I'm no expert on such things so I usually just shrug it off as serendipity :D


Nope, not typically. Typically the results you see in Google are the same for everyone, at least the ones outside of the ads. You can test it just by opening up Internet Explorer (which I'm betting no one here actually uses) and performing the same search. You'll see largely the exact same results.

We get results from Google mostly because we're just the best source of info for many emulation topics. :)

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Huzzah! :D

I'm actually really glad to hear that. I'm proud that we've got such a knowledgeable and insightful bunch of folks 'round these parts. I used to frequent /r/emulation but all I ever see over there anymore is "Hey, here's the 9000th video of Cemu ^_^" so I don't bother anymore. :P

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